1 | Statistical Learning and Inverse Problems: A Stochastic Gradient Approach | 6.67 | | Accept |
2 | Efficiency Ordering of Stochastic Gradient Descent | 6.25 | | Accept |
3 | Self-Aware Personalized Federated Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
4 | Nonnegative Tensor Completion via Integer Optimization | 6.33 | | Accept |
5 | TPU-KNN: K Nearest Neighbor Search at Peak FLOP/s | 5.75 | | Accept |
6 | Equivariant Networks for Crystal Structures | 5.67 | | Accept |
7 | Gradient Descent Is Optimal Under Lower Restricted Secant Inequality And Upper Error Bound | 6.50 | | Accept |
8 | Decoupled Context Processing for Context Augmented Language Modeling | 5.67 | | Accept |
9 | Planning to the Information Horizon of BAMDPs via Epistemic State Abstraction | 6.25 | | Accept |
10 | Trust Region Policy Optimization with Optimal Transport Discrepancies: Duality and Algorithm for Continuous Actions | 6.00 | | Accept |
11 | Modeling Transitivity and Cyclicity in Directed Graphs via Binary Code Box Embeddings | 5.33 | | Accept |
12 | Simple and Optimal Greedy Online Contention Resolution Schemes | 5.50 | | Accept |
13 | Evaluating Latent Space Robustness and Uncertainty of EEG-ML Models under Realistic Distribution Shifts | 5.25 | | Accept |
14 | COLD Decoding: Energy-based Constrained Text Generation with Langevin Dynamics | 7.25 | | Accept |
15 | From Gradient Flow on Population Loss to Learning with Stochastic Gradient Descent | 6.25 | | Accept |
16 | Fast Neural Kernel Embeddings for General Activations | 6.50 | | Accept |
17 | On Reinforcement Learning and Distribution Matching for Fine-Tuning Language Models with no Catastrophic Forgetting | 6.67 | | Accept |
18 | Provably tuning the ElasticNet across instances | 6.67 | | Accept |
19 | LAMP: Extracting Text from Gradients with Language Model Priors | 6.33 | | Accept |
20 | ELIGN: Expectation Alignment as a Multi-Agent Intrinsic Reward | 5.80 | | Accept |
21 | Explicable Policy Search | 5.20 | | Accept |
22 | A Practical, Progressively-Expressive GNN | 5.75 | | Accept |
23 | The Impact of Task Underspecification in Evaluating Deep Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
24 | Chaotic Dynamics are Intrinsic to Neural Network Training with SGD | 5.00 | | Accept |
25 | A PAC-Bayesian Generalization Bound for Equivariant Networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
26 | Autoregressive Perturbations for Data Poisoning | 6.00 | | Accept |
27 | Near-Optimal No-Regret Learning Dynamics for General Convex Games | 6.50 | | Accept |
28 | Learning the Structure of Large Networked Systems Obeying Conservation Laws | 6.00 | | Accept |
29 | Neural Payoff Machines: Predicting Fair and Stable Payoff Allocations Among Team Members | 5.33 | | Accept |
30 | Implicit Neural Representations with Levels-of-Experts | 6.75 | | Accept |
31 | LieGG: Studying Learned Lie Group Generators | 6.33 | | Accept |
32 | Local Bayesian optimization via maximizing probability of descent | 7.00 | | Accept |
33 | A Closer Look at Learned Optimization: Stability, Robustness, and Inductive Biases | 6.25 | | Accept |
34 | Empirical Gateaux Derivatives for Causal Inference | 5.67 | | Accept |
35 | Adaptive Interest for Emphatic Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
36 | Human-Robotic Prosthesis as Collaborating Agents for Symmetrical Walking | 6.00 | | Accept |
37 | Uni[MASK]: Unified Inference in Sequential Decision Problems | 8.00 | | Accept |
38 | Leveraging the Hints: Adaptive Bidding in Repeated First-Price Auctions | 6.75 | | Accept |
39 | ReCo: Retrieve and Co-segment for Zero-shot Transfer | 5.00 | | Accept |
40 | Boosting the Performance of Generic Deep Neural Network Frameworks with Log-supermodular CRFs | 5.67 | | Accept |
41 | End-to-end Stochastic Optimization with Energy-based Model | 6.25 | | Accept |
42 | Context-enriched molecule representations improve few-shot drug discovery | 5.33 | | Reject |
43 | EAGER: Asking and Answering Questions for Automatic Reward Shaping in Language-guided RL | 6.00 | | Accept |
44 | A Causal Analysis of Harm | 5.20 | | Accept |
45 | The Slingshot Mechanism: An Empirical Study of Adaptive Optimizers and the \emph{Grokking Phenomenon} | 5.33 | | Reject |
46 | On-Demand Sampling: Learning Optimally from Multiple Distributions | 7.25 | | Accept |
47 | Logical Activation Functions: Logit-space equivalents of Probabilistic Boolean Operators | 6.67 | | Accept |
48 | Dynamic pricing and assortment under a contextual MNL demand | 5.67 | | Accept |
49 | Off-Team Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
50 | A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Column Generation | 5.75 | | Accept |
51 | Sublinear Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering | 6.00 | | Accept |
52 | A Few Expert Queries Suffices for Sample-Efficient RL with Resets and Linear Value Approximation | 6.25 | | Accept |
53 | Certifying Some Distributional Fairness with Subpopulation Decomposition | 6.33 | | Accept |
54 | Accelerating Certified Robustness Training via Knowledge Transfer | 5.75 | | Accept |
55 | Fairness in Federated Learning via Core-Stability | 6.67 | | Accept |
56 | Learning NP-Hard Multi-Agent Assignment Planning using GNN: Inference on a Random Graph and Provable Auction-Fitted Q-learning | 4.67 | | Accept |
57 | Memory safe computations with XLA compiler | 6.00 | | Accept |
58 | A Communication-efficient Algorithm with Linear Convergence for Federated Minimax Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
59 | On Efficient Online Imitation Learning via Classification | 6.50 | | Accept |
60 | AMP: Automatically Finding Model Parallel Strategies with Heterogeneity Awareness | 5.75 | | Accept |
61 | Nonstationary Dual Averaging and Online Fair Allocation | 5.75 | | Accept |
62 | New Definitions and Evaluations for Saliency Methods: Staying Intrinsic, Complete and Sound | 7.25 | | Accept |
63 | A Unified Framework for Deep Symbolic Regression | 5.67 | | Accept |
64 | Pitfalls of Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification through Loss Minimisation | 6.75 | | Accept |
65 | Best of Both Worlds Model Selection | 6.67 | | Accept |
66 | Structuring Representations Using Group Invariants | 6.25 | | Accept |
67 | The Query Complexity of Cake Cutting | 6.00 | | Accept |
68 | Structural Pruning via Latency-Saliency Knapsack | 5.75 | | Accept |
69 | Subgame Solving in Adversarial Team Games | 5.00 | | Accept |
70 | Multi-Game Decision Transformers | 7.00 | | Accept |
71 | Parameter-free Regret in High Probability with Heavy Tails | 5.33 | | Accept |
72 | Learning to Compare Nodes in Branch and Bound with Graph Neural Networks | 3.67 | | Accept |
73 | Communication Acceleration of Local Gradient Methods via an Accelerated Primal-Dual Algorithm with an Inexact Prox | 6.25 | | Accept |
74 | On the detrimental effect of invariances in the likelihood for variational inference | 5.50 | | Accept |
75 | BayesPCN: A Continually Learnable Predictive Coding Associative Memory | 4.75 | | Accept |
76 | Robustness to Unbounded Smoothness of Generalized SignSGD | 6.00 | | Accept |
77 | Generalization for multiclass classification with overparameterized linear models | 6.25 | | Accept |
78 | Finite-Sample Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Location | 6.25 | | Accept |
79 | Graphein - a Python Library for Geometric Deep Learning and Network Analysis on Biomolecular Structures and Interaction Networks | 6.75 | | Accept |
80 | Root Cause Analysis of Failures in Microservices through Causal Discovery | 4.00 | | Accept |
81 | Robust Model Selection and Nearly-Proper Learning for GMMs | 7.00 | | Accept |
82 | Explain My Surprise: Learning Efficient Long-Term Memory by predicting uncertain outcomes | 5.00 | | Accept |
83 | Structural Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection | 6.50 | | Accept |
84 | Exploring the Latent Space of Autoencoders with Interventional Assays | 6.67 | | Accept |
85 | Performative Power | 7.00 | | Accept |
86 | Debiased Machine Learning without Sample-Splitting for Stable Estimators | 5.33 | | Accept |
87 | HyperTree Proof Search for Neural Theorem Proving | 5.00 | | Accept |
88 | Spherical Channels for Modeling Atomic Interactions | 5.00 | | Accept |
89 | Chroma-VAE: Mitigating Shortcut Learning with Generative Classifiers | 6.25 | | Accept |
90 | VisCo Grids: Surface Reconstruction with Viscosity and Coarea Grids | 4.75 | | Accept |
91 | Learning Probabilistic Models from Generator Latent Spaces with Hat EBM | 6.00 | | Accept |
92 | On the Effectiveness of Fine-tuning Versus Meta-reinforcement Learning | 4.67 | | Accept |
93 | SatMAE: Pre-training Transformers for Temporal and Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery | 5.75 | | Accept |
94 | Maximizing and Satisficing in Multi-armed Bandits with Graph Information | 7.00 | | Accept |
95 | $k$-Sliced Mutual Information: A Quantitative Study of Scalability with Dimension | 4.33 | | Accept |
96 | Distinguishing discrete and continuous behavioral variability using warped autoregressive HMMs | 6.67 | | Accept |
97 | Analyzing Data-Centric Properties for Graph Contrastive Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
98 | Combining Implicit and Explicit Regularization for Efficient Learning in Deep Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
99 | WebShop: Towards Scalable Real-World Web Interaction with Grounded Language Agents | 6.33 | | Accept |
100 | On Infinite Separations Between Simple and Optimal Mechanisms | 5.75 | | Accept |
101 | IMED-RL: Regret optimal learning of ergodic Markov decision processes | 6.33 | | Accept |
102 | Semantic Probabilistic Layers for Neuro-Symbolic Learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
103 | Adversarial training for high-stakes reliability | 6.67 | | Accept |
104 | Provable Defense against Backdoor Policies in Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
105 | Defining and Characterizing Reward Gaming | 6.25 | | Accept |
106 | A Unified Framework for Alternating Offline Model Training and Policy Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
107 | S4ND: Modeling Images and Videos as Multidimensional Signals with State Spaces | 7.00 | | Accept |
108 | JAWS: Auditing Predictive Uncertainty Under Covariate Shift | 5.50 | | Accept |
109 | Disentangling Transfer in Continual Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
110 | List-Decodable Sparse Mean Estimation via Difference-of-Pairs Filtering | 7.67 | | Accept |
111 | Finite-Time Last-Iterate Convergence for Learning in Multi-Player Games | 7.25 | | Accept |
112 | Normalizing Flows for Knockoff-free Controlled Feature Selection | 6.00 | | Accept |
113 | Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback | 6.50 | | Accept |
114 | Efficiently Factorizing Boolean Matrices using Proximal Gradient Descent | 5.67 | | Accept |
115 | Robust Anytime Learning of Markov Decision Processes | 5.33 | | Accept |
116 | Neural Topological Ordering for Computation Graphs | 6.33 | | Accept |
117 | Benign, Tempered, or Catastrophic: Toward a Refined Taxonomy of Overfitting | 6.00 | | Accept |
118 | Evident: a Development Methodology and a Knowledge Base Topology for Data Mining, Machine Learning and General Knowledge Management | 2.67 | | Reject |
119 | Characterizing Datapoints via Second-Split Forgetting | 7.25 | | Accept |
120 | Regret Bounds for Multilabel Classification in Sparse Label Regimes | 6.67 | | Accept |
121 | Resolving the data ambiguity for periodic crystals | 5.33 | | Accept |
122 | The Power and Limitation of Pretraining-Finetuning for Linear Regression under Covariate Shift | 5.75 | | Accept |
123 | Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training For Time Series via Time-Frequency Consistency | 7.00 | | Accept |
124 | Exact learning dynamics of deep linear networks with prior knowledge | 6.75 | | Accept |
125 | Automatic Differentiation of Programs with Discrete Randomness | 6.50 | | Accept |
126 | Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning with Contrastive Intrinsic Control | 5.33 | | Accept |
127 | Prompt Certified Machine Unlearning with Randomized Gradient Smoothing and Quantization | 6.33 | | Accept |
128 | Do Current Multi-Task Optimization Methods in Deep Learning Even Help? | 6.67 | | Accept |
129 | Instance-optimal PAC Algorithms for Contextual Bandits | 6.00 | | Accept |
130 | Thinned random measures for sparse graphs with overlapping communities | 5.33 | | Accept |
131 | Cryptographic Hardness of Learning Halfspaces with Massart Noise | 7.25 | | Accept |
132 | Hyperparameter Sensitivity in Deep Outlier Detection: Analysis and a Scalable Hyper-Ensemble Solution | 6.00 | | Accept |
133 | Adversarial Auto-Augment with Label Preservation: A Representation Learning Principle Guided Approach | 5.50 | | Accept |
134 | Efficient Sequence Packing without Cross-contamination: Accelerating Large Language Models without Impacting Performance | 5.33 | | Reject |
135 | Hybrid Neural Autoencoders for Stimulus Encoding in Visual and Other Sensory Neuroprostheses | 7.00 | | Accept |
136 | The Franz-Parisi Criterion and Computational Trade-offs in High Dimensional Statistics | 7.33 | | Accept |
137 | Toward Efficient Robust Training against Union of $\ell_p$ Threat Models | 5.75 | | Accept |
138 | On the Parameterization and Initialization of Diagonal State Space Models | 6.50 | | Accept |
139 | Coreset for Line-Sets Clustering | 6.33 | | Accept |
140 | Multitasking Models are Robust to Structural Failure: A Neural Model for Bilingual Cognitive Reserve | 6.00 | | Accept |
141 | On Learning and Refutation in Noninteractive Local Differential Privacy | 7.00 | | Accept |
142 | Learning to Follow Instructions in Text-Based Games | 5.50 | | Accept |
143 | Non-Convex Bilevel Games with Critical Point Selection Maps | 5.25 | | Accept |
144 | Differentially Private Generalized Linear Models Revisited | 6.67 | | Accept |
145 | Autoformalization with Large Language Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
146 | The Role of Baselines in Policy Gradient Optimization | 5.50 | | Accept |
147 | Learning Mixed Multinomial Logits with Provable Guarantees | 6.25 | | Accept |
148 | Phase transitions in when feedback is useful | 6.75 | | Accept |
149 | OOD Link Prediction Generalization Capabilities of Message-Passing GNNs in Larger Test Graphs | 5.75 | | Accept |
150 | Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning of Partially Observable Markov Games | 5.25 | | Accept |
151 | Collaborative Learning of Discrete Distributions under Heterogeneity and Communication Constraints | 6.00 | | Accept |
152 | On Uncertainty, Tempering, and Data Augmentation in Bayesian Classification | 6.75 | | Accept |
153 | Marksman Backdoor: Backdoor Attacks with Arbitrary Target Class | 5.00 | | Accept |
154 | MABSplit: Faster Forest Training Using Multi-Armed Bandits | 6.00 | | Accept |
155 | The Missing Invariance Principle found -- the Reciprocal Twin of Invariant Risk Minimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
156 | LST: Ladder Side-Tuning for Parameter and Memory Efficient Transfer Learning | 4.25 | | Accept |
157 | On Feature Learning in the Presence of Spurious Correlations | 6.67 | | Accept |
158 | Learning Concept Credible Models for Mitigating Shortcuts | 6.00 | | Accept |
159 | Peer Prediction for Learning Agents | 5.75 | | Accept |
160 | Mean Estimation with User-level Privacy under Data Heterogeneity | 6.75 | | Accept |
161 | CryptoGCN: Fast and Scalable Homomorphically Encrypted Graph Convolutional Network Inference | 6.00 | | Accept |
162 | Tight Analysis of Extra-gradient and Optimistic Gradient Methods For Nonconvex Minimax Problems | 6.25 | | Accept |
163 | Efficient coding, channel capacity, and the emergence of retinal mosaics | 6.75 | | Accept |
164 | Amortized Inference for Causal Structure Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
165 | Robust Neural Posterior Estimation and Statistical Model Criticism | 4.75 | | Accept |
166 | Expected Frequency Matrices of Elections: Computation, Geometry, and Preference Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
167 | Confident Approximate Policy Iteration for Efficient Local Planning in $q^\pi$-realizable MDPs | 6.33 | | Accept |
168 | Escaping from the Barren Plateau via Gaussian Initializations in Deep Variational Quantum Circuits | 6.50 | | Accept |
169 | ComENet: Towards Complete and Efficient Message Passing for 3D Molecular Graphs | 5.75 | | Accept |
170 | Fairness without Demographics through Knowledge Distillation | 5.33 | | Accept |
171 | Estimation of Entropy in Constant Space with Improved Sample Complexity | 6.00 | | Accept |
172 | Communication Efficient Distributed Learning for Kernelized Contextual Bandits | 5.75 | | Accept |
173 | Linear Label Ranking with Bounded Noise | 7.50 | | Accept |
174 | Data-Driven Conditional Robust Optimization | 7.33 | | Accept |
175 | Learning Tractable Probabilistic Models from Inconsistent Local Estimates | 6.00 | | Accept |
176 | Learning from a Sample in Online Algorithms | 7.00 | | Accept |
177 | (Optimal) Online Bipartite Matching with Degree Information | 6.00 | | Accept |
178 | Can Adversarial Training Be Manipulated By Non-Robust Features? | 5.50 | | Accept |
179 | A Fast Scale-Invariant Algorithm for Non-negative Least Squares with Non-negative Data | 6.50 | | Accept |
180 | When Does Differentially Private Learning Not Suffer in High Dimensions? | 7.00 | | Accept |
181 | Training stochastic stabilized supralinear networks by dynamics-neutral growth | 5.67 | | Accept |
182 | Sparse Fourier Backpropagation in Cryo-EM Reconstruction | 6.00 | | Accept |
183 | Not All Bits have Equal Value: Heterogeneous Precisions via Trainable Noise | 6.33 | | Accept |
184 | Detecting Abrupt Changes in Sequential Pairwise Comparison Data | 5.67 | | Accept |
185 | Uniqueness and Complexity of Inverse MDP Models | 4.00 | | Reject |
186 | Test-Time Prompt Tuning for Zero-Shot Generalization in Vision-Language Models | 5.75 | | Accept |
187 | When Combinatorial Thompson Sampling meets Approximation Regret | 6.00 | | Accept |
188 | Lifting Weak Supervision To Structured Prediction | 6.67 | | Accept |
189 | What is a Good Metric to Study Generalization of Minimax Learners? | 5.75 | | Accept |
190 | Learning Audio-Visual Dynamics Using Scene Graphs for Audio Source Separation | 6.00 | | Accept |
191 | Lost in Latent Space: Examining failures of disentangled models at combinatorial generalisation | 6.50 | | Accept |
192 | TVLT: Textless Vision-Language Transformer | 7.00 | | Accept |
193 | Unpacking Reward Shaping: Understanding the Benefits of Reward Engineering on Sample Complexity | 7.00 | | Accept |
194 | Distributed Optimization for Overparameterized Problems: Achieving Optimal Dimension Independent Communication Complexity | 6.00 | | Accept |
195 | Staircase Attention for Recurrent Processing of Sequences | 6.50 | | Accept |
196 | On Computing Probabilistic Explanations for Decision Trees | 6.33 | | Accept |
197 | Tensor Program Optimization with Probabilistic Programs | 5.75 | | Accept |
198 | A Multi-Resolution Framework for U-Nets with Applications to Hierarchical VAEs | 6.67 | | Accept |
199 | Instability and Local Minima in GAN Training with Kernel Discriminators | 6.00 | | Accept |
200 | Introspective Learning : A Two-Stage approach for Inference in Neural Networks | 5.00 | | Accept |
201 | MMRR: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection through Multi-Level Masking and Restoration with Refinement | 3.33 | | Reject |
202 | Formalizing Consistency and Coherence of Representation Learning | 5.33 | | Accept |
203 | CARD: Classification and Regression Diffusion Models | 5.25 | | Accept |
204 | Learning Modular Simulations for Homogeneous Systems | 6.67 | | Accept |
205 | Concept Embedding Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
206 | Online Learning and Pricing for Network Revenue Management with Reusable Resources | 5.50 | | Accept |
207 | MAgNet: Mesh Agnostic Neural PDE Solver | 5.67 | | Accept |
208 | Society of Agents: Regrets Bounds of Concurrent Thompson Sampling | 6.00 | | Accept |
209 | Exploring Length Generalization in Large Language Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
210 | Randomized Channel Shuffling: Minimal-Overhead Backdoor Attack Detection without Clean Datasets | 6.25 | | Accept |
211 | Towards Practical Few-shot Query Sets: Transductive Minimum Description Length Inference | 5.75 | | Accept |
212 | Differentially Private Graph Learning via Sensitivity-Bounded Personalized PageRank | 5.50 | | Accept |
213 | Generating Training Data with Language Models: Towards Zero-Shot Language Understanding | 5.67 | | Accept |
214 | Recurrent Memory Transformer | 6.00 | | Accept |
215 | Statistical, Robustness, and Computational Guarantees for Sliced Wasserstein Distances | 7.00 | | Accept |
216 | Collaborative Linear Bandits with Adversarial Agents: Near-Optimal Regret Bounds | 6.50 | | Accept |
217 | Neural Differential Equations for Learning to Program Neural Nets Through Continuous Learning Rules | 6.33 | | Accept |
218 | Operative dimensions in unconstrained connectivity of recurrent neural networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
219 | Multi-Class $H$-Consistency Bounds | 6.00 | | Accept |
220 | Biologically plausible solutions for spiking networks with efficient coding | 4.67 | | Accept |
221 | Improving Multi-Task Generalization via Regularizing Spurious Correlation | 6.75 | | Accept |
222 | Online Bipartite Matching with Advice: Tight Robustness-Consistency Tradeoffs for the Two-Stage Model | 6.75 | | Accept |
223 | Safety Guarantees for Neural Network Dynamic Systems via Stochastic Barrier Functions | 5.33 | | Accept |
224 | Zonotope Domains for Lagrangian Neural Network Verification | 6.00 | | Accept |
225 | Neural Set Function Extensions: Learning with Discrete Functions in High Dimensions | 7.00 | | Accept |
226 | Algorithms with Prediction Portfolios | 6.00 | | Accept |
227 | Pushing the limits of fairness impossibility: Who's the fairest of them all? | 6.33 | | Accept |
228 | Tsetlin Machine for Solving Contextual Bandit Problems | 5.00 | | Accept |
229 | Learning with convolution and pooling operations in kernel methods | 5.75 | | Accept |
230 | QUARK: Controllable Text Generation with Reinforced Unlearning | 7.50 | | Accept |
231 | Global Normalization for Streaming Speech Recognition in a Modular Framework | 6.50 | | Accept |
232 | Learning sparse features can lead to overfitting in neural networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
233 | Multi-fidelity Monte Carlo: a pseudo-marginal approach | 6.00 | | Accept |
234 | Turbocharging Solution Concepts: Solving NEs, CEs and CCEs with Neural Equilibrium Solvers | 7.00 | | Accept |
235 | Learning dynamics of deep linear networks with multiple pathways | 6.33 | | Accept |
236 | Fine-tuning language models to find agreement among humans with diverse preferences | 6.00 | | Accept |
237 | Parameters or Privacy: A Provable Tradeoff Between Overparameterization and Membership Inference | 6.00 | | Accept |
238 | Few-Shot Fast-Adaptive Anomaly Detection | 7.33 | | Accept |
239 | Transformer Memory as a Differentiable Search Index | 6.50 | | Accept |
240 | LOT: Layer-wise Orthogonal Training on Improving l2 Certified Robustness | 6.00 | | Accept |
241 | SAGDA: Achieving $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ Communication Complexity in Federated Min-Max Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
242 | Data Augmentation for Compositional Data: Advancing Predictive Models of the Microbiome | 6.67 | | Accept |
243 | Invariance-Aware Randomized Smoothing Certificates | 5.33 | | Accept |
244 | Deep Compression of Pre-trained Transformer Models | 7.33 | | Accept |
245 | Chaotic Regularization and Heavy-Tailed Limits for Deterministic Gradient Descent | 6.00 | | Accept |
246 | Task Discovery: Finding the Tasks that Neural Networks Generalize on | 7.00 | | Accept |
247 | Beyond neural scaling laws: beating power law scaling via data pruning | 8.00 | | Accept |
248 | Unsupervised Learning for Combinatorial Optimization with Principled Objective Relaxation | 5.50 | | Accept |
249 | GPT3.int8(): 8-bit Matrix Multiplication for Transformers at Scale | 5.75 | | Accept |
250 | The Mechanism of Prediction Head in Non-contrastive Self-supervised Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
251 | Learning low-dimensional generalizable natural features from retina using a U-net | 5.75 | | Accept |
252 | (De-)Randomized Smoothing for Decision Stump Ensembles | 6.00 | | Accept |
253 | Diffusion Visual Counterfactual Explanations | 6.25 | | Accept |
254 | ProtoVAE: A Trustworthy Self-Explainable Prototypical Variational Model | 6.00 | | Accept |
255 | Sketching based Representations for Robust Image Classification with Provable Guarantees | 5.33 | | Accept |
256 | Active Ranking without Strong Stochastic Transitivity | 6.67 | | Accept |
257 | Cross-Linked Unified Embedding for cross-modality representation learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
258 | Subgroup Robustness Grows On Trees: An Empirical Baseline Investigation | 5.33 | | Accept |
259 | Recursive Reinforcement Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
260 | Contrastive Adapters for Foundation Model Group Robustness | 6.67 | | Accept |
261 | Lottery Tickets on a Data Diet: Finding Initializations with Sparse Trainable Networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
262 | An empirical analysis of compute-optimal large language model training | 7.75 | | Accept |
263 | Dynamic Pricing with Monotonicity Constraint under Unknown Parametric Demand Model | 5.60 | | Accept |
264 | On the Effectiveness of Lipschitz-Driven Rehearsal in Continual Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
265 | An Algorithm for Learning Switched Linear Dynamics from Data | 5.75 | | Accept |
266 | Make Some Noise: Reliable and Efficient Single-Step Adversarial Training | 5.50 | | Accept |
267 | Shape And Structure Preserving Differential Privacy | 6.00 | | Accept |
268 | Forward-Backward Latent State Inference for Hidden Continuous-Time semi-Markov Chains | 6.25 | | Accept |
269 | Lifting the Information Ratio: An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Contextual Bandits | 6.33 | | Accept |
270 | How Sampling Impacts the Robustness of Stochastic Neural Networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
271 | Robust Reinforcement Learning using Offline Data | 5.50 | | Accept |
272 | Characterizing the Ventral Visual Stream with Response-Optimized Neural Encoding Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
273 | NOMAD: Nonlinear Manifold Decoders for Operator Learning | 6.40 | | Accept |
274 | Implications of Model Indeterminacy for Explanations of Automated Decisions | 7.00 | | Accept |
275 | Single Model Uncertainty Estimation via Stochastic Data Centering | 6.00 | | Accept |
276 | Pre-Train Your Loss: Easy Bayesian Transfer Learning with Informative Priors | 6.00 | | Accept |
277 | A Theoretical View on Sparsely Activated Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
278 | Deep Counterfactual Estimation with Categorical Background Variables | 5.50 | | Accept |
279 | Temporal Latent Bottleneck: Synthesis of Fast and Slow Processing Mechanisms in Sequence Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
280 | On the symmetries of the synchronization problem in Cryo-EM: Multi-Frequency Vector Diffusion Maps on the Projective Plane | 5.67 | | Accept |
281 | Towards Trustworthy Automatic Diagnosis Systems by Emulating Doctors' Reasoning with Deep Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
282 | Reinforcement Learning with Non-Exponential Discounting | 5.75 | | Accept |
283 | Algorithms and Hardness for Learning Linear Thresholds from Label Proportions | 6.00 | | Accept |
284 | MoCoDA: Model-based Counterfactual Data Augmentation | 6.75 | | Accept |
285 | Learning Optimal Flows for Non-Equilibrium Importance Sampling | 6.25 | | Accept |
286 | Residual Multiplicative Filter Networks for Multiscale Reconstruction | 6.00 | | Accept |
287 | On global convergence of ResNets: From finite to infinite width using linear parameterization | 4.67 | | Accept |
288 | Learning Robust Dynamics through Variational Sparse Gating | 5.75 | | Accept |
289 | A Theoretical Framework for Inference Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
290 | Deep Learning Methods for Proximal Inference via Maximum Moment Restriction | 6.67 | | Accept |
291 | Does GNN Pretraining Help Molecular Representation? | 5.60 | | Accept |
292 | Structure-Aware Image Segmentation with Homotopy Warping | 6.00 | | Accept |
293 | Enhanced Meta Reinforcement Learning via Demonstrations in Sparse Reward Environments | 6.33 | | Accept |
294 | DOPE: Doubly Optimistic and Pessimistic Exploration for Safe Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
295 | Incentivizing Combinatorial Bandit Exploration | 5.25 | | Accept |
296 | Near-optimal Distributional Reinforcement Learning towards Risk-sensitive Control | 5.75 | | Reject |
297 | A Simple Decentralized Cross-Entropy Method | 5.75 | | Accept |
298 | Structural Analysis of Branch-and-Cut and the Learnability of Gomory Mixed Integer Cuts | 8.00 | | Accept |
299 | Score-Based Generative Models Detect Manifolds | 5.75 | | Accept |
300 | Environment Diversification with Multi-head Neural Network for Invariant Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
301 | UnfoldML: Cost-Aware and Uncertainty-Based Dynamic 2D Prediction for Multi-Stage Classification | 4.75 | | Accept |
302 | Learning Enhanced Representation for Tabular Data via Neighborhood Propagation | 6.33 | | Accept |
303 | FiLM-Ensemble: Probabilistic Deep Learning via Feature-wise Linear Modulation | 5.25 | | Accept |
304 | Maximizing Revenue under Market Shrinkage and Market Uncertainty | 6.25 | | Accept |
305 | FP8 Quantization: The Power of the Exponent | 5.25 | | Accept |
306 | The Neural Covariance SDE: Shaped Infinite Depth-and-Width Networks at Initialization | 7.25 | | Accept |
307 | Toward Understanding Privileged Features Distillation in Learning-to-Rank | 5.75 | | Accept |
308 | Outlier-Robust Sparse Estimation via Non-Convex Optimization | 6.67 | | Accept |
309 | Neural Abstractions | 6.33 | | Accept |
310 | Analyzing Sharpness along GD Trajectory: Progressive Sharpening and Edge of Stability | 6.00 | | Accept |
311 | Template based Graph Neural Network with Optimal Transport Distances | 7.00 | | Accept |
312 | Single-pass Streaming Lower Bounds for Multi-armed Bandits Exploration with Instance-sensitive Sample Complexity | 6.75 | | Accept |
313 | Embrace the Gap: VAEs Perform Independent Mechanism Analysis | 6.33 | | Accept |
314 | Active Bayesian Causal Inference | 7.00 | | Accept |
315 | Learning Dense Object Descriptors from Multiple Views for Low-shot Category Generalization | 5.75 | | Accept |
316 | VisFIS: Visual Feature Importance Supervision with Right-for-the-Right-Reason Objectives | 5.67 | | Accept |
317 | Data augmentation for efficient learning from parametric experts | 5.75 | | Accept |
318 | A theory of weight distribution-constrained learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
319 | Average Sensitivity of Euclidean k-Clustering | 5.33 | | Accept |
320 | Visual correspondence-based explanations improve AI robustness and human-AI team accuracy | 5.50 | | Accept |
321 | Meta-Reward-Net: Implicitly Differentiable Reward Learning for Preference-based Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
322 | Flowification: Everything is a normalizing flow | 5.50 | | Accept |
323 | Asynchronous Actor-Critic for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.33 | | Accept |
324 | SQ Lower Bounds for Learning Single Neurons with Massart Noise | 6.00 | | Accept |
325 | Object Representations as Fixed Points: Training Iterative Refinement Algorithms with Implicit Differentiation | 6.50 | | Accept |
326 | Operator Splitting Value Iteration | 7.33 | | Accept |
327 | Discovering and Overcoming Limitations of Noise-engineered Data-free Knowledge Distillation | 5.33 | | Accept |
328 | Drawing out of Distribution with Neuro-Symbolic Generative Models | 5.25 | | Accept |
329 | Beyond Adult and COMPAS: Fair Multi-Class Prediction via Information Projection | 7.50 | | Accept |
330 | Batch size-invariance for policy optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
331 | Faster Linear Algebra for Distance Matrices | 7.67 | | Accept |
332 | CCCP is Frank-Wolfe in disguise | 6.00 | | Accept |
333 | Generalised Mutual Information for Discriminative Clustering | 5.67 | | Accept |
334 | Controlled Sparsity via Constrained Optimization or: How I Learned to Stop Tuning Penalties and Love Constraints | 6.75 | | Accept |
335 | Nonparametric Uncertainty Quantification for Single Deterministic Neural Network | 6.33 | | Accept |
336 | RNNs of RNNs: Recursive Construction of Stable Assemblies of Recurrent Neural Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
337 | Benchopt: Reproducible, efficient and collaborative optimization benchmarks | 6.00 | | Accept |
338 | Error Analysis of Tensor-Train Cross Approximation | 5.25 | | Accept |
339 | Adversarially Robust Learning with Tolerance | 5.50 | | Reject |
340 | Evaluation beyond Task Performance: Analyzing Concepts in AlphaZero in Hex | 5.00 | | Accept |
341 | Non-monotonic Resource Utilization in the Bandits with Knapsacks Problem | 6.33 | | Accept |
342 | Improved Differential Privacy for SGD via Optimal Private Linear Operators on Adaptive Streams | 6.33 | | Accept |
343 | Adversarial Robustness is at Odds with Lazy Training | 5.25 | | Accept |
344 | Faster Reinforcement Learning with Value Target Lower Bounding | 3.50 | | Reject |
345 | On the generalization of learning algorithms that do not converge | 5.75 | | Accept |
346 | Task-Free Continual Learning via Online Discrepancy Distance Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
347 | On Convergence of FedProx: Local Dissimilarity Invariant Bounds, Non-smoothness and Beyond | 6.75 | | Accept |
348 | Trajectory balance: Improved credit assignment in GFlowNets | 7.25 | | Accept |
349 | Are Defenses for Graph Neural Networks Robust? | 6.67 | | Accept |
350 | Information-Theoretic Safe Exploration with Gaussian Processes | 6.00 | | Accept |
351 | Evaluating Robustness to Dataset Shift via Parametric Robustness Sets | 6.25 | | Accept |
352 | Generative Time Series Forecasting with Diffusion, Denoise, and Disentanglement | 5.67 | | Accept |
353 | MorphTE: Injecting Morphology in Tensorized Embeddings | 6.67 | | Accept |
354 | Diffusion Models as Plug-and-Play Priors | 5.25 | | Accept |
355 | Capturing Graphs with Hypo-Elliptic Diffusions | 5.50 | | Accept |
356 | PAC Prediction Sets for Meta-Learning | 5.80 | | Accept |
357 | Supervised Training of Conditional Monge Maps | 6.40 | | Accept |
358 | Bridging Central and Local Differential Privacy in Data Acquisition Mechanisms | 5.75 | | Accept |
359 | Exploration-Guided Reward Shaping for Reinforcement Learning under Sparse Rewards | 5.33 | | Accept |
360 | Modular Flows: Differential Molecular Generation | 5.50 | | Accept |
361 | Provably Adversarially Robust Detection of Out-of-Distribution Data (Almost) for Free | 5.25 | | Accept |
362 | Anchor-Changing Regularized Natural Policy Gradient for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
363 | Self-Explaining Deviations for Coordination | 6.50 | | Accept |
364 | Overparameterization from Computational Constraints | 6.00 | | Accept |
365 | Quality Not Quantity: On the Interaction between Dataset Design and Robustness of CLIP | 7.00 | | Accept |
366 | Multi-Objective Deep Learning with Adaptive Reference Vectors | 5.40 | | Accept |
367 | Self-Supervised Learning Through Efference Copies | 5.50 | | Accept |
368 | Mesoscopic modeling of hidden spiking neurons | 7.00 | | Accept |
369 | Learning Interface Conditions in Domain Decomposition Solvers | 6.00 | | Accept |
370 | Private and Communication-Efficient Algorithms for Entropy Estimation | 5.67 | | Accept |
371 | Securing Secure Aggregation: Mitigating Multi-Round Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning | 6.25 | | Reject |
372 | Asymptotics of $\ell_2$ Regularized Network Embeddings | 6.25 | | Accept |
373 | K-LITE: Learning Transferable Visual Models with External Knowledge | 6.75 | | Accept |
374 | Kernel Multimodal Continuous Attention | 6.00 | | Accept |
375 | Continual Learning In Environments With Polynomial Mixing Times | 6.00 | | Accept |
376 | Stars: Tera-Scale Graph Building for Clustering and Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
377 | Multifidelity Reinforcement Learning with Control Variates | 5.67 | | Reject |
378 | Evaluated CMI Bounds for Meta Learning: Tightness and Expressiveness | 6.33 | | Accept |
379 | Graph Neural Networks are Dynamic Programmers | 5.67 | | Accept |
380 | On the Adversarial Robustness of Mixture of Experts | 5.50 | | Accept |
381 | Learning to Reconstruct Missing Data from Spatiotemporal Graphs with Sparse Observations | 6.00 | | Accept |
382 | A New Family of Generalization Bounds Using Samplewise Evaluated CMI | 6.50 | | Accept |
383 | CS-Shapley: Class-wise Shapley Values for Data Valuation in Classification | 5.50 | | Accept |
384 | Anonymous Bandits for Multi-User Systems | 6.75 | | Accept |
385 | Are Two Heads the Same as One? Identifying Disparate Treatment in Fair Neural Networks | 5.00 | | Accept |
386 | Tempo: Accelerating Transformer-Based Model Training through Memory Footprint Reduction | 5.50 | | Accept |
387 | Towards a Unified Framework for Uncertainty-aware Nonlinear Variable Selection with Theoretical Guarantees | 6.25 | | Accept |
388 | Proppo: a Message Passing Framework for Customizable and Composable Learning Algorithms | 4.00 | | Accept |
389 | EZNAS: Evolving Zero-Cost Proxies For Neural Architecture Scoring | 5.75 | | Accept |
390 | Benefits of Additive Noise in Composing Classes with Bounded Capacity | 6.67 | | Accept |
391 | Trimmed Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Robust Generalized Linear Model | 7.00 | | Accept |
392 | On the Stability and Scalability of Node Perturbation Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
393 | The Effects of Regularization and Data Augmentation are Class Dependent | 5.50 | | Accept |
394 | On the Effectiveness of Persistent Homology | 4.75 | | Accept |
395 | Log-Linear-Time Gaussian Processes Using Binary Tree Kernels | 6.25 | | Accept |
396 | Hypothesis Testing for Differentially Private Linear Regression | 6.50 | | Accept |
397 | BEER: Fast $O(1/T)$ Rate for Decentralized Nonconvex Optimization with Communication Compression | 6.00 | | Accept |
398 | GlanceNets: Interpretable, Leak-proof Concept-based Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
399 | Distributed Online Convex Optimization with Compressed Communication | 4.75 | | Accept |
400 | Contextual Dynamic Pricing with Unknown Noise: Explore-then-UCB Strategy and Improved Regrets | 6.00 | | Accept |
401 | Indicators of Attack Failure: Debugging and Improving Optimization of Adversarial Examples | 5.50 | | Accept |
402 | SoteriaFL: A Unified Framework for Private Federated Learning with Communication Compression | 6.33 | | Accept |
403 | Variable-rate hierarchical CPC leads to acoustic unit discovery in speech | 5.67 | | Accept |
404 | Hierarchical Agglomerative Graph Clustering in Poly-Logarithmic Depth | 6.00 | | Accept |
405 | Scalable and Efficient Non-adaptive Deterministic Group Testing | 5.25 | | Accept |
406 | Learning to Configure Computer Networks with Neural Algorithmic Reasoning | 6.00 | | Accept |
407 | Supervising the Multi-Fidelity Race of Hyperparameter Configurations | 7.00 | | Accept |
408 | Anytime-Valid Inference For Multinomial Count Data | 5.75 | | Accept |
409 | A Theoretical Study on Solving Continual Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
410 | Understanding Deep Contrastive Learning via Coordinate-wise Optimization | 7.00 | | Accept |
411 | Privacy Induces Robustness: Information-Computation Gaps and Sparse Mean Estimation | 6.67 | | Accept |
412 | The trade-offs of model size in large recommendation models : 100GB to 10MB Criteo-tb DLRM model | 5.67 | | Accept |
413 | Simple Unsupervised Object-Centric Learning for Complex and Naturalistic Videos | 5.75 | | Accept |
414 | Robustness to Label Noise Depends on the Shape of the Noise Distribution | 6.00 | | Accept |
415 | MACK: Multimodal Aligned Conceptual Knowledge for Unpaired Image-text Matching | 5.75 | | Accept |
416 | CogVideo: Large-scale Pretraining for Text-to-Video Generation via Transformers | 5.25 | | Reject |
417 | Intra-agent speech permits zero-shot task acquisition | 5.50 | | Accept |
418 | Neural Attentive Circuits | 6.33 | | Accept |
419 | Learning Physics Constrained Dynamics Using Autoencoders | 5.75 | | Accept |
420 | Near-Optimal Correlation Clustering with Privacy | 6.75 | | Accept |
421 | Stochastic Halpern Iteration with Variance Reduction for Stochastic Monotone Inclusions | 5.75 | | Accept |
422 | Augmenting Online Algorithms with $\varepsilon$-Accurate Predictions | 6.00 | | Accept |
423 | PALMER: Perception - Action Loop with Memory for Long-Horizon Planning | 6.50 | | Accept |
424 | DataMUX: Data Multiplexing for Neural Networks | 7.25 | | Accept |
425 | Learning (Very) Simple Generative Models Is Hard | 7.00 | | Accept |
426 | Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks Learn Succinct Learning Algorithms | 5.50 | | Accept |
427 | Assaying Out-Of-Distribution Generalization in Transfer Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
428 | Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Linear and Semidefinite Programming | 6.33 | | Accept |
429 | Trustworthy Monte Carlo | 5.25 | | Accept |
430 | Fair Rank Aggregation | 5.25 | | Accept |
431 | Holomorphic Equilibrium Propagation Computes Exact Gradients Through Finite Size Oscillations | 8.25 | | Accept |
432 | Active Learning with Safety Constraints | 4.00 | | Accept |
433 | A Boosting Approach to Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
434 | VaiPhy: a Variational Inference Based Algorithm for Phylogeny | 7.25 | | Accept |
435 | Curious Exploration via Structured World Models Yields Zero-Shot Object Manipulation | 7.00 | | Accept |
436 | Convexity Certificates from Hessians | 6.00 | | Accept |
437 | Envy-free Policy Teaching to Multiple Agents | 6.00 | | Accept |
438 | Finite Sample Analysis Of Dynamic Regression Parameter Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
439 | Learning to Navigate Wikipedia by Taking Random Walks | 5.33 | | Accept |
440 | Efficient and Stable Fully Dynamic Facility Location | 6.75 | | Accept |
441 | RISE: Robust Individualized Decision Learning with Sensitive Variables | 5.75 | | Accept |
442 | Adaptive Stochastic Variance Reduction for Non-convex Finite-Sum Minimization | 5.67 | | Accept |
443 | Invariance Learning in Deep Neural Networks with Differentiable Laplace Approximations | 6.67 | | Accept |
444 | Jump Self-attention: Capturing High-order Statistics in Transformers | 6.25 | | Accept |
445 | Predictive Coding beyond Gaussian Distributions | 6.25 | | Accept |
446 | Constrained GPI for Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
447 | Multi-agent Dynamic Algorithm Configuration | 6.75 | | Accept |
448 | An Adaptive Kernel Approach to Federated Learning of Heterogeneous Causal Effects | 6.25 | | Accept |
449 | DevFly: Bio-Inspired Development of Binary Connections for Locality Preserving Sparse Codes | 5.67 | | Accept |
450 | Monte Carlo Tree Search based Variable Selection for High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization | 6.80 | | Accept |
451 | Learning from Few Samples: Transformation-Invariant SVMs with Composition and Locality at Multiple Scales | 6.67 | | Accept |
452 | Recovering Private Text in Federated Learning of Language Models | 5.25 | | Accept |
453 | Improved Coresets for Euclidean $k$-Means | 5.50 | | Accept |
454 | Computational Doob h-transforms for Online Filtering of Discretely Observed Diffusions | 5.75 | | Reject |
455 | SPD domain-specific batch normalization to crack interpretable unsupervised domain adaptation in EEG | 7.25 | | Accept |
456 | Better SGD using Second-order Momentum | 6.33 | | Accept |
457 | Fairness for Workers Who Pull the Arms: An Index Based Policy for Allocation of Restless Bandit Tasks | 5.33 | | Reject |
458 | Archimedes Meets Privacy: On Privately Estimating Quantiles in High Dimensions Under Minimal Assumptions | 6.50 | | Accept |
459 | A Unified Hard-Constraint Framework for Solving Geometrically Complex PDEs | 5.75 | | Accept |
460 | PhysGNN: A Physics--Driven Graph Neural Network Based Model for Predicting Soft Tissue Deformation in Image--Guided Neurosurgery | 6.00 | | Accept |
461 | Rethinking Knowledge Graph Evaluation Under the Open-World Assumption | 6.50 | | Accept |
462 | Thor: Wielding Hammers to Integrate Language Models and Automated Theorem Provers | 7.33 | | Accept |
463 | Data-Efficient Pipeline for Offline Reinforcement Learning with Limited Data | 7.00 | | Accept |
464 | Diversity vs. Recognizability: Human-like generalization in one-shot generative models | 7.00 | | Accept |
465 | Where2comm: Communication-Efficient Collaborative Perception via Spatial Confidence Maps | 6.00 | | Accept |
466 | Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution | 6.67 | | Accept |
467 | The least-control principle for local learning at equilibrium | 7.50 | | Accept |
468 | Evolution of Neural Tangent Kernels under Benign and Adversarial Training | 6.25 | | Accept |
469 | Generalizing Consistent Multi-Class Classification with Rejection to be Compatible with Arbitrary Losses | 6.75 | | Accept |
470 | Addressing Leakage in Concept Bottleneck Models | 6.33 | | Accept |
471 | Contrastive and Non-Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning Recover Global and Local Spectral Embedding Methods | 5.75 | | Accept |
472 | Models of human preference for learning reward functions | 4.50 | | Reject |
473 | Deep Equilibrium Approaches to Diffusion Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
474 | Distributed Influence-Augmented Local Simulators for Parallel MARL in Large Networked Systems | 6.67 | | Accept |
475 | Neural Temporal Walks: Motif-Aware Representation Learning on Continuous-Time Dynamic Graphs | 6.33 | | Accept |
476 | AutoST: Towards the Universal Modeling of Spatio-temporal Sequences | 6.33 | | Accept |
477 | Estimating individual treatment effects under unobserved confounding using binary instruments | 6.33 | | Reject |
478 | Intrinsic dimensionality estimation using Normalizing Flows | 6.25 | | Accept |
479 | Neural Lyapunov Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems with Stability Guarantees | 6.33 | | Accept |
480 | Group Meritocratic Fairness in Linear Contextual Bandits | 6.25 | | Accept |
481 | Private Multiparty Perception for Navigation | 5.67 | | Accept |
482 | Scalable Multi-agent Covering Option Discovery based on Kronecker Graphs | 6.25 | | Accept |
483 | Beyond IID: data-driven decision-making in heterogeneous environments | 6.40 | | Accept |
484 | In Defense of the Unitary Scalarization for Deep Multi-Task Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
485 | The Gyro-Structure of Some Matrix Manifolds | 6.67 | | Accept |
486 | Controlling Confusion via Generalisation Bounds | 5.67 | | Reject |
487 | Effective Dimension in Bandit Problems under Censorship | 5.00 | | Accept |
488 | LAPO: Latent-Variable Advantage-Weighted Policy Optimization for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
489 | Augmented Deep Unrolling Networks for Snapshot Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging | 5.00 | | Reject |
490 | Luckiness in Multiscale Online Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
491 | On Kernelized Multi-Armed Bandits with Constraints | 5.75 | | Accept |
492 | Beyond Rewards: a Hierarchical Perspective on Offline Multiagent Behavioral Analysis | 6.75 | | Accept |
493 | Unsupervised Object Representation Learning using Translation and Rotation Group Equivariant VAE | 5.33 | | Accept |
494 | Unbiased Estimates for Multilabel Reductions of Extreme Classification with Missing Labels | 5.25 | | Reject |
495 | A Solver-free Framework for Scalable Learning in Neural ILP Architectures | 7.00 | | Accept |
496 | Better Best of Both Worlds Bounds for Bandits with Switching Costs | 6.50 | | Accept |
497 | SoLar: Sinkhorn Label Refinery for Imbalanced Partial-Label Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
498 | 3D Concept Grounding on Neural Fields | 6.50 | | Accept |
499 | Learning Dynamical Systems via Koopman Operator Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces | 6.25 | | Accept |
500 | Confident Adaptive Language Modeling | 7.50 | | Accept |
501 | Is Integer Arithmetic Enough for Deep Learning Training? | 6.25 | | Accept |
502 | A Unified Sequence Interface for Vision Tasks | 5.75 | | Accept |
503 | Semantic Exploration from Language Abstractions and Pretrained Representations | 5.75 | | Accept |
504 | Semantic uncertainty intervals for disentangled latent spaces | 5.00 | | Accept |
505 | Decomposable Non-Smooth Convex Optimization with Nearly-Linear Gradient Oracle Complexity | 6.00 | | Accept |
506 | Better Uncertainty Calibration via Proper Scores for Classification and Beyond | 6.67 | | Accept |
507 | Look where you look! Saliency-guided Q-networks for generalization in visual Reinforcement Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
508 | Multi-Lingual Acquisition on Multimodal Pre-training for Cross-modal Retrieval | 6.25 | | Accept |
509 | Learning Distributed and Fair Policies for Network Load Balancing as Markov Potential Game | 5.60 | | Accept |
510 | Robust Imitation of a Few Demonstrations with a Backwards Model | 5.67 | | Accept |
511 | Learning on Arbitrary Graph Topologies via Predictive Coding | 5.67 | | Accept |
512 | Efficient Graph Similarity Computation with Alignment Regularization | 5.67 | | Accept |
513 | Neural Estimation of Submodular Functions with Applications to Differentiable Subset Selection | 6.33 | | Accept |
514 | Probabilistic Transformer: Modelling Ambiguities and Distributions for RNA Folding and Molecule Design | 6.67 | | Accept |
515 | Polynomial-Time Optimal Equilibria with a Mediator in Extensive-Form Games | 5.50 | | Accept |
516 | Discovered Policy Optimisation | 6.00 | | Accept |
517 | Langevin Autoencoders for Learning Deep Latent Variable Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
518 | Risk-Driven Design of Perception Systems | 7.00 | | Accept |
519 | Training Scale-Invariant Neural Networks on the Sphere Can Happen in Three Regimes | 6.50 | | Accept |
520 | Highly Parallel Deep Ensemble Learning | 4.50 | | Reject |
521 | You Never Stop Dancing: Non-freezing Dance Generation via Bank-constrained Manifold Projection | 6.75 | | Accept |
522 | Regularized Molecular Conformation Fields | 6.50 | | Accept |
523 | A gradient sampling method with complexity guarantees for Lipschitz functions in high and low dimensions | 7.50 | | Accept |
524 | Decoupled Self-supervised Learning for Graphs | 6.25 | | Accept |
525 | Meta Reinforcement Learning with Finite Training Tasks - a Density Estimation Approach | 6.00 | | Accept |
526 | Exponentially Improving the Complexity of Simulating the Weisfeiler-Lehman Test with Graph Neural Networks | 5.67 | | Accept |
527 | Post-hoc estimators for learning to defer to an expert | 6.67 | | Accept |
528 | Personalized Federated Learning towards Communication Efficiency, Robustness and Fairness | 5.20 | | Accept |
529 | Bayesian Optimistic Optimization: Optimistic Exploration for Model-based Reinforcement Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
530 | Pre-trained Adversarial Perturbations | 5.50 | | Accept |
531 | A contrastive rule for meta-learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
532 | Finding Optimal Arms in Non-stochastic Combinatorial Bandits with Semi-bandit Feedback and Finite Budget | 6.33 | | Accept |
533 | Rate-Distortion Theoretic Bounds on Generalization Error for Distributed Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
534 | ReFactor GNNs: Revisiting Factorisation-based Models from a Message-Passing Perspective | 6.00 | | Accept |
535 | Local Metric Learning for Off-Policy Evaluation in Contextual Bandits with Continuous Actions | 6.20 | | Accept |
536 | Variance Reduced ProxSkip: Algorithm, Theory and Application to Federated Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
537 | Learning Neural Acoustic Fields | 7.25 | | Accept |
538 | Partial Identification of Treatment Effects with Implicit Generative Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
539 | ESCADA: Efficient Safety and Context Aware Dose Allocation for Precision Medicine | 5.75 | | Accept |
540 | A Data-Augmentation Is Worth A Thousand Samples: Analytical Moments And Sampling-Free Training | 6.25 | | Accept |
541 | Statistically Meaningful Approximation: a Case Study on Approximating Turing Machines with Transformers | 6.75 | | Accept |
542 | Grounded Video Situation Recognition | 6.25 | | Accept |
543 | Do Residual Neural Networks discretize Neural Ordinary Differential Equations? | 6.00 | | Accept |
544 | Information bottleneck theory of high-dimensional regression: relevancy, efficiency and optimality | 5.33 | | Accept |
545 | On the Representation Collapse of Sparse Mixture of Experts | 5.67 | | Accept |
546 | Certifying Robust Graph Classification under Orthogonal Gromov-Wasserstein Threats | 6.00 | | Accept |
547 | Decentralized Training of Foundation Models in Heterogeneous Environments | 7.67 | | Accept |
548 | Explicit Tradeoffs between Adversarial and Natural Distributional Robustness | 5.75 | | Accept |
549 | Escaping Saddle Points for Effective Generalization on Class-Imbalanced Data | 6.00 | | Accept |
550 | Randomized Sketches for Clustering: Fast and Optimal Kernel $k$-Means | 6.67 | | Accept |
551 | Learning Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics with Lagrangian Graph Neural Network | 5.75 | | Accept |
552 | Prompt Injection: Parameterization of Fixed Inputs | 6.33 | | Reject |
553 | A composable machine-learning approach for steady-state simulations on high-resolution grids | 6.33 | | Accept |
554 | Graph Learning Assisted Multi-Objective Integer Programming | 6.33 | | Accept |
555 | Disentangling the Predictive Variance of Deep Ensembles through the Neural Tangent Kernel | 7.00 | | Accept |
556 | Probing Classifiers are Unreliable for Concept Removal and Detection | 6.50 | | Accept |
557 | Learning to Scaffold: Optimizing Model Explanations for Teaching | 7.33 | | Accept |
558 | Public Wisdom Matters! Discourse-Aware Hyperbolic Fourier Co-Attention for Social Text Classification | 7.00 | | Accept |
559 | Positive-Unlabeled Learning using Random Forests via Recursive Greedy Risk Minimization | 6.25 | | Accept |
560 | Missing Data Imputation and Acquisition with Deep Hierarchical Models and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo | 6.00 | | Accept |
561 | RényiCL: Contrastive Representation Learning with Skew Rényi Divergence | 6.50 | | Accept |
562 | Fine-tuning Language Models over Slow Networks using Activation Quantization with Guarantees | 6.00 | | Accept |
563 | Benefits of Permutation-Equivariance in Auction Mechanisms | 5.75 | | Accept |
564 | Efficient Methods for Non-stationary Online Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
565 | Continuous MDP Homomorphisms and Homomorphic Policy Gradient | 7.00 | | Accept |
566 | Sustainable Online Reinforcement Learning for Auto-bidding | 6.67 | | Accept |
567 | Learning to Branch with Tree MDPs | 6.67 | | Accept |
568 | Learning Recourse on Instance Environment to Enhance Prediction Accuracy | 5.50 | | Accept |
569 | Sleeper Agent: Scalable Hidden Trigger Backdoors for Neural Networks Trained from Scratch | 6.25 | | Accept |
570 | Sparse Gaussian Process Hyperparameters: Optimize or Integrate? | 6.25 | | Accept |
571 | MCL-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks with Multiple Specialized Discriminators | 4.75 | | Accept |
572 | Relaxing Equivariance Constraints with Non-stationary Continuous Filters | 5.50 | | Accept |
573 | A general approximation lower bound in $L^p$ norm, with applications to feed-forward neural networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
574 | Generalization Bounds for Gradient Methods via Discrete and Continuous Prior | 5.50 | | Accept |
575 | Implicitly regularized interaction between SGD and the loss landscape geometry | 4.33 | | Reject |
576 | Function Classes for Identifiable Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis | 5.00 | | Accept |
577 | Tree ensemble kernels for Bayesian optimization with known constraints over mixed-feature spaces | 6.33 | | Accept |
578 | Anonymized Histograms in Intermediate Privacy Models | 6.50 | | Accept |
579 | Subquadratic Kronecker Regression with Applications to Tensor Decomposition | 7.00 | | Accept |
580 | CascadeXML: Rethinking Transformers for End-to-end Multi-resolution Training in Extreme Multi-label Classification | 6.50 | | Accept |
581 | Mathematically Modeling the Lexicon Entropy of Emergent Language | 4.00 | | Reject |
582 | Unsupervised Learning From Incomplete Measurements for Inverse Problems | 6.00 | | Accept |
583 | Support Recovery in Sparse PCA with Incomplete Data | 5.50 | | Accept |
584 | ULNeF: Untangled Layered Neural Fields for Mix-and-Match Virtual Try-On | 6.25 | | Accept |
585 | Private Isotonic Regression | 7.00 | | Accept |
586 | Real-Valued Backpropagation is Unsuitable for Complex-Valued Neural Networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
587 | Learning Partial Equivariances From Data | 5.67 | | Accept |
588 | A Variant of Anderson Mixing with Minimal Memory Size | 6.50 | | Accept |
589 | A hybrid approach to seismic deblending: when physics meets self-supervision | 4.50 | | Reject |
590 | Improved techniques for deterministic l2 robustness | 5.50 | | Accept |
591 | Augmented RBMLE-UCB Approach for Adaptive Control of Linear Quadratic Systems | 5.80 | | Accept |
592 | Optimizing Data Collection for Machine Learning | 5.33 | | Accept |
593 | On Sample Optimality in Personalized Collaborative and Federated Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
594 | Dual-discriminative Graph Neural Network for Imbalanced Graph-level Anomaly Detection | 6.50 | | Accept |
595 | Revisiting Populations in Multi-Agent Communication | 5.00 | | Reject |
596 | Sharper Convergence Guarantees for Asynchronous SGD for Distributed and Federated Learning | 7.33 | | Accept |
597 | Vision Transformers provably learn spatial structure | 4.50 | | Accept |
598 | Using Mixup as a Regularizer Can Surprisingly Improve Accuracy & Out-of-Distribution Robustness | 6.00 | | Accept |
599 | Unsupervised Adaptation from Repeated Traversals for Autonomous Driving | 5.25 | | Accept |
600 | General Cutting Planes for Bound-Propagation-Based Neural Network Verification | 6.33 | | Accept |
601 | Byzantine Spectral Ranking | 6.25 | | Accept |
602 | Low-Rank Modular Reinforcement Learning via Muscle Synergy | 6.67 | | Accept |
603 | CLOOB: Modern Hopfield Networks with InfoLOOB Outperform CLIP | 4.67 | | Accept |
604 | Learning on the Edge: Online Learning with Stochastic Feedback Graphs | 6.50 | | Accept |
605 | On Measuring Excess Capacity in Neural Networks | 6.33 | | Accept |
606 | Log-Concave and Multivariate Canonical Noise Distributions for Differential Privacy | 6.67 | | Accept |
607 | Bayesian Active Learning with Fully Bayesian Gaussian Processes | 6.00 | | Accept |
608 | The computational and learning benefits of Daleian neural networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
609 | Robust Streaming PCA | 6.25 | | Accept |
610 | Coincidence Detection Is All You Need | 1.67 | | Reject |
611 | A Reparametrization-Invariant Sharpness Measure Based on Information Geometry | 6.50 | | Accept |
612 | Disentangling Causal Effects from Sets of Interventions in the Presence of Unobserved Confounders | 5.75 | | Accept |
613 | Mask Matching Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation | 4.50 | | Accept |
614 | Adjoint-aided inference of Gaussian process driven differential equations | 5.50 | | Accept |
615 | Estimating the Arc Length of the Optimal ROC Curve and Lower Bounding the Maximal AUC | 5.75 | | Accept |
616 | Unsupervised Learning of Group Invariant and Equivariant Representations | 6.25 | | Accept |
617 | Bounding and Approximating Intersectional Fairness through Marginal Fairness | 5.67 | | Accept |
618 | BYOL-Explore: Exploration by Bootstrapped Prediction | 6.75 | | Accept |
619 | Meta-sketch: A Neural Data Structure for Estimating Item Frequencies of Data Streams | 6.00 | | Reject |
620 | Lipschitz Bandits with Batched Feedback | 6.25 | | Accept |
621 | NeuroSchedule: A Novel Effective GNN-based Scheduling Method for High-level Synthesis | 6.00 | | Accept |
622 | Quantized Training of Gradient Boosting Decision Trees | 6.00 | | Accept |
623 | On the difficulty of learning chaotic dynamics with RNNs | 7.50 | | Accept |
624 | Embracing Consistency: A One-Stage Approach for Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding | 6.00 | | Accept |
625 | Meta-ticket: Finding optimal subnetworks for few-shot learning within randomly initialized neural networks | 5.25 | | Accept |
626 | FR: Folded Rationalization with a Unified Encoder | 6.00 | | Accept |
627 | Generalization Properties of NAS under Activation and Skip Connection Search | 5.75 | | Accept |
628 | Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization by Adversarial Training with Structured Priors | 5.60 | | Accept |
629 | Batch Bayesian Optimization on Permutations using the Acquisition Weighted Kernel | 6.00 | | Accept |
630 | Optimal Weak to Strong Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
631 | Differentiable Rendering with Reparameterized Volume Sampling | 3.33 | | Reject |
632 | Principle Components Analysis based frameworks for efficient missing data imputation algorithms | 3.75 | | Reject |
633 | Sequential Information Design: Learning to Persuade in the Dark | 6.75 | | Accept |
634 | On Optimal Learning Under Targeted Data Poisoning | 6.50 | | Accept |
635 | Distilled Gradient Aggregation: Purify Features for Input Attribution in the Deep Neural Network | 5.50 | | Accept |
636 | Okapi: Generalising Better by Making Statistical Matches Match | 5.25 | | Accept |
637 | Accelerated Primal-Dual Gradient Method for Smooth and Convex-Concave Saddle-Point Problems with Bilinear Coupling | 7.25 | | Accept |
638 | Accelerating SGD for Highly Ill-Conditioned Huge-Scale Online Matrix Completion | 6.00 | | Accept |
639 | ShuffleMixer: An Efficient ConvNet for Image Super-Resolution | 4.75 | | Accept |
640 | BadPrompt: Backdoor Attacks on Continuous Prompts | 6.00 | | Accept |
641 | A Characterization of Semi-Supervised Adversarially Robust PAC Learnability | 6.50 | | Accept |
642 | The First Optimal Acceleration of High-Order Methods in Smooth Convex Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
643 | A Multilabel Classification Framework for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search | 5.00 | | Accept |
644 | Power and limitations of single-qubit native quantum neural networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
645 | Learning Debiased Classifier with Biased Committee | 6.00 | | Accept |
646 | Effectiveness of Vision Transformer for Fast and Accurate Single-Stage Pedestrian Detection | 5.00 | | Accept |
647 | Extrapolation and Spectral Bias of Neural Nets with Hadamard Product: a Polynomial Net Study | 6.50 | | Accept |
648 | Local Identifiability of Deep ReLU Neural Networks: the Theory | 5.33 | | Accept |
649 | The First Optimal Algorithm for Smooth and Strongly-Convex-Strongly-Concave Minimax Optimization | 7.00 | | Accept |
650 | On the Robustness of Graph Neural Diffusion to Topology Perturbations | 6.33 | | Accept |
651 | Graph Neural Network Bandits | 6.33 | | Accept |
652 | SelecMix: Debiased Learning by Contradicting-pair Sampling | 5.67 | | Accept |
653 | Maximum Common Subgraph Guided Graph Retrieval: Late and Early Interaction Networks | 6.33 | | Accept |
654 | Proximal Point Imitation Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
655 | Benign Overfitting in Two-layer Convolutional Neural Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
656 | Joint Entropy Search For Maximally-Informed Bayesian Optimization | 5.75 | | Accept |
657 | On the Learning Mechanisms in Physical Reasoning | 6.50 | | Accept |
658 | Towards a Standardised Performance Evaluation Protocol for Cooperative MARL | 6.50 | | Accept |
659 | Inverse Design for Fluid-Structure Interactions using Graph Network Simulators | 6.25 | | Accept |
660 | Optimal Query Complexities for Dynamic Trace Estimation | 7.00 | | Accept |
661 | Towards Efficient Post-training Quantization of Pre-trained Language Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
662 | On A Mallows-type Model For (Ranked) Choices | 6.50 | | Accept |
663 | Not too little, not too much: a theoretical analysis of graph (over)smoothing | 6.50 | | Accept |
664 | On Analyzing Generative and Denoising Capabilities of Diffusion-based Deep Generative Models | 5.75 | | Accept |
665 | A Robust Phased Elimination Algorithm for Corruption-Tolerant Gaussian Process Bandits | 5.00 | | Accept |
666 | Optimal Brain Compression: A Framework for Accurate Post-Training Quantization and Pruning | 6.33 | | Accept |
667 | Movement Penalized Bayesian Optimization with Application to Wind Energy Systems | 6.00 | | Accept |
668 | A Regret-Variance Trade-Off in Online Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
669 | An $\alpha$-regret analysis of Adversarial Bilateral Trade | 6.40 | | Accept |
670 | Unified Optimal Transport Framework for Universal Domain Adaptation | 5.75 | | Accept |
671 | Efficient Meta Reinforcement Learning for Preference-based Fast Adaptation | 6.50 | | Accept |
672 | Paraphrasing Is All You Need for Novel Object Captioning | 6.75 | | Accept |
673 | Consistency of Constrained Spectral Clustering under Graph Induced Fair Planted Partitions | 6.25 | | Accept |
674 | Causal Discovery in Probabilistic Networks with an Identifiable Causal Effect | 6.00 | | Reject |
675 | A Win-win Deal: Towards Sparse and Robust Pre-trained Language Models | 5.00 | | Accept |
676 | What Makes Graph Neural Networks Miscalibrated? | 6.25 | | Accept |
677 | Sequence-to-Set Generative Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
678 | Active Exploration for Inverse Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
679 | A Universal Error Measure for Input Predictions Applied to Online Graph Problems | 6.25 | | Accept |
680 | FeLMi : Few shot Learning with hard Mixup | 5.25 | | Accept |
681 | Reinforcement Learning in a Birth and Death Process: Breaking the Dependence on the State Space | 5.75 | | Accept |
682 | Meta-Learning with Self-Improving Momentum Target | 6.25 | | Accept |
683 | Generalization Analysis of Message Passing Neural Networks on Large Random Graphs | 6.33 | | Accept |
684 | Hyper-Representations as Generative Models: Sampling Unseen Neural Network Weights | 5.67 | | Accept |
685 | Isometric 3D Adversarial Examples in the Physical World | 6.33 | | Accept |
686 | Uncovering the Structural Fairness in Graph Contrastive Learning | 7.25 | | Accept |
687 | Ordered Subgraph Aggregation Networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
688 | Distilling Representations from GAN Generator via Squeeze and Span | 5.33 | | Accept |
689 | Provably expressive temporal graph networks | 6.75 | | Accept |
690 | Exploitability Minimization in Games and Beyond | 5.75 | | Accept |
691 | Black-box coreset variational inference | 5.67 | | Accept |
692 | Policy Optimization with Linear Temporal Logic Constraints | 6.67 | | Accept |
693 | An Analytical Theory of Curriculum Learning in Teacher-Student Networks | 5.67 | | Accept |
694 | Smoothed Embeddings for Certified Few-Shot Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
695 | When to Intervene: Learning Optimal Intervention Policies for Critical Events | 5.75 | | Accept |
696 | Sparse Probabilistic Circuits via Pruning and Growing | 7.75 | | Accept |
697 | On the relationship between variational inference and auto-associative memory | 4.50 | | Accept |
698 | Neural network architecture beyond width and depth | 5.67 | | Accept |
699 | Learning interacting dynamical systems with latent Gaussian process ODEs | 6.50 | | Accept |
700 | Selective compression learning of latent representations for variable-rate image compression | 5.00 | | Accept |
701 | Bring Your Own Algorithm for Optimal Differentially Private Stochastic Minimax Optimization | 6.25 | | Accept |
702 | Zero-Sum Stochastic Stackelberg Games | 6.00 | | Accept |
703 | Learnable Graph Convolutional Attention Networks | 5.00 | | Reject |
704 | The Hessian Screening Rule | 5.25 | | Accept |
705 | A gradient estimator via L1-randomization for online zero-order optimization with two point feedback | 6.67 | | Accept |
706 | Shielding Federated Learning: Aligned Dual Gradient Pruning Against Gradient Leakage | 4.50 | | Reject |
707 | Expected Improvement for Contextual Bandits | 6.50 | | Accept |
708 | Dynamics of SGD with Stochastic Polyak Stepsizes: Truly Adaptive Variants and Convergence to Exact Solution | 6.00 | | Accept |
709 | Collaborative Decision Making Using Action Suggestions | 6.00 | | Accept |
710 | BinauralGrad: A Two-Stage Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Binaural Audio Synthesis | 6.67 | | Accept |
711 | MAtt: A Manifold Attention Network for EEG Decoding | 6.00 | | Accept |
712 | Feature Learning in $L_2$-regularized DNNs: Attraction/Repulsion and Sparsity | 5.67 | | Accept |
713 | Revisiting Active Sets for Gaussian Process Decoders | 5.67 | | Accept |
714 | Matching in Multi-arm Bandit with Collision | 4.60 | | Accept |
715 | Optimistic Posterior Sampling for Reinforcement Learning with Few Samples and Tight Guarantees | 6.00 | | Accept |
716 | Measuring Data Reconstruction Defenses in Collaborative Inference Systems | 5.33 | | Accept |
717 | Memory Efficient Continual Learning with Transformers | 5.67 | | Accept |
718 | Oracle Inequalities for Model Selection in Offline Reinforcement Learning | 4.67 | | Accept |
719 | Laplacian Autoencoders for Learning Stochastic Representations | 6.67 | | Accept |
720 | Assistive Teaching of Motor Control Tasks to Humans | 5.75 | | Accept |
721 | Sound and Complete Verification of Polynomial Networks | 6.33 | | Accept |
722 | Multiagent Q-learning with Sub-Team Coordination | 5.75 | | Accept |
723 | Relational Reasoning via Set Transformers: Provable Efficiency and Applications to MARL | 5.67 | | Accept |
724 | HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks | 5.67 | | Accept |
725 | Challenging Common Assumptions in Convex Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
726 | Neural-Symbolic Entangled Framework for Complex Query Answering | 6.33 | | Accept |
727 | Near Instance-Optimal PAC Reinforcement Learning for Deterministic MDPs | 6.25 | | Accept |
728 | S2P: State-conditioned Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation in Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
729 | A Differentially Private Linear-Time fPTAS for the Minimum Enclosing Ball Problem | 6.75 | | Accept |
730 | Debiased Causal Tree: Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Estimation with Unmeasured Confounding | 6.67 | | Accept |
731 | Optimal Positive Generation via Latent Transformation for Contrastive Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
732 | AnoFormer: Time Series Anomaly Detection using Transformer-based GAN with Two-Step Masking | 4.00 | | Reject |
733 | A Simple Contrastive Learning Objective for Alleviating Neural Text Degeneration | 4.33 | | Reject |
734 | Graph Coloring via Neural Networks for Haplotype Assembly and Viral Quasispecies Reconstruction | 6.00 | | Accept |
735 | Theoretically Better and Numerically Faster Distributed Optimization with Smoothness-Aware Quantization Techniques | 6.50 | | Accept |
736 | Joint Learning of 2D-3D Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation | 5.75 | | Accept |
737 | Off-Policy Evaluation with Deficient Support Using Side Information | 5.75 | | Accept |
738 | Random Rank: The One and Only Strategyproof and Proportionally Fair Randomized Facility Location Mechanism | 5.75 | | Accept |
739 | Measuring and Reducing Model Update Regression in Structured Prediction for NLP | 6.25 | | Accept |
740 | Non-Monotonic Latent Alignments for CTC-Based Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation | 6.33 | | Accept |
741 | Focal Modulation Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
742 | Expansion and Shrinkage of Localization for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation | 6.33 | | Accept |
743 | Measures of Information Reflect Memorization Patterns | 5.25 | | Accept |
744 | Clipped Stochastic Methods for Variational Inequalities with Heavy-Tailed Noise | 6.33 | | Accept |
745 | Where do Models go Wrong? Parameter-Space Saliency Maps for Explainability | 6.75 | | Accept |
746 | Reinforcement Learning with Neural Radiance Fields | 6.00 | | Accept |
747 | Unlabelled Sample Compression Schemes for Intersection-Closed Classes and Extremal Classes | 6.25 | | Accept |
748 | Structuring Uncertainty for Fine-Grained Sampling in Stochastic Segmentation Networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
749 | Revisit last-iterate convergence of mSGD under milder requirement on step size | 6.40 | | Accept |
750 | Graph Convolution Network based Recommender Systems: Learning Guarantee and Item Mixture Powered Strategy | 6.33 | | Accept |
751 | Multi-agent Performative Prediction with Greedy Deployment and Consensus Seeking Agents | 5.25 | | Accept |
752 | Last-Iterate Convergence of Optimistic Gradient Method for Monotone Variational Inequalities | 5.67 | | Accept |
753 | Collaborative Learning by Detecting Collaboration Partners | 5.75 | | Accept |
754 | A Stochastic Linearized Augmented Lagrangian Method for Decentralized Bilevel Optimization | 6.50 | | Accept |
755 | Kernel Memory Networks: A Unifying Framework for Memory Modeling | 6.00 | | Accept |
756 | Batch Bayesian optimisation via density-ratio estimation with guarantees | 5.50 | | Accept |
757 | Towards Consistency in Adversarial Classification | 7.33 | | Accept |
758 | Revisiting Neural Scaling Laws in Language and Vision | 6.67 | | Accept |
759 | Asynchronous SGD Beats Minibatch SGD Under Arbitrary Delays | 6.00 | | Accept |
760 | MetricFormer: A Unified Perspective of Correlation Exploring in Similarity Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
761 | A Reduction to Binary Approach for Debiasing Multiclass Datasets | 5.20 | | Accept |
762 | Chromatic Correlation Clustering, Revisited | 6.00 | | Accept |
763 | DeVRF: Fast Deformable Voxel Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes | 5.33 | | Accept |
764 | Learning Deep Input-Output Stable Dynamics | 5.67 | | Accept |
765 | A Neural Pre-Conditioning Active Learning Algorithm to Reduce Label Complexity | 4.75 | | Accept |
766 | Inducing Equilibria via Incentives: Simultaneous Design-and-Play Ensures Global Convergence | 6.00 | | Accept |
767 | Bridging Implicit and Explicit Geometric Transformations for Single-Image View Synthesis | 6.25 | | Reject |
768 | Combinatorial Bandits with Linear Constraints: Beyond Knapsacks and Fairness | 6.75 | | Accept |
769 | Unifying and Boosting Gradient-Based Training-Free Neural Architecture Search | 6.50 | | Accept |
770 | Palm up: Playing in the Latent Manifold for Unsupervised Pretraining | 5.75 | | Accept |
771 | SCINet: Time Series Modeling and Forecasting with Sample Convolution and Interaction | 5.25 | | Accept |
772 | CodeRL: Mastering Code Generation through Pretrained Models and Deep Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
773 | Flexible Diffusion Modeling of Long Videos | 5.00 | | Accept |
774 | WT-MVSNet: Window-based Transformers for Multi-view Stereo | 6.50 | | Accept |
775 | Concentration of Data Encoding in Parameterized Quantum Circuits | 7.00 | | Accept |
776 | Label Noise in Adversarial Training: A Novel Perspective to Study Robust Overfitting | 6.00 | | Accept |
777 | Learning Structure from the Ground up---Hierarchical Representation Learning by Chunking | 6.50 | | Accept |
778 | 360-MLC: Multi-view Layout Consistency for Self-training and Hyper-parameter Tuning | 6.00 | | Accept |
779 | How Mask Matters: Towards Theoretical Understandings of Masked Autoencoders | 5.25 | | Accept |
780 | Prune and distill: similar reformatting of image information along rat visual cortex and deep neural networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
781 | Meta-Complementing the Semantics of Short Texts in Neural Topic Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
782 | Towards Improving Calibration in Object Detection Under Domain Shift | 6.25 | | Accept |
783 | Injecting Domain Knowledge from Empirical Interatomic Potentials to Neural Networks for Predicting Material Properties | 6.00 | | Accept |
784 | Experimental Design for Linear Functionals in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces | 7.67 | | Accept |
785 | GAL: Gradient Assisted Learning for Decentralized Multi-Organization Collaborations | 6.00 | | Accept |
786 | Risk Bounds of Multi-Pass SGD for Least Squares in the Interpolation Regime | 6.50 | | Accept |
787 | Imbalance Trouble: Revisiting Neural-Collapse Geometry | 6.80 | | Accept |
788 | An Adaptive Deep RL Method for Non-Stationary Environments with Piecewise Stable Context | 5.00 | | Accept |
789 | Text-Adaptive Multiple Visual Prototype Matching for Video-Text Retrieval | 5.75 | | Accept |
790 | Active Learning with Neural Networks: Insights from Nonparametric Statistics | 6.50 | | Accept |
791 | A Rotated Hyperbolic Wrapped Normal Distribution for Hierarchical Representation Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
792 | Max-Min Off-Policy Actor-Critic Method Focusing on Worst-Case Robustness to Model Misspecification | 5.25 | | Accept |
793 | An In-depth Study of Stochastic Backpropagation | 6.50 | | Accept |
794 | FlowHMM: Flow-based continuous hidden Markov models | 6.20 | | Accept |
795 | Lazy and Fast Greedy MAP Inference for Determinantal Point Process | 5.50 | | Accept |
796 | Coresets for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization Problems | 6.25 | | Accept |
797 | LBD: Decouple Relevance and Observation for Individual-Level Unbiased Learning to Rank | 5.50 | | Accept |
798 | Robust Feature-Level Adversaries are Interpretability Tools | 6.25 | | Accept |
799 | Capturing Failures of Large Language Models via Human Cognitive Biases | 6.20 | | Accept |
800 | Coresets for Relational Data and The Applications | 6.75 | | Accept |
801 | Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training with Knowledge Graphs | 6.00 | | Accept |
802 | A time-resolved theory of information encoding in recurrent neural networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
803 | Towards Understanding the Mixture-of-Experts Layer in Deep Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
804 | Knowledge-Aware Bayesian Deep Topic Model | 5.33 | | Accept |
805 | Near-Optimal Goal-Oriented Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary Environments | 6.67 | | Accept |
806 | Deciding What to Model: Value-Equivalent Sampling for Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
807 | Dynamic Learning in Large Matching Markets | 6.00 | | Accept |
808 | Redundant representations help generalization in wide neural networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
809 | Single Loop Gaussian Homotopy Method for Non-convex Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
810 | MEMO: Test Time Robustness via Adaptation and Augmentation | 6.25 | | Accept |
811 | How Powerful are K-hop Message Passing Graph Neural Networks | 4.50 | | Accept |
812 | Private Set Generation with Discriminative Information | 6.67 | | Accept |
813 | Shape, Light, and Material Decomposition from Images using Monte Carlo Rendering and Denoising | 6.25 | | Accept |
814 | Grounded Reinforcement Learning: Learning to Win the Game under Human Commands | 5.80 | | Accept |
815 | Spherization Layer: Representation Using Only Angles | 6.50 | | Accept |
816 | When to Ask for Help: Proactive Interventions in Autonomous Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
817 | Learning in Observable POMDPs, without Computationally Intractable Oracles | 7.00 | | Accept |
818 | Geodesic Graph Neural Network for Efficient Graph Representation Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
819 | Symmetry-induced Disentanglement on Graphs | 6.75 | | Accept |
820 | DARE: Disentanglement-Augmented Rationale Extraction | 5.25 | | Accept |
821 | Tractable Optimality in Episodic Latent MABs | 6.00 | | Accept |
822 | Empirical Phase Diagram for Three-layer Neural Networks with Infinite Width | 5.67 | | Accept |
823 | Unsupervised Point Cloud Completion and Segmentation by Generative Adversarial Autoencoding Network | 5.67 | | Accept |
824 | Concrete Score Matching: Generalized Score Matching for Discrete Data | 6.33 | | Accept |
825 | Improving Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems using Manifold Constraints | 6.60 | | Accept |
826 | MGNNI: Multiscale Graph Neural Networks with Implicit Layers | 6.50 | | Accept |
827 | DHRL: A Graph-Based Approach for Long-Horizon and Sparse Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
828 | Making Look-Ahead Active Learning Strategies Feasible with Neural Tangent Kernels | 5.75 | | Accept |
829 | Bridging the Gap from Asymmetry Tricks to Decorrelation Principles in Non-contrastive Self-supervised Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
830 | So3krates: Equivariant attention for interactions on arbitrary length-scales in molecular systems | 6.67 | | Accept |
831 | Meta-Query-Net: Resolving Purity-Informativeness Dilemma in Open-set Active Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
832 | On Elimination Strategies for Bandit Fixed-Confidence Identification | 5.50 | | Accept |
833 | Influencing Long-Term Behavior in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
834 | When Does Group Invariant Learning Survive Spurious Correlations? | 6.00 | | Accept |
835 | Maximum Likelihood Training of Implicit Nonlinear Diffusion Model | 6.25 | | Accept |
836 | Personalized Online Federated Learning with Multiple Kernels | 4.75 | | Accept |
837 | Patching open-vocabulary models by interpolating weights | 4.67 | | Accept |
838 | Evaluating Graph Generative Models with Contrastively Learned Features | 6.00 | | Accept |
839 | Differentially Private Learning Needs Hidden State (Or Much Faster Convergence) | 6.50 | | Accept |
840 | Mind Reader: Reconstructing complex images from brain activities | 6.00 | | Accept |
841 | Adapting to Online Label Shift with Provable Guarantees | 6.67 | | Accept |
842 | Data-Driven Model-Based Optimization via Invariant Representation Learning | 5.80 | | Accept |
843 | Atlas: Universal Function Approximator For Memory Retention | 3.67 | | Reject |
844 | Provably Feedback-Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Active Reward Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
845 | Sharp Analysis of Stochastic Optimization under Global Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz Inequality | 5.50 | | Accept |
846 | GALOIS: Boosting Deep Reinforcement Learning via Generalizable Logic Synthesis | 6.00 | | Accept |
847 | What Can Transformers Learn In-Context? A Case Study of Simple Function Classes | 7.25 | | Accept |
848 | A Scalable Deterministic Global Optimization Algorithm for Training Optimal Decision Tree | 5.50 | | Accept |
849 | Understanding Square Loss in Training Overparametrized Neural Network Classifiers | 6.00 | | Accept |
850 | Additive MIL: Intrinsically Interpretable Multiple Instance Learning for Pathology | 7.00 | | Accept |
851 | Undersampling is a Minimax Optimal Robustness Intervention in Nonparametric Classification | 7.67 | | Reject |
852 | Minimax Optimal Fixed-Budget Best Arm Identification in Linear Bandits | 6.25 | | Accept |
853 | Learning with little mixing | 5.50 | | Accept |
854 | Explaining Graph Neural Networks with Structure-Aware Cooperative Games | 6.33 | | Accept |
855 | Global Optimal K-Medoids Clustering of One Million Samples | 6.00 | | Accept |
856 | Quantum Algorithms for Sampling Log-Concave Distributions and Estimating Normalizing Constants | 4.67 | | Accept |
857 | Nearly Optimal Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms for Online Learning with Feedback Graphs | 7.25 | | Accept |
858 | Identification, Amplification and Measurement: A bridge to Gaussian Differential Privacy | 6.00 | | Accept |
859 | High-dimensional Asymptotics of Feature Learning: How One Gradient Step Improves the Representation | 7.33 | | Accept |
860 | On Leave-One-Out Conditional Mutual Information For Generalization | 6.50 | | Accept |
861 | Computationally Efficient Horizon-Free Reinforcement Learning for Linear Mixture MDPs | 6.75 | | Accept |
862 | Infinite Recommendation Networks: A Data-Centric Approach | 5.50 | | Accept |
863 | Giving Feedback on Interactive Student Programs with Meta-Exploration | 7.33 | | Accept |
864 | Quantum Speedups of Optimizing Approximately Convex Functions with Applications to Logarithmic Regret Stochastic Convex Bandits | 6.25 | | Accept |
865 | A Consolidated Cross-Validation Algorithm for Support Vector Machines via Data Reduction | 6.25 | | Accept |
866 | Losses Can Be Blessings: Routing Self-Supervised Speech Representations Towards Efficient Multilingual and Multitask Speech Processing | 6.33 | | Accept |
867 | Understanding the Evolution of Linear Regions in Deep Reinforcement Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
868 | What's the Harm? Sharp Bounds on the Fraction Negatively Affected by Treatment | 6.00 | | Accept |
869 | Active Learning Helps Pretrained Models Learn the Intended Task | 5.33 | | Accept |
870 | Improving Certified Robustness via Statistical Learning with Logical Reasoning | 6.25 | | Accept |
871 | Truly Deterministic Policy Optimization | 6.33 | | Accept |
872 | DiSC: Differential Spectral Clustering of Features | 5.75 | | Accept |
873 | DASCO: Dual-Generator Adversarial Support Constrained Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
874 | Bag of Tricks for FGSM Adversarial Training | 5.00 | | Reject |
875 | FourierNets enable the design of highly non-local optical encoders for computational imaging | 6.67 | | Accept |
876 | Provable Subspace Identification Under Post-Nonlinear Mixtures | 6.50 | | Accept |
877 | You Can’t Count on Luck: Why Decision Transformers and RvS Fail in Stochastic Environments | 6.00 | | Accept |
878 | Sample Constrained Treatment Effect Estimation | 6.33 | | Accept |
879 | Online Decision Mediation | 6.00 | | Accept |
880 | Two-layer neural network on infinite dimensional data: global optimization guarantee in the mean-field regime | 6.67 | | Accept |
881 | Unsupervised Learning under Latent Label Shift | 6.50 | | Accept |
882 | No Free Lunch from Deep Learning in Neuroscience: A Case Study through Models of the Entorhinal-Hippocampal Circuit | 6.75 | | Accept |
883 | Are all Frames Equal? Active Sparse Labeling for Video Action Detection | 5.50 | | Accept |
884 | Tractable Function-Space Variational Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
885 | Transform Once: Efficient Operator Learning in Frequency Domain | 6.00 | | Accept |
886 | Reinforcement Learning with Automated Auxiliary Loss Search | 6.67 | | Accept |
887 | Zero-shot Transfer Learning within a Heterogeneous Graph via Knowledge Transfer Networks | 6.75 | | Accept |
888 | Uncertainty Estimation for Multi-view Data: The Power of Seeing the Whole Picture | 5.67 | | Accept |
889 | Sub-exponential time Sum-of-Squares lower bounds for Principal Components Analysis | 6.60 | | Accept |
890 | Rethinking and Scaling Up Graph Contrastive Learning: An Extremely Efficient Approach with Group Discrimination | 6.25 | | Accept |
891 | Nearly-Tight Bounds for Testing Histogram Distributions | 7.25 | | Accept |
892 | Conditional Diffusion Process for Inverse Halftoning | 4.75 | | Accept |
893 | Analyzing Lottery Ticket Hypothesis from PAC-Bayesian Theory Perspective | 6.25 | | Accept |
894 | ISAAC Newton: Input-based Approximate Curvature for Newton's Method | 5.50 | | Reject |
895 | Self-Similarity Priors: Neural Collages as Differentiable Fractal Representations | 5.33 | | Accept |
896 | PlasticityNet: Learning to Simulate Metal, Sand, and Snow for Optimization Time Integration | 6.75 | | Accept |
897 | Long-Form Video-Language Pre-Training with Multimodal Temporal Contrastive Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
898 | Deep Differentiable Logic Gate Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
899 | SemiFL: Semi-Supervised Federated Learning for Unlabeled Clients with Alternate Training | 4.00 | | Accept |
900 | Non-Stationary Bandits under Recharging Payoffs: Improved Planning with Sublinear Regret | 6.67 | | Accept |
901 | Extreme Compression for Pre-trained Transformers Made Simple and Efficient | 6.25 | | Accept |
902 | Meta-Auto-Decoder for Solving Parametric Partial Differential Equations | 6.00 | | Accept |
903 | Maximum-Likelihood Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Finite-Time Guarantees | 5.50 | | Accept |
904 | CoNSoLe: Convex Neural Symbolic Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
905 | Understanding and Improving Robustness of Vision Transformers through Patch-based Negative Augmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
906 | Scalable Distributional Robustness in a Class of Non-Convex Optimization with Guarantees | 6.75 | | Accept |
907 | Finding and Listing Front-door Adjustment Sets | 7.00 | | Accept |
908 | Retaining Knowledge for Learning with Dynamic Definition | 6.25 | | Accept |
909 | Transferring Pre-trained Multimodal Representations with Cross-modal Similarity Matching | 5.20 | | Accept |
910 | Gaussian Copula Embeddings | 6.33 | | Accept |
911 | On the Complexity of Adversarial Decision Making | 6.67 | | Accept |
912 | Exploiting the Relationship Between Kendall's Rank Correlation and Cosine Similarity for Attribution Protection | 7.00 | | Accept |
913 | M2N: Mesh Movement Networks for PDE Solvers | 5.25 | | Accept |
914 | Hierarchical Lattice Layer for Partially Monotone Neural Networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
915 | Emergence of Hierarchical Layers in a Single Sheet of Self-Organizing Spiking Neurons | 6.50 | | Accept |
916 | Skills Regularized Task Decomposition for Multi-task Offline Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
917 | Masked Autoencoding for Scalable and Generalizable Decision Making | 7.33 | | Accept |
918 | Information-Theoretic Analysis of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation | 4.50 | | Reject |
919 | STNDT: Modeling Neural Population Activity with Spatiotemporal Transformers | 5.33 | | Accept |
920 | Understanding Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Based on Domain Similarity and Few-Shot Difficulty | 4.67 | | Accept |
921 | ALMA: Hierarchical Learning for Composite Multi-Agent Tasks | 6.00 | | Accept |
922 | Foreseeing Privacy Threats from Gradient Inversion Through the Lens of Angular Lipschitz Smoothness | 3.50 | | Reject |
923 | Graph Reordering for Cache-Efficient Near Neighbor Search | 6.33 | | Accept |
924 | Integral Probability Metrics PAC-Bayes Bounds | 6.50 | | Accept |
925 | Human-AI Collaborative Bayesian Optimisation | 6.00 | | Accept |
926 | Constrained Stochastic Nonconvex Optimization with State-dependent Markov Data | 5.25 | | Accept |
927 | Double Bubble, Toil and Trouble: Enhancing Certified Robustness through Transitivity | 6.00 | | Accept |
928 | Deep Surrogate Assisted Generation of Environments | 5.25 | | Accept |
929 | Batch Multi-Fidelity Active Learning with Budget Constraints | 6.25 | | Accept |
930 | Time-Conditioned Dances with Simplicial Complexes: Zigzag Filtration Curve based Supra-Hodge Convolution Networks for Time-series Forecasting | 6.00 | | Accept |
931 | Theoretical analysis of deep neural networks for temporally dependent observations | 5.00 | | Accept |
932 | Federated Hypergradient Descent | 5.33 | | Reject |
933 | Learning to Mitigate AI Collusion on Economic Platforms | 5.50 | | Accept |
934 | A Unified Analysis of Federated Learning with Arbitrary Client Participation | 7.00 | | Accept |
935 | Iterative Feature Matching: Toward Provable Domain Generalization with Logarithmic Environments | 5.33 | | Accept |
936 | Training with More Confidence: Mitigating Injected and Natural Backdoors During Training | 6.00 | | Accept |
937 | Why Robust Generalization in Deep Learning is Difficult: Perspective of Expressive Power | 6.67 | | Accept |
938 | Few-shot Task-agnostic Neural Architecture Search for Distilling Large Language Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
939 | “Why Not Other Classes?”: Towards Class-Contrastive Back-Propagation Explanations | 5.33 | | Accept |
940 | PAC: Assisted Value Factorization with Counterfactual Predictions in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
941 | Learning Fractional White Noises in Neural Stochastic Differential Equations | 5.80 | | Accept |
942 | On the Epistemic Limits of Personalized Prediction | 5.00 | | Accept |
943 | Deep Learning: When Conventional Wisdom Fails to be Wise | 2.25 | | Reject |
944 | Meta-DMoE: Adapting to Domain Shift by Meta-Distillation from Mixture-of-Experts | 6.00 | | Accept |
945 | Few-shot Relational Reasoning via Connection Subgraph Pretraining | 6.67 | | Accept |
946 | Associating Objects and Their Effects in Video through Coordination Games | 6.00 | | Accept |
947 | Provably Efficient Model-Free Constrained RL with Linear Function Approximation | 6.50 | | Accept |
948 | Get More at Once: Alternating Sparse Training with Gradient Correction | 5.00 | | Accept |
949 | Consistent Interpolating Ensembles via the Manifold-Hilbert Kernel | 6.25 | | Accept |
950 | Learning Symmetric Rules with SATNet | 7.00 | | Accept |
951 | Off-Policy Evaluation for Episodic Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes under Non-Parametric Models | 6.67 | | Accept |
952 | A simple but strong baseline for online continual learning: Repeated Augmented Rehearsal | 6.25 | | Accept |
953 | Causal Discovery in Linear Latent Variable Models Subject to Measurement Error | 6.67 | | Accept |
954 | Maximum-Likelihood Quantum State Tomography by Soft-Bayes | 4.00 | | Reject |
955 | Finite-Time Regret of Thompson Sampling Algorithms for Exponential Family Multi-Armed Bandits | 6.00 | | Accept |
956 | PAC-Bayes Compression Bounds So Tight That They Can Explain Generalization | 5.25 | | Accept |
957 | Fault-Aware Neural Code Rankers | 6.67 | | Accept |
958 | Accelerated Training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) using Meshless Discretizations | 6.33 | | Accept |
959 | On the Frequency-bias of Coordinate-MLPs | 6.00 | | Accept |
960 | Geodesic Self-Attention for 3D Point Clouds | 5.33 | | Accept |
961 | Point Transformer V2: Grouped Vector Attention and Partition-based Pooling | 5.25 | | Accept |
962 | A Simple Approach to Automated Spectral Clustering | 6.50 | | Accept |
963 | Exploring the Limits of Domain-Adaptive Training for Detoxifying Large-Scale Language Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
964 | A Variational Edge Partition Model for Supervised Graph Representation Learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
965 | Sparsity in Continuous-Depth Neural Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
966 | Invariant and Transportable Representations for Anti-Causal Domain Shifts | 6.33 | | Accept |
967 | Transition to Linearity of General Neural Networks with Directed Acyclic Graph Architecture | 4.75 | | Accept |
968 | Self-Supervised Pretraining for Large-Scale Point Clouds | 6.00 | | Accept |
969 | Cooperative Distribution Alignment via JSD Upper Bound | 5.50 | | Accept |
970 | Diffusion-LM Improves Controllable Text Generation | 7.00 | | Accept |
971 | The Stability-Efficiency Dilemma: Investigating Sequence Length Warmup for Training GPT Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
972 | Mixture-of-Experts with Expert Choice Routing | 6.75 | | Accept |
973 | Sampling in Constrained Domains with Orthogonal-Space Variational Gradient Descent | 6.00 | | Accept |
974 | Precise Learning Curves and Higher-Order Scalings for Dot-product Kernel Regression | 6.20 | | Accept |
975 | Is Sortition Both Representative and Fair? | 6.67 | | Accept |
976 | SoftPatch: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Noisy Data | 5.50 | | Accept |
977 | Identifying good directions to escape the NTK regime and efficiently learn low-degree plus sparse polynomials | 6.00 | | Accept |
978 | Weighted Distillation with Unlabeled Examples | 5.25 | | Accept |
979 | SemMAE: Semantic-Guided Masking for Learning Masked Autoencoders | 5.67 | | Accept |
980 | Counterfactual Neural Temporal Point Process for Estimating Causal Influence of Misinformation on Social Media | 5.33 | | Accept |
981 | Compositional Generalization in Unsupervised Compositional Representation Learning: A Study on Disentanglement and Emergent Language | 6.25 | | Accept |
982 | Redundancy-Free Message Passing for Graph Neural Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
983 | Few-Shot Audio-Visual Learning of Environment Acoustics | 6.75 | | Accept |
984 | Incrementality Bidding via Reinforcement Learning under Mixed and Delayed Rewards | 6.75 | | Accept |
985 | Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent on Reparametrized Models: On Equivalence to Mirror Descent | 6.33 | | Accept |
986 | Provably Efficient Offline Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning via Strategy-wise Bonus | 5.67 | | Accept |
987 | Understanding the Generalization Benefit of Normalization Layers: Sharpness Reduction | 6.40 | | Accept |
988 | Tree Mover's Distance: Bridging Graph Metrics and Stability of Graph Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
989 | Quantifying Statistical Significance of Neural Network-based Image Segmentation by Selective Inference | 5.67 | | Accept |
990 | Adam Can Converge Without Any Modification On Update Rules | 6.00 | | Accept |
991 | When are Offline Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Games Solvable? | 7.00 | | Accept |
992 | Optimal Neural Network Approximations of Wasserstein Gradient Direction via Convex Optimization | 5.50 | | Reject |
993 | Federated Learning from Pre-Trained Models: A Contrastive Learning Approach | 5.75 | | Accept |
994 | Lower Bounds and Nearly Optimal Algorithms in Distributed Learning with Communication Compression | 7.00 | | Accept |
995 | Left Heavy Tails and the Effectiveness of the Policy and Value Networks in DNN-based best-first search for Sokoban Planning | 7.00 | | Accept |
996 | Learning Generalizable Models for Vehicle Routing Problems via Knowledge Distillation | 5.75 | | Accept |
997 | Online Algorithms for the Santa Claus Problem | 6.00 | | Accept |
998 | Invariance Learning based on Label Hierarchy | 5.50 | | Accept |
999 | Segmenting Moving Objects via an Object-Centric Layered Representation | 5.50 | | Accept |
1000 | Efficient Multi-agent Communication via Self-supervised Information Aggregation | 6.33 | | Accept |
1001 | Global Convergence of Federated Learning for Mixed Regression | 6.33 | | Accept |
1002 | Decentralized, Communication- and Coordination-free Learning in Structured Matching Markets | 6.50 | | Accept |
1003 | Robust On-Policy Sampling for Data-Efficient Policy Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1004 | Dual-Curriculum Contrastive Multi-Instance Learning for Cancer Prognosis Analysis with Whole Slide Images | 6.67 | | Accept |
1005 | A Theory of PAC Learnability under Transformation Invariances | 7.33 | | Accept |
1006 | Private Graph All-Pairwise-Shortest-Path Distance Release with Improved Error Rate | 6.50 | | Accept |
1007 | Why So Pessimistic? Estimating Uncertainties for Offline RL through Ensembles, and Why Their Independence Matters | 5.75 | | Accept |
1008 | Path Independent Equilibrium Models Can Better Exploit Test-Time Computation | 5.00 | | Accept |
1009 | Surprising Instabilities in Training Deep Networks and a Theoretical Analysis | 5.50 | | Accept |
1010 | Beyond the Return: Off-policy Function Estimation under User-specified Error-measuring Distributions | 5.67 | | Accept |
1011 | Merging Models with Fisher-Weighted Averaging | 6.00 | | Accept |
1012 | Continuous Deep Q-Learning in Optimal Control Problems: Normalized Advantage Functions Analysis | 5.33 | | Accept |
1013 | Distributed Distributionally Robust Optimization with Non-Convex Objectives | 5.33 | | Accept |
1014 | Energy-Based Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations | 6.67 | | Accept |
1015 | On the Statistical Efficiency of Reward-Free Exploration in Non-Linear RL | 5.75 | | Accept |
1016 | BiMLP: Compact Binary Architectures for Vision Multi-Layer Perceptrons | 5.50 | | Accept |
1017 | Multi-block Min-max Bilevel Optimization with Applications in Multi-task Deep AUC Maximization | 6.50 | | Accept |
1018 | Rethinking the Reverse-engineering of Trojan Triggers | 6.25 | | Accept |
1019 | Agreement-on-the-line: Predicting the Performance of Neural Networks under Distribution Shift | 7.50 | | Accept |
1020 | A Statistical Online Inference Approach in Averaged Stochastic Approximation | 5.67 | | Accept |
1021 | A Ranking Game for Imitation Learning | 5.80 | | Reject |
1022 | Beyond Not-Forgetting: Continual Learning with Backward Knowledge Transfer | 5.00 | | Accept |
1023 | Neural Conservation Laws: A Divergence-Free Perspective | 6.33 | | Accept |
1024 | Sparse Hypergraph Community Detection Thresholds in Stochastic Block Model | 5.67 | | Accept |
1025 | Deep Bidirectional Language-Knowledge Graph Pretraining | 6.33 | | Accept |
1026 | Structure-Preserving Embedding of Multi-layer Networks | 5.33 | | Reject |
1027 | An Asymptotically Optimal Batched Algorithm for the Dueling Bandit Problem | 6.00 | | Accept |
1028 | Faster Deep Reinforcement Learning with Slower Online Network | 7.00 | | Accept |
1029 | Old can be Gold: Better Gradient Flow can Make Vanilla-GCNs Great Again | 5.00 | | Accept |
1030 | Offline Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning via $f$-Advantage Regression | 7.00 | | Accept |
1031 | Graph Few-shot Learning with Task-specific Structures | 5.75 | | Accept |
1032 | Pre-Trained Model Reusability Evaluation for Small-Data Transfer Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1033 | Tight Mutual Information Estimation With Contrastive Fenchel-Legendre Optimization | 6.75 | | Accept |
1034 | Trade-off between Payoff and Model Rewards in Shapley-Fair Collaborative Machine Learning | 5.60 | | Accept |
1035 | Minimax-Optimal Multi-Agent RL in Markov Games With a Generative Model | 7.00 | | Accept |
1036 | Effects of Data Geometry in Early Deep Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1037 | Model Preserving Compression for Neural Networks | 5.00 | | Accept |
1038 | NSNet: A General Neural Probabilistic Framework for Satisfiability Problems | 5.25 | | Accept |
1039 | RORL: Robust Offline Reinforcement Learning via Conservative Smoothing | 5.75 | | Accept |
1040 | GraphQNTK: Quantum Neural Tangent Kernel for Graph Data | 5.33 | | Accept |
1041 | Diffusion Curvature for Estimating Local Curvature in High Dimensional Data | 4.75 | | Accept |
1042 | Rethinking Value Function Learning for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1043 | LISA: Learning Interpretable Skill Abstractions from Language | 6.00 | | Accept |
1044 | VF-PS: How to Select Important Participants in Vertical Federated Learning, Efficiently and Securely? | 6.33 | | Accept |
1045 | Surprise-Guided Search for Learning Task Specifications From Demonstrations | 5.00 | | Reject |
1046 | Outlier-Robust Sparse Mean Estimation for Heavy-Tailed Distributions | 5.00 | | Accept |
1047 | Instance-Dependent Policy Learning for Linear MDPs via Online Experiment Design | 7.33 | | Accept |
1048 | Explainable Spatio-Temporal Forecasting with Shape Functions | 5.67 | | Reject |
1049 | On the Convergence Theory for Hessian-Free Bilevel Algorithms | 6.50 | | Accept |
1050 | Asymptotic Behaviors of Projected Stochastic Approximation: A Jump Diffusion Perspective | 7.00 | | Accept |
1051 | Recall Distortion in Neural Network Pruning and the Undecayed Pruning Algorithm | 6.00 | | Accept |
1052 | Curriculum Reinforcement Learning using Optimal Transport via Gradual Domain Adaptation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1053 | TaSIL: Taylor Series Imitation Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1054 | A Unifying Framework of Off-Policy General Value Function Evaluation | 5.75 | | Accept |
1055 | Using Embeddings for Causal Estimation of Peer Influence in Social Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
1056 | Preservation of the Global Knowledge by Not-True Distillation in Federated Learning | 5.33 | | Accept |
1057 | Latent Hierarchical Causal Structure Discovery with Rank Constraints | 6.33 | | Accept |
1058 | Bandit Theory and Thompson Sampling-Guided Directed Evolution for Sequence Optimization | 5.75 | | Accept |
1059 | Label-invariant Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Graph Classification | 6.33 | | Accept |
1060 | A Communication-Efficient Distributed Gradient Clipping Algorithm for Training Deep Neural Networks | 4.75 | | Accept |
1061 | Task-Agnostic Graph Explanations | 6.25 | | Accept |
1062 | Communication-Efficient Topologies for Decentralized Learning with $O(1)$ Consensus Rate | 6.00 | | Accept |
1063 | Human-AI Shared Control via Policy Dissection | 5.25 | | Accept |
1064 | QC-StyleGAN - Quality Controllable Image Generation and Manipulation | 5.50 | | Accept |
1065 | VoiceBlock: Privacy through Real-Time Adversarial Attacks with Audio-to-Audio Models | 7.33 | | Accept |
1066 | Kernel similarity matching with Hebbian networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
1067 | OPEN: Orthogonal Propagation with Ego-Network Modeling | 5.33 | | Accept |
1068 | Embedding game: dimensionality reduction as a two-person zero-sum game | 3.00 | | Reject |
1069 | An efficient graph generative model for navigating ultra-large combinatorial synthesis libraries | 6.00 | | Accept |
1070 | Your Out-of-Distribution Detection Method is Not Robust! | 5.50 | | Accept |
1071 | Pruning’s Effect on Generalization Through the Lens of Training and Regularization | 6.33 | | Accept |
1072 | Stacked unsupervised learning with a network architecture found by supervised meta-learning | 5.33 | | Reject |
1073 | Quantile Constrained Reinforcement Learning: A Reinforcement Learning Framework Constraining Outage Probability | 6.25 | | Accept |
1074 | Branch & Learn for Recursively and Iteratively Solvable Problems in Predict+Optimize | 6.00 | | Accept |
1075 | Minimax Optimal Algorithms for Fixed-Budget Best Arm Identification | 6.00 | | Accept |
1076 | Exposing and Exploiting Fine-Grained Block Structures for Fast and Accurate Sparse Training | 5.25 | | Accept |
1077 | Model-Based Opponent Modeling | 5.00 | | Accept |
1078 | A General Framework for Auditing Differentially Private Machine Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1079 | Non-Linguistic Supervision for Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings | 5.80 | | Accept |
1080 | A Non-Asymptotic Moreau Envelope Theory for High-Dimensional Generalized Linear Models | 6.33 | | Accept |
1081 | ACIL: Analytic Class-Incremental Learning with Absolute Memorization and Privacy Protection | 7.33 | | Accept |
1082 | Co-Modality Graph Contrastive Learning for Imbalanced Node Classification | 6.00 | | Accept |
1083 | Faster and Scalable Algorithms for Densest Subgraph and Decomposition | 7.00 | | Accept |
1084 | In What Ways Are Deep Neural Networks Invariant and How Should We Measure This? | 6.25 | | Accept |
1085 | Second Thoughts are Best: Learning to Re-Align With Human Values from Text Edits | 5.75 | | Accept |
1086 | FourierFormer: Transformer Meets Generalized Fourier Integral Theorem | 6.25 | | Accept |
1087 | Decision-based Black-box Attack Against Vision Transformers via Patch-wise Adversarial Removal | 5.75 | | Accept |
1088 | Calibrated Data-Dependent Constraints with Exact Satisfaction Guarantees | 7.00 | | Accept |
1089 | Robust Option Learning for Adversarial Generalization | 4.00 | | Reject |
1090 | Efficient Dataset Distillation using Random Feature Approximation | 6.33 | | Accept |
1091 | On the Symmetries of Deep Learning Models and their Internal Representations | 6.67 | | Accept |
1092 | Non-identifiability and the Blessings of Misspecification in Models of Molecular Fitness | 7.50 | | Accept |
1093 | On the Sample Complexity of Stabilizing LTI Systems on a Single Trajectory | 5.75 | | Accept |
1094 | A Lagrangian Duality Approach to Active Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
1095 | Fast Bayesian Estimation of Point Process Intensity as Function of Covariates | 5.00 | | Accept |
1096 | HUMUS-Net: Hybrid Unrolled Multi-scale Network Architecture for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction | 5.75 | | Accept |
1097 | Interaction-Grounded Learning with Action-inclusive Feedback | 5.33 | | Accept |
1098 | Identifiability of deep generative models without auxiliary information | 7.00 | | Accept |
1099 | Dataset Distillation using Neural Feature Regression | 7.25 | | Accept |
1100 | Decomposed Knowledge Distillation for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation | 5.33 | | Accept |
1101 | On Learning Fairness and Accuracy on Multiple Subgroups | 6.75 | | Accept |
1102 | Low-rank lottery tickets: finding efficient low-rank neural networks via matrix differential equations | 5.67 | | Accept |
1103 | If Influence Functions are the Answer, Then What is the Question? | 6.50 | | Accept |
1104 | Locally Hierarchical Auto-Regressive Modeling for Image Generation | 5.67 | | Accept |
1105 | Amortized Proximal Optimization | 7.00 | | Accept |
1106 | Submodular Maximization in Clean Linear Time | 6.00 | | Accept |
1107 | MMC Transformer: Multiscale Multigrid Comparator Transformer for Few-Shot Video Segmentation | 4.50 | | Reject |
1108 | Distributionally Adaptive Meta Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1109 | Byzantine-tolerant federated Gaussian process regression for streaming data | 5.33 | | Accept |
1110 | DMAP: a Distributed Morphological Attention Policy for learning to locomote with a changing body | 7.00 | | Accept |
1111 | Simplified Graph Convolution with Heterophily | 4.50 | | Accept |
1112 | Learning Generalized Policy Automata for Relational Stochastic Shortest Path Problems | 7.25 | | Accept |
1113 | A Combinatorial Perspective on the Optimization of Shallow ReLU Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
1114 | Physics-Informed Implicit Representations of Equilibrium Network Flows | 5.50 | | Accept |
1115 | Revisiting Optimal Convergence Rate for Smooth and Non-convex Stochastic Decentralized Optimization | 6.25 | | Accept |
1116 | Nest Your Adaptive Algorithm for Parameter-Agnostic Nonconvex Minimax Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1117 | On Deep Generative Models for Approximation and Estimation of Distributions on Manifolds | 6.60 | | Accept |
1118 | Online Reinforcement Learning for Mixed Policy Scopes | 6.25 | | Accept |
1119 | Diversified Recommendations for Agents with Adaptive Preferences | 6.00 | | Accept |
1120 | VectorAdam for Rotation Equivariant Geometry Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1121 | Scalable design of Error-Correcting Output Codes using Discrete Optimization with Graph Coloring | 6.67 | | Accept |
1122 | Polynomial time guarantees for the Burer-Monteiro method | 7.25 | | Accept |
1123 | Conformal Prediction with Temporal Quantile Adjustments | 6.50 | | Accept |
1124 | Neurosymbolic Deep Generative Models for Sequence Data with Relational Constraints | 6.50 | | Accept |
1125 | AdaFocal: Calibration-aware Adaptive Focal Loss | 5.25 | | Accept |
1126 | SIXO: Smoothing Inference with Twisted Objectives | 8.00 | | Accept |
1127 | On the Discrimination Risk of Mean Aggregation Feature Imputation in Graphs | 5.00 | | Accept |
1128 | Generalizing Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning with Variational Causal Reasoning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1129 | Free Probability for predicting the performance of feed-forward fully connected neural networks | 6.40 | | Accept |
1130 | Syndicated Bandits: A Framework for Auto Tuning Hyper-parameters in Contextual Bandit Algorithms | 6.25 | | Accept |
1131 | Domain Adaptation meets Individual Fairness. And they get along. | 5.00 | | Accept |
1132 | End-to-end Algorithm Synthesis with Recurrent Networks: Extrapolation without Overthinking | 6.75 | | Accept |
1133 | Optimal Scaling for Locally Balanced Proposals in Discrete Spaces | 6.67 | | Accept |
1134 | ZSON: Zero-Shot Object-Goal Navigation using Multimodal Goal Embeddings | 5.50 | | Accept |
1135 | Training Subset Selection for Weak Supervision | 6.50 | | Accept |
1136 | Fair Infinitesimal Jackknife: Mitigating the Influence of Biased Training Data Points Without Refitting | 5.67 | | Accept |
1137 | Towards Understanding the Condensation of Neural Networks at Initial Training | 5.33 | | Accept |
1138 | An Analysis of Ensemble Sampling | 6.25 | | Accept |
1139 | Signal Propagation in Transformers: Theoretical Perspectives and the Role of Rank Collapse | 5.33 | | Accept |
1140 | Beyond Separability: Analyzing the Linear Transferability of Contrastive Representations to Related Subpopulations | 5.75 | | Accept |
1141 | Convergence for score-based generative modeling with polynomial complexity | 7.20 | | Accept |
1142 | Locating and Editing Factual Associations in GPT | 6.00 | | Accept |
1143 | Efficient and Near-Optimal Smoothed Online Learning for Generalized Linear Functions | 7.25 | | Accept |
1144 | Leveraging Factored Action Spaces for Efficient Offline Reinforcement Learning in Healthcare | 6.25 | | Accept |
1145 | Convergent Representations of Computer Programs in Human and Artificial Neural Networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
1146 | Active Learning Polynomial Threshold Functions | 7.25 | | Accept |
1147 | Toward Robust Spiking Neural Network Against Adversarial Perturbation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1148 | Towards Optimal Communication Complexity in Distributed Non-Convex Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1149 | A Projection-free Algorithm for Constrained Stochastic Multi-level Composition Optimization | 5.00 | | Accept |
1150 | Sketch-GNN: Scalable Graph Neural Networks with Sublinear Training Complexity | 6.75 | | Accept |
1151 | Score-based Generative Modeling Secretly Minimizes the Wasserstein Distance | 6.50 | | Accept |
1152 | VC Theoretical Explanation of Double Descent | 4.00 | | Reject |
1153 | Bayesian Spline Learning for Equation Discovery of Nonlinear Dynamics with Quantified Uncertainty | 5.75 | | Accept |
1154 | Few-shot Learning for Feature Selection with Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion | 6.00 | | Accept |
1155 | Understanding Hyperdimensional Computing for Parallel Single-Pass Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
1156 | Rapidly Mixing Multiple-try Metropolis Algorithms for Model Selection Problems | 7.00 | | Accept |
1157 | Learning Options via Compression | 6.75 | | Accept |
1158 | Understanding Non-linearity in Graph Neural Networks from the Bayesian-Inference Perspective | 5.33 | | Accept |
1159 | Improving Self-Supervised Learning by Characterizing Idealized Representations | 6.25 | | Accept |
1160 | Conformalized Fairness via Quantile Regression | 5.50 | | Accept |
1161 | A Simple and Optimal Policy Design for Online Learning with Safety against Heavy-tailed Risk | 6.50 | | Accept |
1162 | C2FAR: Coarse-to-Fine Autoregressive Networks for Precise Probabilistic Forecasting | 6.67 | | Accept |
1163 | Chain of Thought Imitation with Procedure Cloning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1164 | Hedging as Reward Augmentation in Probabilistic Graphical Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
1165 | Multiview Human Body Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Cameras | 6.60 | | Accept |
1166 | Layer Freezing & Data Sieving: Missing Pieces of a Generic Framework for Sparse Training | 5.50 | | Accept |
1167 | Efficiently Computing Local Lipschitz Constants of Neural Networks via Bound Propagation | 5.67 | | Accept |
1168 | Emergent Graphical Conventions in a Visual Communication Game | 6.50 | | Accept |
1169 | Few-Shot Non-Parametric Learning with Deep Latent Variable Model | 7.33 | | Accept |
1170 | Robustness in deep learning: The good (width), the bad (depth), and the ugly (initialization) | 6.33 | | Accept |
1171 | Uncalibrated Models Can Improve Human-AI Collaboration | 6.00 | | Accept |
1172 | $\alpha$-ReQ : Assessing {\bf Re}presentation {\bf Q}uality in Self-Supervised Learning by measuring eigenspectrum decay | 5.33 | | Accept |
1173 | Maximum a posteriori natural scene reconstruction from retinal ganglion cells with deep denoiser priors | 6.33 | | Accept |
1174 | Continuously Tempered PDMP samplers | 6.67 | | Accept |
1175 | Generalization Gap in Amortized Inference | 6.25 | | Accept |
1176 | Policy Optimization for Markov Games: Unified Framework and Faster Convergence | 6.33 | | Accept |
1177 | Robust Learning against Relational Adversaries | 7.67 | | Accept |
1178 | Falconn++: A Locality-sensitive Filtering Approach for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search | 6.00 | | Accept |
1179 | ShapeCrafter: A Recursive Text-Conditioned 3D Shape Generation Model | 5.33 | | Accept |
1180 | Beyond black box densities: Parameter learning for the deviated components | 5.75 | | Accept |
1181 | Monte Carlo Augmented Actor-Critic for Sparse Reward Deep Reinforcement Learning from Suboptimal Demonstrations | 5.50 | | Accept |
1182 | Friendly Noise against Adversarial Noise: A Powerful Defense against Data Poisoning Attack | 4.75 | | Accept |
1183 | Language Models with Image Descriptors are Strong Few-Shot Video-Language Learners | 4.75 | | Accept |
1184 | Dynamic Tensor Product Regression | 5.33 | | Accept |
1185 | Data-Efficient Augmentation for Training Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1186 | What Can the Neural Tangent Kernel Tell Us About Adversarial Robustness? | 5.50 | | Accept |
1187 | Near-Optimal Private and Scalable $k$-Clustering | 7.50 | | Accept |
1188 | On Scrambling Phenomena for Randomly Initialized Recurrent Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1189 | Meta-Learning Dynamics Forecasting Using Task Inference | 7.33 | | Accept |
1190 | Optimal Dynamic Regret in LQR Control | 6.00 | | Accept |
1191 | Bellman Residual Orthogonalization for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
1192 | Bounded-Regret MPC via Perturbation Analysis: Prediction Error, Constraints, and Nonlinearity | 6.00 | | Accept |
1193 | NaturalProver: Grounded Mathematical Proof Generation with Language Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
1194 | The Implicit Delta Method | 6.50 | | Accept |
1195 | Globally Gated Deep Linear Networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
1196 | Model-based RL with Optimistic Posterior Sampling: Structural Conditions and Sample Complexity | 6.75 | | Accept |
1197 | On the Safety of Interpretable Machine Learning: A Maximum Deviation Approach | 5.33 | | Accept |
1198 | Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Safety Editor Policy | 6.75 | | Accept |
1199 | Discrete Compositional Representations as an Abstraction for Goal Conditioned Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1200 | Natural image synthesis for the retina with variational information bottleneck representation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1201 | Riemannian Diffusion Models | 6.33 | | Accept |
1202 | Near-Isometric Properties of Kronecker-Structured Random Tensor Embeddings | 6.33 | | Accept |
1203 | Semi-supervised Active Linear Regression | 6.67 | | Accept |
1204 | Adversarially Robust Learning: A Generic Minimax Optimal Learner and Characterization | 8.00 | | Accept |
1205 | MACE: Higher Order Equivariant Message Passing Neural Networks for Fast and Accurate Force Fields | 7.00 | | Accept |
1206 | Regret Bounds for Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
1207 | Boosting Barely Robust Learners: A New Perspective on Adversarial Robustness | 5.80 | | Accept |
1208 | Timing is Everything: Learning to Act Selectively with Costly Actions and Budgetary Constraints | 5.33 | | Reject |
1209 | Robust Generalized Method of Moments: A Finite Sample Viewpoint | 6.25 | | Accept |
1210 | Improving Intrinsic Exploration with Language Abstractions | 5.67 | | Accept |
1211 | On the Global Convergence Rates of Decentralized Softmax Gradient Play in Markov Potential Games | 5.25 | | Accept |
1212 | Single-phase deep learning in cortico-cortical networks | 7.50 | | Accept |
1213 | Predictive Querying for Autoregressive Neural Sequence Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
1214 | Composition Theorems for Interactive Differential Privacy | 5.25 | | Accept |
1215 | Efficient Frameworks for Generalized Low-Rank Matrix Bandit Problems | 6.00 | | Accept |
1216 | GULP: a prediction-based metric between representations | 6.50 | | Accept |
1217 | Online Allocation and Learning in the Presence of Strategic Agents | 6.00 | | Accept |
1218 | Reduced Representation of Deformation Fields for Effective Non-rigid Shape Matching | 5.50 | | Accept |
1219 | Interpreting Operation Selection in Differentiable Architecture Search: A Perspective from Influence-Directed Explanations | 6.25 | | Accept |
1220 | Learning single-index models with shallow neural networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
1221 | Sequence Model Imitation Learning with Unobserved Contexts | 5.33 | | Accept |
1222 | Repairing Neural Networks by Leaving the Right Past Behind | 6.00 | | Accept |
1223 | Doubly-Asynchronous Value Iteration: Making Value Iteration Asynchronous in Actions | 6.67 | | Accept |
1224 | Learning Two-Player Markov Games: Neural Function Approximation and Correlated Equilibrium | 6.50 | | Accept |
1225 | Differentially Private Linear Sketches: Efficient Implementations and Applications | 5.25 | | Accept |
1226 | On the role of overparameterization in off-policy Temporal Difference learning with linear function approximation | 6.25 | | Accept |
1227 | Fast Bayesian Coresets via Subsampling and Quasi-Newton Refinement | 7.25 | | Accept |
1228 | Learning Spatially-Adaptive Squeeze-Excitation Networks for Image Synthesis and Image Recognition | 4.40 | | Reject |
1229 | Single-Stage Visual Relationship Learning using Conditional Queries | 5.00 | | Accept |
1230 | Probable Domain Generalization via Quantile Risk Minimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1231 | Teacher Forcing Recovers Reward Functions for Text Generation | 6.50 | | Accept |
1232 | Acceleration in Distributed Sparse Regression | 6.50 | | Accept |
1233 | Distributive Justice as the Foundational Premise of Fair ML: Unification, Extension, and Interpretation of Group Fairness Metrics | 5.33 | | Reject |
1234 | Embed and Emulate: Learning to estimate parameters of dynamical systems with uncertainty quantification | 7.00 | | Accept |
1235 | DGD^2: A Linearly Convergent Distributed Algorithm For High-dimensional Statistical Recovery | 7.33 | | Accept |
1236 | Draft-and-Revise: Effective Image Generation with Contextual RQ-Transformer | 5.50 | | Accept |
1237 | Generative multitask learning mitigates target-causing confounding | 5.67 | | Accept |
1238 | Minimax Optimal Online Imitation Learning via Replay Estimation | 7.33 | | Accept |
1239 | Variational Model Perturbation for Source-Free Domain Adaptation | 7.00 | | Accept |
1240 | The Neural Testbed: Evaluating Joint Predictions | 5.25 | | Accept |
1241 | Tight Lower Bounds on Worst-Case Guarantees for Zero-Shot Learning with Attributes | 6.00 | | Accept |
1242 | Deep Ensembles Work, But Are They Necessary? | 7.25 | | Accept |
1243 | Recursive Reasoning in Minimax Games: A Level $k$ Gradient Play Method | 6.00 | | Accept |
1244 | The Privacy Onion Effect: Memorization is Relative | 6.50 | | Accept |
1245 | Learning to Sample and Aggregate: Few-shot Reasoning over Temporal Knowledge Graphs | 6.00 | | Accept |
1246 | A Character-Level Length-Control Algorithm for Non-Autoregressive Sentence Summarization | 5.75 | | Accept |
1247 | Optimal Rates for Regularized Conditional Mean Embedding Learning | 7.50 | | Accept |
1248 | Scaling Multimodal Pre-Training via Cross-Modality Gradient Harmonization | 6.33 | | Accept |
1249 | A permutation-free kernel two-sample test | 7.00 | | Accept |
1250 | Deep Architecture Connectivity Matters for Its Convergence: A Fine-Grained Analysis | 6.67 | | Accept |
1251 | Seeing the forest and the tree: Building representations of both individual and collective dynamics with transformers | 6.50 | | Accept |
1252 | Pruning has a disparate impact on model accuracy | 6.67 | | Accept |
1253 | Efficient Non-Parametric Optimizer Search for Diverse Tasks | 5.67 | | Accept |
1254 | Triangulation candidates for Bayesian optimization | 6.50 | | Accept |
1255 | Rashomon Capacity: A Metric for Predictive Multiplicity in Classification | 5.33 | | Accept |
1256 | Are All Losses Created Equal: A Neural Collapse Perspective | 6.67 | | Accept |
1257 | Interventions, Where and How? Experimental Design for Causal Models at Scale | 6.17 | | Accept |
1258 | CoPur: Certifiably Robust Collaborative Inference via Feature Purification | 5.20 | | Accept |
1259 | CroCo: Self-Supervised Pre-training for 3D Vision Tasks by Cross-View Completion | 5.75 | | Accept |
1260 | On the SDEs and Scaling Rules for Adaptive Gradient Algorithms | 6.50 | | Accept |
1261 | Scalable Representation Learning in Linear Contextual Bandits with Constant Regret Guarantees | 7.00 | | Accept |
1262 | Universal Rates for Interactive Learning | 8.00 | | Accept |
1263 | Wavelet Feature Maps Compression for Image-to-Image CNNs | 5.50 | | Accept |
1264 | AutoMTL: A Programming Framework for Automating Efficient Multi-Task Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1265 | What You See is What You Get: Principled Deep Learning via Distributional Generalization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1266 | Subspace Recovery from Heterogeneous Data with Non-isotropic Noise | 6.00 | | Accept |
1267 | Hyperbolic Embedding Inference for Structured Multi-Label Prediction | 6.00 | | Accept |
1268 | UViM: A Unified Modeling Approach for Vision with Learned Guiding Codes | 7.33 | | Accept |
1269 | BOME! Bilevel Optimization Made Easy: A Simple First-Order Approach | 5.75 | | Accept |
1270 | Coordinate Linear Variance Reduction for Generalized Linear Programming | 5.75 | | Accept |
1271 | Finding Correlated Equilibrium of Constrained Markov Game: A Primal-Dual Approach | 6.20 | | Accept |
1272 | Fair Bayes-Optimal Classifiers Under Predictive Parity | 5.25 | | Accept |
1273 | First Hitting Diffusion Models for Generating Manifold, Graph and Categorical Data | 5.25 | | Accept |
1274 | Rapid Model Architecture Adaption for Meta-Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1275 | Density-driven Regularization for Out-of-distribution Detection | 5.75 | | Accept |
1276 | Nearly Optimal Algorithms for Linear Contextual Bandits with Adversarial Corruptions | 6.00 | | Accept |
1277 | On the Generalization Power of the Overfitted Three-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Model | 6.25 | | Accept |
1278 | Insights into Pre-training via Simpler Synthetic Tasks | 5.50 | | Accept |
1279 | ORIENT: Submodular Mutual Information Measures for Data Subset Selection under Distribution Shift | 5.75 | | Accept |
1280 | An Information-Theoretic Framework for Deep Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1281 | DeepFoids: Adaptive Bio-Inspired Fish Simulation with Deep Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1282 | Poisson Flow Generative Models | 5.33 | | Accept |
1283 | On the Efficient Implementation of High Accuracy Optimality of Profile Maximum Likelihood | 6.00 | | Accept |
1284 | KERPLE: Kernelized Relative Positional Embedding for Length Extrapolation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1285 | Staggered Rollout Designs Enable Causal Inference Under Interference Without Network Knowledge | 6.00 | | Accept |
1286 | AUTOMATA: Gradient Based Data Subset Selection for Compute-Efficient Hyper-parameter Tuning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1287 | projUNN: efficient method for training deep networks with unitary matrices | 7.50 | | Accept |
1288 | SUNMASK: Mask Enhanced Control in Step Unrolled Denoising Autoencoders | 4.80 | | Reject |
1289 | Extra-Newton: A First Approach to Noise-Adaptive Accelerated Second-Order Methods | 6.50 | | Accept |
1290 | Learning to Discover and Detect Objects | 6.00 | | Accept |
1291 | FlashAttention: Fast and Memory-Efficient Exact Attention with IO-Awareness | 7.20 | | Accept |
1292 | Rate-Optimal Online Convex Optimization in Adaptive Linear Control | 7.00 | | Accept |
1293 | Model-based Lifelong Reinforcement Learning with Bayesian Exploration | 6.33 | | Accept |
1294 | Knowledge Distillation: Bad Models Can Be Good Role Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
1295 | AVLEN: Audio-Visual-Language Embodied Navigation in 3D Environments | 5.50 | | Accept |
1296 | Transferring Fairness under Distribution Shifts via Fair Consistency Regularization | 5.00 | | Accept |
1297 | A Consistent and Differentiable Lp Canonical Calibration Error Estimator | 6.67 | | Accept |
1298 | On Batch Teaching with Sample Complexity Bounded by VCD | 6.75 | | Accept |
1299 | Nonlinear Sufficient Dimension Reduction with a Stochastic Neural Network | 5.00 | | Accept |
1300 | Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained Language Models Effectively by Optimizing Subnetworks Adaptively | 6.75 | | Accept |
1301 | Exploring the Whole Rashomon Set of Sparse Decision Trees | 7.75 | | Accept |
1302 | Global Convergence of Direct Policy Search for State-Feedback $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ Robust Control: A Revisit of Nonsmooth Synthesis with Goldstein Subdifferential | 7.00 | | Accept |
1303 | Improved Algorithms for Neural Active Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1304 | Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models | 5.50 | | Accept |
1305 | How to talk so AI will learn: Instructions, descriptions, and autonomy | 6.60 | | Accept |
1306 | Sign and Basis Invariant Networks for Spectral Graph Representation Learning | 5.50 | | Reject |
1307 | Spectral Bias Outside the Training Set for Deep Networks in the Kernel Regime | 6.75 | | Accept |
1308 | On Image Segmentation With Noisy Labels: Characterization and Volume Properties of the Optimal Solutions to Accuracy and Dice | 6.00 | | Accept |
1309 | Weisfeiler and Leman Go Walking: Random Walk Kernels Revisited | 6.50 | | Accept |
1310 | Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Partially Observable Dynamical Systems | 5.75 | | Accept |
1311 | WeightedSHAP: analyzing and improving Shapley based feature attributions | 5.50 | | Accept |
1312 | The Burer-Monteiro SDP method can fail even above the Barvinok-Pataki bound | 6.50 | | Accept |
1313 | Fairness Transferability Subject to Bounded Distribution Shift | 6.50 | | Accept |
1314 | Near-Optimal Sample Complexity Bounds for Constrained MDPs | 6.25 | | Accept |
1315 | Multi-Fidelity Best-Arm Identification | 5.75 | | Accept |
1316 | TreeMoCo: Contrastive Neuron Morphology Representation Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1317 | Learning in Congestion Games with Bandit Feedback | 6.33 | | Accept |
1318 | Deep feedforward functionality by equilibrium-point control in a shallow recurrent network. | 4.75 | | Reject |
1319 | Kernel Interpolation with Sparse Grids | 6.50 | | Accept |
1320 | Large-scale Optimization of Partial AUC in a Range of False Positive Rates | 6.00 | | Accept |
1321 | Revisiting Non-Parametric Matching Cost Volumes for Robust and Generalizable Stereo Matching | 5.75 | | Accept |
1322 | Learning and Covering Sums of Independent Random Variables with Unbounded Support | 7.00 | | Accept |
1323 | When Do Flat Minima Optimizers Work? | 6.00 | | Accept |
1324 | Using Partial Monotonicity in Submodular Maximization | 6.25 | | Accept |
1325 | Phase diagram of Stochastic Gradient Descent in high-dimensional two-layer neural networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
1326 | Exploiting Semantic Relations for Glass Surface Detection | 5.00 | | Accept |
1327 | Lifelong Neural Predictive Coding: Learning Cumulatively Online without Forgetting | 5.67 | | Accept |
1328 | Stochastic Online Learning with Feedback Graphs: Finite-Time and Asymptotic Optimality | 6.00 | | Accept |
1329 | FedSR: A Simple and Effective Domain Generalization Method for Federated Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1330 | Distribution-Informed Neural Networks for Domain Adaptation Regression | 5.20 | | Accept |
1331 | Deep Learning meets Nonparametric Regression: Are Weight-Decayed DNNs Locally Adaptive? | 5.25 | | Reject |
1332 | Rare Gems: Finding Lottery Tickets at Initialization | 5.75 | | Accept |
1333 | A Curriculum Perspective of Robust Loss Functions | 5.25 | | Reject |
1334 | Optimal Transport of Classifiers to Fairness | 6.00 | | Accept |
1335 | Navigating Memory Construction by Global Pseudo-Task Simulation for Continual Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
1336 | Hidden Progress in Deep Learning: SGD Learns Parities Near the Computational Limit | 5.67 | | Accept |
1337 | How and Why to Manipulate Your Own Agent: On the Incentives of Users of Learning Agents | 5.75 | | Accept |
1338 | Data-IQ: Characterizing subgroups with heterogeneous outcomes in tabular data | 5.80 | | Accept |
1339 | Domain Generalization without Excess Empirical Risk | 6.00 | | Accept |
1340 | LECO: Learnable Episodic Count for Task-Specific Intrinsic Reward | 5.33 | | Accept |
1341 | Extrapolative Continuous-time Bayesian Neural Network for Fast Training-free Test-time Adaptation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1342 | A Fourier Approach to Mixture Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
1343 | Global Linear and Local Superlinear Convergence of IRLS for Non-Smooth Robust Regression | 6.00 | | Accept |
1344 | Constrained Update Projection Approach to Safe Policy Optimization | 5.75 | | Accept |
1345 | Conformal Off-Policy Prediction in Contextual Bandits | 5.67 | | Accept |
1346 | AutoML Two-Sample Test | 5.50 | | Accept |
1347 | Constraining Gaussian Processes to Systems of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations | 6.25 | | Accept |
1348 | Value Function Decomposition for Iterative Design of Reinforcement Learning Agents | 5.25 | | Accept |
1349 | Perfect Sampling from Pairwise Comparisons | 6.75 | | Accept |
1350 | An $\alpha$-No-Regret Algorithm For Graphical Bilinear Bandits | 6.00 | | Accept |
1351 | Listen to Interpret: Post-hoc Interpretability for Audio Networks with NMF | 6.50 | | Accept |
1352 | Temporally-Consistent Survival Analysis | 6.75 | | Accept |
1353 | Exponential Separations in Symmetric Neural Networks | 7.25 | | Accept |
1354 | STaR: Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning | 6.75 | | Accept |
1355 | Gradient Estimation with Discrete Stein Operators | 7.25 | | Accept |
1356 | Composite Feature Selection Using Deep Ensembles | 5.75 | | Accept |
1357 | Fast Mixing of Stochastic Gradient Descent with Normalization and Weight Decay | 6.25 | | Accept |
1358 | Sobolev Acceleration and Statistical Optimality for Learning Elliptic Equations via Gradient Descent | 6.00 | | Accept |
1359 | Bayesian inference via sparse Hamiltonian flows | 8.00 | | Accept |
1360 | SHAQ: Incorporating Shapley Value Theory into Multi-Agent Q-Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
1361 | Neural Stochastic PDEs: Resolution-Invariant Learning of Continuous Spatiotemporal Dynamics | 6.00 | | Accept |
1362 | Amortized Inference for Heterogeneous Reconstruction in Cryo-EM | 5.75 | | Accept |
1363 | NIERT: Accurate Numerical Interpolation through Unifying Scattered Data Representations using Transformer Encoder | 5.67 | | Reject |
1364 | VAEL: Bridging Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Logic Programming | 5.25 | | Accept |
1365 | Reinforced Genetic Algorithm for Structure-based Drug Design | 5.00 | | Accept |
1366 | One for All: Simultaneous Metric and Preference Learning over Multiple Users | 6.50 | | Accept |
1367 | Uplifting Bandits | 5.50 | | Accept |
1368 | CyCLIP: Cyclic Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining | 7.00 | | Accept |
1369 | Spectrum Random Masking for Generalization in Image-based Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1370 | First Contact: Unsupervised Human-Machine Co-Adaptation via Mutual Information Maximization | 5.67 | | Accept |
1371 | Learning Superpoint Graph Cut for 3D Instance Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1372 | Learning Bipartite Graphs: Heavy Tails and Multiple Components | 5.33 | | Accept |
1373 | MissDAG: Causal Discovery in the Presence of Missing Data with Continuous Additive Noise Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
1374 | Efficient Scheduling of Data Augmentation for Deep Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
1375 | Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
1376 | Weakly Supervised Representation Learning with Sparse Perturbations | 6.25 | | Accept |
1377 | Association Graph Learning for Multi-Task Classification with Category Shifts | 6.00 | | Accept |
1378 | Learning from Label Proportions by Learning with Label Noise | 6.00 | | Accept |
1379 | SignRFF: Sign Random Fourier Features | 5.25 | | Accept |
1380 | HYPRO: A Hybridly Normalized Probabilistic Model for Long-Horizon Prediction of Event Sequences | 6.33 | | Accept |
1381 | Off-Policy Evaluation for Action-Dependent Non-stationary Environments | 5.50 | | Accept |
1382 | Asymptotics of smoothed Wasserstein distances in the small noise regime | 7.00 | | Accept |
1383 | Defending Against Adversarial Attacks via Neural Dynamic System | 6.25 | | Accept |
1384 | Sampling with Riemannian Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in a Constrained Space | 6.40 | | Accept |
1385 | Optimal-er Auctions through Attention | 6.00 | | Accept |
1386 | The Phenomenon of Policy Churn | 6.33 | | Accept |
1387 | RTFormer: Efficient Design for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Transformer | 5.00 | | Accept |
1388 | Near-Optimal Regret for Adversarial MDP with Delayed Bandit Feedback | 6.33 | | Accept |
1389 | Which Explanation Should I Choose? A Function Approximation Perspective to Characterizing Post Hoc Explanations | 6.00 | | Accept |
1390 | On the Computational Efficiency of Adapting Transformer Models via Adversarial Noise | 6.00 | | Reject |
1391 | Latent Planning via Expansive Tree Search | 6.00 | | Accept |
1392 | Emergent Communication: Generalization and Overfitting in Lewis Games | 7.00 | | Accept |
1393 | Entropy-Driven Mixed-Precision Quantization for Deep Network Design | 6.50 | | Accept |
1394 | Label-Aware Global Consistency for Multi-Label Learning with Single Positive Labels | 7.25 | | Accept |
1395 | Black-Box Generalization: Stability of Zeroth-Order Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1396 | DReS-FL: Dropout-Resilient Secure Federated Learning for Non-IID Clients via Secret Data Sharing | 5.25 | | Accept |
1397 | Dynamic Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Characterizing Animal Behavior | 7.50 | | Accept |
1398 | Confidence-based Reliable Learning under Dual Noises | 5.33 | | Accept |
1399 | Interpolation and Regularization for Causal Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1400 | Off-Policy Evaluation with Policy-Dependent Optimization Response | 6.00 | | Accept |
1401 | PDSketch: Integrated Domain Programming, Learning, and Planning | 5.00 | | Accept |
1402 | Spatial Mixture-of-Experts | 5.40 | | Accept |
1403 | Adaptive Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Learning with Hierarchical Optimal Transport | 6.00 | | Accept |
1404 | Iterative Structural Inference of Directed Graphs | 5.67 | | Accept |
1405 | Contrastive Graph Structure Learning via Information Bottleneck for Recommendation | 6.25 | | Accept |
1406 | A Geometric Perspective on Variational Autoencoders | 6.33 | | Accept |
1407 | Foundation Posteriors for Approximate Probabilistic Inference | 7.00 | | Accept |
1408 | On Non-Linear operators for Geometric Deep Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1409 | Scale-invariant Learning by Physics Inversion | 6.00 | | Accept |
1410 | Towards Improving Faithfulness in Abstractive Summarization | 6.50 | | Accept |
1411 | Nonlinear MCMC for Bayesian Machine Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
1412 | Neural Approximation of Graph Topological Features | 5.67 | | Accept |
1413 | Self-Supervised Fair Representation Learning without Demographics | 5.75 | | Accept |
1414 | Efficient Training of Low-Curvature Neural Networks | 5.25 | | Accept |
1415 | Log-Polar Space Convolution Layers | 5.50 | | Accept |
1416 | Reinforcement Learning with Logarithmic Regret and Policy Switches | 6.25 | | Accept |
1417 | Ensemble of Averages: Improving Model Selection and Boosting Performance in Domain Generalization | 6.25 | | Accept |
1418 | Gradient flow dynamics of shallow ReLU networks for square loss and orthogonal inputs | 6.75 | | Accept |
1419 | Bandit Learning in Many-to-one Matching Markets with Uniqueness Conditions | 5.25 | | Reject |
1420 | Self-Supervised Learning of Brain Dynamics from Broad Neuroimaging Data | 6.33 | | Accept |
1421 | On Translation and Reconstruction Guarantees of the Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1422 | Near-Optimal Regret Bounds for Multi-batch Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1423 | On Overcompression in Continual Semantic Segmentation | 3.50 | | Reject |
1424 | WaveBound: Dynamic Error Bounds for Stable Time Series Forecasting | 6.25 | | Accept |
1425 | Sampling from Log-Concave Distributions with Infinity-Distance Guarantees | 7.25 | | Accept |
1426 | Distributed Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Multi-agent Systems | 6.25 | | Accept |
1427 | Early Stage Convergence and Global Convergence of Training Mildly Parameterized Neural Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
1428 | Task-level Differentially Private Meta Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
1429 | Surprise Minimizing Multi-Agent Learning with Energy-based Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
1430 | Learning Predictions for Algorithms with Predictions | 6.25 | | Accept |
1431 | GLIF: A Unified Gated Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron for Spiking Neural Networks | 4.75 | | Accept |
1432 | Spectral Bias in Practice: The Role of Function Frequency in Generalization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1433 | Robust Binary Models by Pruning Randomly-initialized Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
1434 | Re-Analyze Gauss: Bounds for Private Matrix Approximation via Dyson Brownian Motion | 5.50 | | Accept |
1435 | Sparse Structure Search for Delta Tuning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1436 | Modeling Human Exploration Through Resource-Rational Reinforcement Learning | 7.50 | | Accept |
1437 | Order-Invariant Cardinality Estimators Are Differentially Private | 6.50 | | Accept |
1438 | Optimal and Adaptive Monteiro-Svaiter Acceleration | 7.00 | | Accept |
1439 | Fair Ranking with Noisy Protected Attributes | 6.75 | | Accept |
1440 | A consistently adaptive trust-region method | 6.33 | | Accept |
1441 | Alternating Mirror Descent for Constrained Min-Max Games | 6.00 | | Accept |
1442 | Semi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Based on Uncertainty-Guided Pseudo Labels | 5.33 | | Accept |
1443 | Beyond Time-Average Convergence: Near-Optimal Uncoupled Online Learning via Clairvoyant Multiplicative Weights Update | 6.00 | | Accept |
1444 | Torsional Diffusion for Molecular Conformer Generation | 7.25 | | Accept |
1445 | Can Variance-Based Regularization Improve Domain Generalization? | 4.50 | | Reject |
1446 | Learning to Find Proofs and Theorems by Learning to Refine Search Strategies: The Case of Loop Invariant Synthesis | 5.33 | | Accept |
1447 | ZooD: Exploiting Model Zoo for Out-of-Distribution Generalization | 5.67 | | Accept |
1448 | Debiasing Graph Neural Networks via Learning Disentangled Causal Substructure | 5.75 | | Accept |
1449 | GraB: Finding Provably Better Data Permutations than Random Reshuffling | 6.33 | | Accept |
1450 | Enhancing Safe Exploration Using Safety State Augmentation | 5.25 | | Accept |
1451 | Generalization Error Bounds on Deep Learning with Markov Datasets | 6.00 | | Accept |
1452 | Posterior Matching for Arbitrary Conditioning | 6.75 | | Accept |
1453 | Learning to Re-weight Examples with Optimal Transport for Imbalanced Classification | 5.25 | | Accept |
1454 | Matrix Multiplicative Weights Updates in Quantum Zero-Sum Games: Conservation Laws & Recurrence | 6.25 | | Accept |
1455 | On the non-universality of deep learning: quantifying the cost of symmetry | 6.00 | | Accept |
1456 | Don’t fear the unlabelled: safe semi-supervised learning via simple debiasing | 5.00 | | Reject |
1457 | Pre-activation Distributions Expose Backdoor Neurons | 5.75 | | Accept |
1458 | Flamingo: a Visual Language Model for Few-Shot Learning | 6.80 | | Accept |
1459 | The Curse of Unrolling: Rate of Differentiating Through Optimization | 6.67 | | Accept |
1460 | Adaptive Multi-stage Density Ratio Estimation for Learning Latent Space Energy-based Model | 7.00 | | Accept |
1461 | Distributionally robust weighted k-nearest neighbors | 6.25 | | Accept |
1462 | Finite-Time Analysis of Fully Decentralized Single-Timescale Actor Critic | 5.67 | | Reject |
1463 | Towards Disentangling Information Paths with Coded ResNeXt | 5.75 | | Accept |
1464 | Stability and Generalization for Markov Chain Stochastic Gradient Methods | 5.67 | | Accept |
1465 | Safe Opponent-Exploitation Subgame Refinement | 5.67 | | Accept |
1466 | Local Latent Space Bayesian Optimization over Structured Inputs | 6.67 | | Accept |
1467 | Iron: Private Inference on Transformers | 6.33 | | Accept |
1468 | Uncertainty-Aware Hierarchical Refinement for Incremental Implicitly-Refined Classification | 4.75 | | Accept |
1469 | Understanding Why Generalized Reweighting Does Not Improve Over ERM | 5.00 | | Reject |
1470 | Increasing the Scope as You Learn: Adaptive Bayesian Optimization in Nested Subspaces | 7.00 | | Accept |
1471 | Streaming Radiance Fields for 3D Video Synthesis | 5.67 | | Accept |
1472 | Universal approximation and model compression for radial neural networks | 5.33 | | Reject |
1473 | MOVE: Unsupervised Movable Object Segmentation and Detection | 6.33 | | Accept |
1474 | Robust Semi-Supervised Learning when Not All Classes have Labels | 6.75 | | Accept |
1475 | An Error Analysis of Deep Density-Ratio Estimation with Bregman Divergence | 6.00 | | Reject |
1476 | Near-Optimal Collaborative Learning in Bandits | 6.67 | | Accept |
1477 | On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
1478 | Decentralized Gossip-Based Stochastic Bilevel Optimization over Communication Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
1479 | Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Knowledge Distillation | 5.67 | | Accept |
1480 | A Unified Convergence Theorem for Stochastic Optimization Methods | 6.50 | | Accept |
1481 | Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Risk-Sensitive Policies | 6.00 | | Accept |
1482 | Pareto Set Learning for Expensive Multi-Objective Optimization | 6.25 | | Accept |
1483 | Tracking Functional Changes in Nonstationary Signals with Evolutionary Ensemble Bayesian Model for Robust Neural Decoding | 5.00 | | Accept |
1484 | Simultaneous Missing Value Imputation and Structure Learning with Groups | 6.00 | | Accept |
1485 | Approximation with CNNs in Sobolev Space: with Applications to Classification | 6.67 | | Accept |
1486 | Reduction Algorithms for Persistence Diagrams of Networks: CoralTDA and PrunIT | 5.67 | | Accept |
1487 | FedAvg with Fine Tuning: Local Updates Lead to Representation Learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
1488 | Improved Regret Analysis for Variance-Adaptive Linear Bandits and Horizon-Free Linear Mixture MDPs | 6.00 | | Accept |
1489 | Sparse Winning Tickets are Data-Efficient Image Recognizers | 6.00 | | Accept |
1490 | Counterfactual Temporal Point Processes | 6.00 | | Accept |
1491 | Diverse Weight Averaging for Out-of-Distribution Generalization | 7.00 | | Accept |
1492 | Vector Quantized Diffusion Model with CodeUnet for Text-to-Sign Pose Sequences Generation | 5.00 | | Reject |
1493 | Adaptive Sampling for Discovery | 5.33 | | Accept |
1494 | Learned Index with Dynamic $\epsilon$ | 5.67 | | Reject |
1495 | Smoothed Online Convex Optimization Based on Discounted-Normal-Predictor | 6.50 | | Accept |
1496 | Learning Expressive Meta-Representations with Mixture of Expert Neural Processes | 6.67 | | Accept |
1497 | Causal Discovery in Heterogeneous Environments Under the Sparse Mechanism Shift Hypothesis | 5.67 | | Accept |
1498 | Neural Stochastic Control | 5.75 | | Accept |
1499 | Beyond L1: Faster and Better Sparse Models with skglm | 6.00 | | Accept |
1500 | Promising or Elusive? Unsupervised Object Segmentation from Real-world Single Images | 6.67 | | Accept |
1501 | Mining Multi-Label Samples from Single Positive Labels | 6.00 | | Accept |
1502 | Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation using Depth Distribution | 5.00 | | Accept |
1503 | A Damped Newton Method Achieves Global $\mathcal O \left(\frac{1}{k^2}\right)$ and Local Quadratic Convergence Rate | 6.67 | | Accept |
1504 | Improving GANs with A Dynamic Discriminator | 5.50 | | Accept |
1505 | Star Temporal Classification: Sequence Modeling with Partially Labeled Data | 5.33 | | Accept |
1506 | PKD: General Distillation Framework for Object Detectors via Pearson Correlation Coefficient | 6.00 | | Accept |
1507 | Data-Efficient Structured Pruning via Submodular Optimization | 6.75 | | Accept |
1508 | Blessing of Depth in Linear Regression: Deeper Models Have Flatter Landscape Around the True Solution | 7.00 | | Accept |
1509 | Aligning individual brains with fused unbalanced Gromov Wasserstein | 6.67 | | Accept |
1510 | Minimax Regret for Cascading Bandits | 7.00 | | Accept |
1511 | EGSDE: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Energy-Guided Stochastic Differential Equations | 5.75 | | Accept |
1512 | Fast Bayesian Inference with Batch Bayesian Quadrature via Kernel Recombination | 6.00 | | Accept |
1513 | Efficient Adversarial Training without Attacking: Worst-Case-Aware Robust Reinforcement Learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
1514 | CoNT: Contrastive Neural Text Generation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1515 | Sample-Then-Optimize Batch Neural Thompson Sampling | 6.50 | | Accept |
1516 | RSA: Reducing Semantic Shift from Aggressive Augmentations for Self-supervised Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1517 | Concurrent 3D super resolution on intensity and segmentation maps improves detection of structural effects in neurodegenerative disease | 4.33 | | Reject |
1518 | Communication Efficient Federated Learning for Generalized Linear Bandits | 5.67 | | Accept |
1519 | Brain Network Transformer | 5.50 | | Accept |
1520 | AZ-whiteness test: a test for signal uncorrelation on spatio-temporal graphs | 6.00 | | Accept |
1521 | ViewFool: Evaluating the Robustness of Visual Recognition to Adversarial Viewpoints | 6.00 | | Accept |
1522 | Discovery of Single Independent Latent Variable | 6.50 | | Accept |
1523 | Between Stochastic and Adversarial Online Convex Optimization: Improved Regret Bounds via Smoothness | 6.33 | | Accept |
1524 | Pseudo-Riemannian Graph Convolutional Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
1525 | Conditional Meta-Learning of Linear Representations | 5.75 | | Accept |
1526 | Grounding Aleatoric Uncertainty for Unsupervised Environment Design | 5.67 | | Accept |
1527 | Alleviating ``Posterior Collapse'' in Deep Topic Models via Policy Gradient | 5.67 | | Accept |
1528 | Fast Algorithms for Packing Proportional Fairness and its Dual | 5.50 | | Accept |
1529 | LobsDICE: Offline Learning from Observation via Stationary Distribution Correction Estimation | 6.25 | | Accept |
1530 | MoGDE: Boosting Mobile Monocular 3D Object Detection with Ground Depth Estimation | 5.75 | | Accept |
1531 | Finding Second-Order Stationary Points in Nonconvex-Strongly-Concave Minimax Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1532 | Structured Energy Network As a Loss | 6.67 | | Accept |
1533 | Moment Distributionally Robust Tree Structured Prediction | 7.00 | | Accept |
1534 | Iso-Dream: Isolating Noncontrollable Visual Dynamics in World Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
1535 | Improving RENet by Introducing Modified Cross Attention for Few-Shot Classification | 3.50 | | Reject |
1536 | On the Spectral Bias of Convolutional Neural Tangent and Gaussian Process Kernels | 6.50 | | Accept |
1537 | On Robust Multiclass Learnability | 7.25 | | Accept |
1538 | Formulating Robustness Against Unforeseen Attacks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1539 | Improving Barely Supervised Learning by Discriminating Unlabeled Samples with Super-Class | 5.50 | | Accept |
1540 | Alleviating Adversarial Attacks on Variational Autoencoders with MCMC | 6.00 | | Accept |
1541 | MORA: Improving Ensemble Robustness Evaluation with Model Reweighing Attack | 5.50 | | Accept |
1542 | Shadow Knowledge Distillation: Bridging Offline and Online Knowledge Transfer | 5.33 | | Accept |
1543 | A Theoretical Understanding of Gradient Bias in Meta-Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1544 | EvenNet: Ignoring Odd-Hop Neighbors Improves Robustness of Graph Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1545 | An Information-theoretic Perspective of Hierarchical Clustering | 4.50 | | Reject |
1546 | Generalization Bounds with Minimal Dependency on Hypothesis Class via Distributionally Robust Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1547 | PALBERT: Teaching ALBERT to Ponder | 4.75 | | Accept |
1548 | Provable General Function Class Representation Learning in Multitask Bandits and MDP | 5.50 | | Accept |
1549 | Exact Shape Correspondence via 2D graph convolution | 5.75 | | Accept |
1550 | NeMF: Neural Motion Fields for Kinematic Animation | 7.25 | | Accept |
1551 | Logical Credal Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
1552 | Asymmetric Temperature Scaling Makes Larger Networks Teach Well Again | 6.00 | | Accept |
1553 | DeepMed: Semiparametric Causal Mediation Analysis with Debiased Deep Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1554 | SnAKe: Bayesian Optimization with Pathwise Exploration | 5.00 | | Accept |
1555 | Distributionally Robust Optimization via Ball Oracle Acceleration | 5.75 | | Accept |
1556 | VLMo: Unified Vision-Language Pre-Training with Mixture-of-Modality-Experts | 6.33 | | Accept |
1557 | Unknown-Aware Domain Adversarial Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation | 5.33 | | Accept |
1558 | Constrained Monotonic Neural Networks | 5.00 | | Reject |
1559 | Semi-Supervised Generative Models for Multiagent Trajectories | 5.50 | | Accept |
1560 | Learning to Generate Inversion-Resistant Model Explanations | 6.75 | | Accept |
1561 | Stability Analysis and Generalization Bounds of Adversarial Training | 7.00 | | Accept |
1562 | Rethinking and Improving Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks: a Shapley Value-based Approach in Frequency Domain | 6.25 | | Accept |
1563 | On the Convergence of Stochastic Multi-Objective Gradient Manipulation and Beyond | 5.60 | | Accept |
1564 | Revisiting Injective Attacks on Recommender Systems | 6.33 | | Accept |
1565 | Seeing Differently, Acting Similarly: Heterogeneously Observable Imitation Learning | 6.00 | | Reject |
1566 | Pruning Neural Networks via Coresets and Convex Geometry: Towards No Assumptions | 6.25 | | Accept |
1567 | The Policy-gradient Placement and Generative Routing Neural Networks for Chip Design | 6.00 | | Accept |
1568 | Distributed Learning of Conditional Quantiles in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space | 5.00 | | Accept |
1569 | Modeling the Machine Learning Multiverse | 6.50 | | Accept |
1570 | DPM-Solver: A Fast ODE Solver for Diffusion Probabilistic Model Sampling in Around 10 Steps | 7.67 | | Accept |
1571 | Bezier Gaussian Processes for Tall and Wide Data | 5.50 | | Accept |
1572 | Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning is a Sequence Modeling Problem | 6.33 | | Accept |
1573 | GRASP: Navigating Retrosynthetic Planning with Goal-driven Policy | 6.33 | | Accept |
1574 | Uni-Perceiver-MoE: Learning Sparse Generalist Models with Conditional MoEs | 5.75 | | Accept |
1575 | Efficient Architecture Search for Diverse Tasks | 5.67 | | Accept |
1576 | NodeFormer: A Scalable Graph Structure Learning Transformer for Node Classification | 6.50 | | Accept |
1577 | Active Surrogate Estimators: An Active Learning Approach to Label-Efficient Model Evaluation | 6.50 | | Accept |
1578 | Towards Out-of-Distribution Sequential Event Prediction: A Causal Treatment | 5.75 | | Accept |
1579 | Learning to Constrain Policy Optimization with Virtual Trust Region | 4.67 | | Accept |
1580 | Geometric Knowledge Distillation: Topology Compression for Graph Neural Networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
1581 | Exploring evolution-aware & -free protein language models as protein function predictors | 6.00 | | Accept |
1582 | Robust Graph Structure Learning over Images via Multiple Statistical Tests | 6.33 | | Accept |
1583 | On the Tradeoff Between Robustness and Fairness | 5.33 | | Accept |
1584 | Active Learning Through a Covering Lens | 5.33 | | Accept |
1585 | NeIF: Representing General Reflectance as Neural Intrinsics Fields for Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo | 4.75 | | Reject |
1586 | Amplifying Membership Exposure via Data Poisoning | 4.75 | | Accept |
1587 | Universality of Group Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Ridgelet Analysis on Groups | 5.75 | | Accept |
1588 | Self-supervised surround-view depth estimation with volumetric feature fusion | 5.33 | | Accept |
1589 | Learning Representations via a Robust Behavioral Metric for Deep Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1590 | Descent Steps of a Relation-Aware Energy Produce Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1591 | Learning to Reason with Neural Networks: Generalization, Unseen Data and Boolean Measures | 6.25 | | Accept |
1592 | Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners | 5.80 | | Accept |
1593 | Effective Adaptation in Multi-Task Co-Training for Unified Autonomous Driving | 5.67 | | Accept |
1594 | Escaping Saddle Points with Bias-Variance Reduced Local Perturbed SGD for Communication Efficient Nonconvex Distributed Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1595 | Causality-driven Hierarchical Structure Discovery for Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1596 | Are AlphaZero-like Agents Robust to Adversarial Perturbations? | 4.75 | | Accept |
1597 | Learning to Drop Out: An Adversarial Approach to Training Sequence VAEs | 5.33 | | Accept |
1598 | Wasserstein Iterative Networks for Barycenter Estimation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1599 | FedPop: A Bayesian Approach for Personalised Federated Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1600 | AdaptFormer: Adapting Vision Transformers for Scalable Visual Recognition | 5.00 | | Accept |
1601 | Active Learning of Classifiers with Label and Seed Queries | 6.33 | | Accept |
1602 | Optimal Binary Classification Beyond Accuracy | 6.50 | | Accept |
1603 | On Margin Maximization in Linear and ReLU Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1604 | Causality Preserving Chaotic Transformation and Classification using Neurochaos Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
1605 | A Closer Look at Offline RL Agents | 6.00 | | Accept |
1606 | Picking on the Same Person: Does Algorithmic Monoculture lead to Outcome Homogenization? | 5.33 | | Accept |
1607 | Thinking Outside the Ball: Optimal Learning with Gradient Descent for Generalized Linear Stochastic Convex Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1608 | Federated Submodel Optimization for Hot and Cold Data Features | 5.00 | | Accept |
1609 | Parameter-free Dynamic Graph Embedding for Link Prediction | 6.00 | | Accept |
1610 | S3GC: Scalable Self-Supervised Graph Clustering | 5.67 | | Accept |
1611 | Consistent Sufficient Explanations and Minimal Local Rules for explaining the decision of any classifier or regressor | 5.50 | | Accept |
1612 | Detecting danger in gridworlds using Gromov's Link Condition | 3.00 | | Reject |
1613 | MExMI: Pool-based Active Model Extraction Crossover Membership Inference | 6.00 | | Accept |
1614 | Neural Sheaf Diffusion: A Topological Perspective on Heterophily and Oversmoothing in GNNs | 7.00 | | Accept |
1615 | Improving Neural Ordinary Differential Equations with Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Method | 6.67 | | Accept |
1616 | Stimulative Training of Residual Networks: A Social Psychology Perspective of Loafing | 4.25 | | Accept |
1617 | Transformers from an Optimization Perspective | 5.75 | | Accept |
1618 | LDSA: Learning Dynamic Subtask Assignment in Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1619 | Knowledge Distillation Improves Graph Structure Augmentation for Graph Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1620 | Guaranteed Conservation of Momentum for Learning Particle-based Fluid Dynamics | 6.67 | | Accept |
1621 | Characterization of Excess Risk for Locally Strongly Convex Population Risk | 6.50 | | Accept |
1622 | A Probabilistic Graph Coupling View of Dimension Reduction | 5.75 | | Accept |
1623 | Revisiting Graph Contrastive Learning from the Perspective of Graph Spectrum | 5.80 | | Accept |
1624 | Pluralistic Image Completion with Gaussian Mixture Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
1625 | Effective Decision Boundary Learning for Class Incremental Learning | 4.50 | | Reject |
1626 | Top Two Algorithms Revisited | 6.00 | | Accept |
1627 | Attracting and Dispersing: A Simple Approach for Source-free Domain Adaptation | 6.25 | | Accept |
1628 | Mingling Foresight with Imagination: Model-Based Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1629 | Generalization Analysis on Learning with a Concurrent Verifier | 6.67 | | Accept |
1630 | Bridge the Gap Between Architecture Spaces via A Cross-Domain Predictor | 6.00 | | Accept |
1631 | Online Frank-Wolfe with Arbitrary Delays | 5.75 | | Accept |
1632 | One Positive Label is Sufficient: Single-Positive Multi-Label Learning with Label Enhancement | 7.50 | | Accept |
1633 | Semi-infinitely Constrained Markov Decision Processes | 5.67 | | Accept |
1634 | Quasi-Newton Methods for Saddle Point Problems | 6.50 | | Accept |
1635 | Hierarchical Channel-spatial Encoding for Communication-efficient Collaborative Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1636 | Retrospective Adversarial Replay for Continual Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
1637 | LTMD: Learning Improvement of Spiking Neural Networks with Learnable Thresholding Neurons and Moderate Dropout | 5.00 | | Accept |
1638 | Benign Underfitting of Stochastic Gradient Descent | 5.75 | | Accept |
1639 | Equivariant Graph Hierarchy-Based Neural Networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
1640 | Learning Neural Set Functions Under the Optimal Subset Oracle | 7.20 | | Accept |
1641 | Conditional Independence Testing with Heteroskedastic Data and Applications to Causal Discovery | 6.33 | | Accept |
1642 | Molecule Generation by Principal Subgraph Mining and Assembling | 6.33 | | Accept |
1643 | Receding Horizon Inverse Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1644 | AgraSSt: Approximate Graph Stein Statistics for Interpretable Assessment of Implicit Graph Generators | 6.50 | | Accept |
1645 | First is Better Than Last for Language Data Influence | 6.33 | | Accept |
1646 | Learning to Share in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1647 | EF-BV: A Unified Theory of Error Feedback and Variance Reduction Mechanisms for Biased and Unbiased Compression in Distributed Optimization | 5.67 | | Accept |
1648 | Improving Generative Adversarial Networks via Adversarial Learning in Latent Space | 5.75 | | Accept |
1649 | Self-supervised Amodal Video Object Segmentation | 6.50 | | Accept |
1650 | SwinTrack: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Transformer Tracking | 6.50 | | Accept |
1651 | MaskPlace: Fast Chip Placement via Reinforced Visual Representation Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1652 | Mask-based Latent Reconstruction for Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1653 | Debugging and Explaining Metric Learning Approaches: An Influence Function Based Perspective | 5.67 | | Accept |
1654 | Unsupervised Skill Discovery via Recurrent Skill Training | 5.33 | | Accept |
1655 | Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Chebyshev Approximation, Revisited | 6.67 | | Accept |
1656 | Gradient Methods Provably Converge to Non-Robust Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
1657 | TA-GATES: An Encoding Scheme for Neural Network Architectures | 5.67 | | Accept |
1658 | PaCo: Parameter-Compositional Multi-task Reinforcement Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1659 | NUWA-Infinity: Autoregressive over Autoregressive Generation for Infinite Visual Synthesis | 5.75 | | Accept |
1660 | Multi-Objective Online Learning | 5.25 | | Reject |
1661 | A Differentiable Semantic Metric Approximation in Probabilistic Embedding for Cross-Modal Retrieval | 6.25 | | Accept |
1662 | Para-CFlows: $C^k$-universal diffeomorphism approximators as superior neural surrogates | 6.33 | | Accept |
1663 | Learning Contrastive Embedding in Low-Dimensional Space | 5.50 | | Accept |
1664 | Improving Transformer with an Admixture of Attention Heads | 6.67 | | Accept |
1665 | On the Theoretical Properties of Noise Correlation in Stochastic Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
1666 | Temporally Disentangled Representation Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1667 | Robust Rent Division | 7.50 | | Accept |
1668 | Truncated Matrix Power Iteration for Differentiable DAG Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1669 | Semantic Field of Words Represented as Non-Linear Functions | 5.00 | | Accept |
1670 | VideoMAE: Masked Autoencoders are Data-Efficient Learners for Self-Supervised Video Pre-Training | 6.00 | | Accept |
1671 | Most Activation Functions Can Win the Lottery Without Excessive Depth | 4.67 | | Accept |
1672 | Debiased, Longitudinal and Coordinated Drug Recommendation through Multi-Visit Clinic Records | 6.00 | | Accept |
1673 | On the Double Descent of Random Features Models Trained with SGD | 5.75 | | Accept |
1674 | Knowledge Distillation from A Stronger Teacher | 6.00 | | Accept |
1675 | Generic bounds on the approximation error for physics-informed (and) operator learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1676 | Perceptual Attacks of No-Reference Image Quality Models with Human-in-the-Loop | 6.00 | | Accept |
1677 | Refining Low-Resource Unsupervised Translation by Language Disentanglement of Multilingual Translation Model | 6.00 | | Accept |
1678 | GT-GAN: General Purpose Time Series Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Networks | 6.33 | | Accept |
1679 | Fair Wrapping for Black-box Predictions | 4.67 | | Accept |
1680 | Fast Instrument Learning with Faster Rates | 6.20 | | Accept |
1681 | Double Check Your State Before Trusting It: Confidence-Aware Bidirectional Offline Model-Based Imagination | 6.33 | | Accept |
1682 | Bootstrapped Transformer for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
1683 | Towards Skill and Population Curriculum for MARL | 3.75 | | Reject |
1684 | Learning from Distributed Users in Contextual Linear Bandits Without Sharing the Context | 6.00 | | Accept |
1685 | Self-explaining deep models with logic rule reasoning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1686 | Action-modulated midbrain dopamine activity arises from distributed control policies | 6.67 | | Accept |
1687 | Causal Inference with Non-IID Data using Linear Graphical Models | 5.33 | | Accept |
1688 | Off-Beat Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.25 | | Reject |
1689 | On the Importance of Gradient Norm in PAC-Bayesian Bounds | 6.00 | | Accept |
1690 | What are the best Systems? New Perspectives on NLP Benchmarking | 5.33 | | Accept |
1691 | Autoinverse: Uncertainty Aware Inversion of Neural Networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
1692 | Factorized-FL: Personalized Federated Learning with Parameter Factorization & Similarity Matching | 5.75 | | Accept |
1693 | Learning a Condensed Frame for Memory-Efficient Video Class-Incremental Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1694 | FINDE: Neural Differential Equations for Finding and Preserving Invariant Quantities | 6.00 | | Reject |
1695 | Towards Effective and Interpretable Human-AI Collaboration in MOBA Games | 4.50 | | Reject |
1696 | OGC: Unsupervised 3D Object Segmentation from Rigid Dynamics of Point Clouds | 6.50 | | Accept |
1697 | Grow and Merge: A Unified Framework for Continuous Categories Discovery | 5.67 | | Accept |
1698 | Factuality Enhanced Language Models for Open-Ended Text Generation | 5.50 | | Accept |
1699 | Domain Generalization by Learning and Removing Domain-specific Features | 6.00 | | Accept |
1700 | To update or not to update? Neurons at equilibrium in deep models | 5.50 | | Accept |
1701 | Leveraging Inter-Layer Dependency for Post -Training Quantization | 5.25 | | Accept |
1702 | Zeroth-Order Hard-Thresholding: Gradient Error vs. Expansivity | 7.00 | | Accept |
1703 | Multi-view Subspace Clustering on Topological Manifold | 6.67 | | Accept |
1704 | Globally Convergent Policy Search for Output Estimation | 6.80 | | Accept |
1705 | Learning Distributions Generated by Single-Layer ReLU Networks in the Presence of Arbitrary Outliers | 5.67 | | Accept |
1706 | Why do We Need Large Batchsizes in Contrastive Learning? A Gradient-Bias Perspective | 6.00 | | Accept |
1707 | Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader for Adversarial Markov Decision Processes with Bandit Feedback | 7.00 | | Accept |
1708 | Knowledge-Consistent Dialogue Generation with Knowledge Graphs | 4.33 | | Reject |
1709 | Efficient Phi-Regret Minimization in Extensive-Form Games via Online Mirror Descent | 7.33 | | Accept |
1710 | The Sample Complexity of One-Hidden-Layer Neural Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
1711 | Functional Ensemble Distillation | 6.25 | | Accept |
1712 | Provable Benefit of Multitask Representation Learning in Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
1713 | GAGA: Deciphering Age-path of Generalized Self-paced Regularizer | 6.50 | | Accept |
1714 | A High Performance and Low Latency Deep Spiking Neural Networks Conversion Framework | 3.00 | | Reject |
1715 | Learn to Match with No Regret: Reinforcement Learning in Markov Matching Markets | 6.75 | | Accept |
1716 | Provable Generalization of Overparameterized Meta-learning Trained with SGD | 6.00 | | Accept |
1717 | Accelerated Linearized Laplace Approximation for Bayesian Deep Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1718 | Alleviating the Sample Selection Bias in Few-shot Learning by Removing Projection to the Centroid | 5.50 | | Accept |
1719 | Proximal Learning With Opponent-Learning Awareness | 6.00 | | Accept |
1720 | Explaining a Reinforcement Learning Agent via Prototyping | 6.00 | | Accept |
1721 | Secure Split Learning against Property Inference and Data Reconstruction Attacks | 5.00 | | Reject |
1722 | ZeroQuant: Efficient and Affordable Post-Training Quantization for Large-Scale Transformers | 6.00 | | Accept |
1723 | Distributional Reinforcement Learning via Sinkhorn Iterations | 5.75 | | Reject |
1724 | Symbolic Distillation for Learned TCP Congestion Control | 5.50 | | Accept |
1725 | Accelerating Sparse Convolution with Column Vector-Wise Sparsity | 6.00 | | Accept |
1726 | Generalization Bounds for Stochastic Gradient Descent via Localized $\varepsilon$-Covers | 6.60 | | Accept |
1727 | Pyramid Attention For Source Code Summarization | 5.50 | | Accept |
1728 | When to Trust Your Simulator: Dynamics-Aware Hybrid Offline-and-Online Reinforcement Learning | 5.33 | | Accept |
1729 | FasterRisk: Fast and Accurate Interpretable Risk Scores | 6.75 | | Accept |
1730 | Taming Fat-Tailed (“Heavier-Tailed” with Potentially Infinite Variance) Noise in Federated Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1731 | FreGAN: Exploiting Frequency Components for Training GANs under Limited Data | 5.33 | | Accept |
1732 | Momentum Adversarial Distillation: Handling Large Distribution Shifts in Data-Free Knowledge Distillation | 5.50 | | Accept |
1733 | A Simple and Provably Efficient Algorithm for Asynchronous Federated Contextual Linear Bandits | 5.67 | | Accept |
1734 | On Divergence Measures for Bayesian Pseudocoresets | 6.00 | | Accept |
1735 | Domain Adaptation under Open Set Label Shift | 6.00 | | Accept |
1736 | Robust Bayesian Regression via Hard Thresholding | 6.00 | | Accept |
1737 | A Closer Look at the Adversarial Robustness of Deep Equilibrium Models | 5.33 | | Accept |
1738 | Continual learning: a feature extraction formalization, an efficient algorithm, and fundamental obstructions | 5.75 | | Accept |
1739 | DigGAN: Discriminator gradIent Gap Regularization for GAN Training with Limited Data | 5.67 | | Accept |
1740 | Tiered Reinforcement Learning: Pessimism in the Face of Uncertainty and Constant Regret | 6.25 | | Accept |
1741 | DEQGAN: Learning the Loss Function for PINNs with Generative Adversarial Networks | 5.67 | | Reject |
1742 | GenerSpeech: Towards Style Transfer for Generalizable Out-Of-Domain Text-to-Speech | 6.00 | | Accept |
1743 | Improving Task-Specific Generalization in Few-Shot Learning via Adaptive Vicinal Risk Minimization | 5.50 | | Accept |
1744 | Two-Stream Network for Sign Language Recognition and Translation | 7.00 | | Accept |
1745 | Characteristic Neural Ordinary Differential Equations | 5.67 | | Reject |
1746 | Pre-Trained Image Encoder for Generalizable Visual Reinforcement Learning | 5.33 | | Accept |
1747 | Graphical Resource Allocation with Matching-Induced Utilities | 5.00 | | Reject |
1748 | Test Time Adaptation via Conjugate Pseudo-labels | 7.25 | | Accept |
1749 | TANKBind: Trigonometry-Aware Neural NetworKs for Drug-Protein Binding Structure Prediction | 5.67 | | Accept |
1750 | Reconstruction on Trees and Low-Degree Polynomials | 6.75 | | Accept |
1751 | Discovering Design Concepts for CAD Sketches | 6.75 | | Accept |
1752 | HyperMiner: Topic Taxonomy Mining with Hyperbolic Embedding | 6.33 | | Accept |
1753 | Learning Manifold Dimensions with Conditional Variational Autoencoders | 5.67 | | Accept |
1754 | APG: Adaptive Parameter Generation Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction | 5.75 | | Accept |
1755 | On the Effective Number of Linear Regions in Shallow Univariate ReLU Networks: Convergence Guarantees and Implicit Bias | 7.00 | | Accept |
1756 | DNA: Proximal Policy Optimization with a Dual Network Architecture | 6.67 | | Accept |
1757 | Self-Organized Group for Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1758 | MaskTune: Mitigating Spurious Correlations by Forcing to Explore | 6.50 | | Accept |
1759 | House of Cans: Covert Transmission of Internal Datasets via Capacity-Aware Neuron Steganography | 6.00 | | Accept |
1760 | Mirror Descent Maximizes Generalized Margin and Can Be Implemented Efficiently | 6.25 | | Accept |
1761 | DIMES: A Differentiable Meta Solver for Combinatorial Optimization Problems | 5.50 | | Accept |
1762 | LOG: Active Model Adaptation for Label-Efficient OOD Generalization | 6.50 | | Accept |
1763 | Neuron with Steady Response Leads to Better Generalization | 6.33 | | Accept |
1764 | Improved Feature Distillation via Projector Ensemble | 5.20 | | Accept |
1765 | ConfounderGAN: Protecting Image Data Privacy with Causal Confounder | 7.00 | | Accept |
1766 | A Fast Post-Training Pruning Framework for Transformers | 6.25 | | Accept |
1767 | Controllable Text Generation with Neurally-Decomposed Oracle | 7.00 | | Accept |
1768 | Moderate-fitting as a Natural Backdoor Defender for Pre-trained Language Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
1769 | Unsupervised Learning of Shape Programs with Repeatable Implicit Parts | 6.00 | | Accept |
1770 | Efficient Active Learning with Abstention | 6.00 | | Accept |
1771 | Brownian Noise Reduction: Maximizing Privacy Subject to Accuracy Constraints | 6.50 | | Accept |
1772 | Make an Omelette with Breaking Eggs: Zero-Shot Learning for Novel Attribute Synthesis | 5.50 | | Accept |
1773 | All Politics is Local: Redistricting via Local Fairness | 5.00 | | Accept |
1774 | Adaptive Oracle-Efficient Online Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1775 | Neural Collapse with Normalized Features: A Geometric Analysis over the Riemannian Manifold | 5.67 | | Accept |
1776 | Zero-Shot 3D Drug Design by Sketching and Generating | 5.67 | | Accept |
1777 | Why neural networks find simple solutions: The many regularizers of geometric complexity | 6.67 | | Accept |
1778 | Multiclass Learnability Beyond the PAC Framework: Universal Rates and Partial Concept Classes | 6.67 | | Accept |
1779 | Diagonal State Spaces are as Effective as Structured State Spaces | 6.67 | | Accept |
1780 | MetaTeacher: Coordinating Multi-Model Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Classification | 5.33 | | Accept |
1781 | Privacy of Noisy Stochastic Gradient Descent: More Iterations without More Privacy Loss | 6.50 | | Accept |
1782 | Block-Recurrent Transformers | 6.00 | | Accept |
1783 | Markovian Interference in Experiments | 7.00 | | Accept |
1784 | DP-PCA: Statistically Optimal and Differentially Private PCA | 7.00 | | Accept |
1785 | Differentially Private Learning with Margin Guarantees | 6.25 | | Accept |
1786 | Oracle-Efficient Online Learning for Smoothed Adversaries | 7.50 | | Accept |
1787 | Systematic improvement of neural network quantum states using Lanczos | 5.50 | | Accept |
1788 | Learn to Explain: Multimodal Reasoning via Thought Chains for Science Question Answering | 6.40 | | Accept |
1789 | Few-Shot Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning is Better and Cheaper than In-Context Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
1790 | Reproducibility in Optimization: Theoretical Framework and Limits | 7.00 | | Accept |
1791 | Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Density Changing Regularization | 5.25 | | Accept |
1792 | Network change point localisation under local differential privacy | 6.00 | | Accept |
1793 | Annihilation of Spurious Minima in Two-Layer ReLU Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
1794 | Will Bilevel Optimizers Benefit from Loops | 6.25 | | Accept |
1795 | Algorithms that Approximate Data Removal: New Results and Limitations | 6.00 | | Accept |
1796 | Online Minimax Multiobjective Optimization: Multicalibeating and Other Applications | 7.33 | | Accept |
1797 | No-regret learning in games with noisy feedback: Faster rates and adaptivity via learning rate separation | 7.00 | | Accept |
1798 | Physics-Embedded Neural Networks: Graph Neural PDE Solvers with Mixed Boundary Conditions | 6.25 | | Accept |
1799 | On Scalable Testing of Samplers | 6.00 | | Accept |
1800 | A Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithm for Bandits with Delayed Feedback | 6.33 | | Accept |
1801 | Lower Bounds on Randomly Preconditioned Lasso via Robust Sparse Designs | 6.50 | | Accept |
1802 | CLIPDraw: Exploring Text-to-Drawing Synthesis through Language-Image Encoders | 6.67 | | Accept |
1803 | Pre-Trained Language Models for Interactive Decision-Making | 7.00 | | Accept |
1804 | Diffusion-based Molecule Generation with Informative Prior Bridges | 6.33 | | Accept |
1805 | Learning from Stochastically Revealed Preference | 6.00 | | Accept |
1806 | When does dough become a bagel? Analyzing the remaining mistakes on ImageNet | 5.67 | | Accept |
1807 | Scalable Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses for Causal-Effect Estimates of Continuous-Valued Interventions | 7.25 | | Accept |
1808 | On the convergence of policy gradient methods to Nash equilibria in general stochastic games | 6.50 | | Accept |
1809 | Semi-Supervised Learning with Decision Trees: Graph Laplacian Tree Alternating Optimization | 6.50 | | Accept |
1810 | You Only Live Once: Single-Life Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1811 | Neural Circuit Architectural Priors for Embodied Control | 5.00 | | Accept |
1812 | Micro and Macro Level Graph Modeling for Graph Variational Auto-Encoders | 5.50 | | Accept |
1813 | Conformal Frequency Estimation with Sketched Data | 5.67 | | Accept |
1814 | A Single-timescale Analysis for Stochastic Approximation with Multiple Coupled Sequences | 7.00 | | Accept |
1815 | Reconstructing Training Data From Trained Neural Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
1816 | Redeeming intrinsic rewards via constrained policy optimization | 7.33 | | Accept |
1817 | S-PIFu: Integrating Parametric Human Models with PIFu for Single-view Clothed Human Reconstruction | 4.33 | | Accept |
1818 | Use-Case-Grounded Simulations for Explanation Evaluation | 6.25 | | Accept |
1819 | LIFT: Language-Interfaced Fine-Tuning for Non-language Machine Learning Tasks | 6.25 | | Accept |
1820 | Class-Aware Adversarial Transformers for Medical Image Segmentation | 5.67 | | Accept |
1821 | SALSA: Attacking Lattice Cryptography with Transformers | 5.75 | | Accept |
1822 | Robust Imitation via Mirror Descent Inverse Reinforcement Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
1823 | Near-Optimal Randomized Exploration for Tabular Markov Decision Processes | 6.25 | | Accept |
1824 | TTOpt: A Maximum Volume Quantized Tensor Train-based Optimization and its Application to Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1825 | RKHS-SHAP: Shapley Values for Kernel Methods | 5.67 | | Accept |
1826 | GREED: A Neural Framework for Learning Graph Distance Functions | 6.00 | | Accept |
1827 | Context-Based Dynamic Pricing with Partially Linear Demand Model | 6.25 | | Accept |
1828 | Target alignment in truncated kernel ridge regression | 6.25 | | Accept |
1829 | Bridging the Gap: Unifying the Training and Evaluation of Neural Network Binary Classifiers | 5.75 | | Accept |
1830 | Uncertainty Estimation Using Riemannian Model Dynamics for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
1831 | Adversarial Unlearning: Reducing Confidence Along Adversarial Directions | 6.50 | | Accept |
1832 | Queue Up Your Regrets: Achieving the Dynamic Capacity Region of Multiplayer Bandits | 6.00 | | Accept |
1833 | High-Order Pooling for Graph Neural Networks with Tensor Decomposition | 6.00 | | Accept |
1834 | Imitating Past Successes can be Very Suboptimal | 6.67 | | Accept |
1835 | Bivariate Causal Discovery for Categorical Data via Classification with Optimal Label Permutation | 5.00 | | Accept |
1836 | Joint Model-Policy Optimization of a Lower Bound for Model-Based RL | 7.25 | | Accept |
1837 | TabNAS: Rejection Sampling for Neural Architecture Search on Tabular Datasets | 6.00 | | Accept |
1838 | SAPD+: An Accelerated Stochastic Method for Nonconvex-Concave Minimax Problems | 6.00 | | Accept |
1839 | Procedural Image Programs for Representation Learning | 4.67 | | Accept |
1840 | Online Agnostic Multiclass Boosting | 6.25 | | Accept |
1841 | Momentum Aggregation for Private Non-convex ERM | 6.00 | | Accept |
1842 | Earthformer: Exploring Space-Time Transformers for Earth System Forecasting | 5.25 | | Accept |
1843 | Augmentations in Hypergraph Contrastive Learning: Fabricated and Generative | 5.33 | | Accept |
1844 | Data Augmentation MCMC for Bayesian Inference from Privatized Data | 5.00 | | Accept |
1845 | Improving Zero-Shot Generalization in Offline Reinforcement Learning using Generalized Similarity Functions | 5.67 | | Accept |
1846 | Learning to Attack Federated Learning: A Model-based Reinforcement Learning Attack Framework | 5.75 | | Accept |
1847 | Communication-efficient distributed eigenspace estimation with arbitrary node failures | 6.00 | | Accept |
1848 | Weighted Mutual Learning with Diversity-Driven Model Compression | 5.75 | | Accept |
1849 | NeuForm: Adaptive Overfitting for Neural Shape Editing | 7.33 | | Accept |
1850 | Non-stationary Bandits with Knapsacks | 5.00 | | Accept |
1851 | SKFlow: Learning Optical Flow with Super Kernels | 6.25 | | Accept |
1852 | Towards Understanding Grokking: An Effective Theory of Representation Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
1853 | Dynamic Sparse Network for Time Series Classification: Learning What to “See” | 5.00 | | Accept |
1854 | Smooth Fictitious Play in Stochastic Games with Perturbed Payoffs and Unknown Transitions | 6.40 | | Accept |
1855 | Uncertainty-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Risk-Sensitive Player Evaluation in Sports Game | 5.33 | | Accept |
1856 | Doubly Robust Counterfactual Classification | 6.00 | | Accept |
1857 | Manifold Interpolating Optimal-Transport Flows for Trajectory Inference | 5.75 | | Accept |
1858 | Local-Global MCMC kernels: the best of both worlds | 6.67 | | Accept |
1859 | InsNet: An Efficient, Flexible, and Performant Insertion-based Text Generation Model | 5.50 | | Accept |
1860 | Accelerated Projected Gradient Algorithms for Sparsity Constrained Optimization Problems | 6.50 | | Accept |
1861 | Provably sample-efficient RL with side information about latent dynamics | 6.50 | | Accept |
1862 | Differentially Private Online-to-batch for Smooth Losses | 5.33 | | Accept |
1863 | UniCLIP: Unified Framework for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training | 5.50 | | Accept |
1864 | Structured Recognition for Generative Models with Explaining Away | 6.00 | | Accept |
1865 | LiteTransformerSearch: Training-free Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Language Models | 5.50 | | Accept |
1866 | Adversarial Reprogramming Revisited | 6.33 | | Accept |
1867 | Scalable and Efficient Training of Large Convolutional Neural Networks with Differential Privacy | 6.33 | | Accept |
1868 | Stochastic Second-Order Methods Improve Best-Known Sample Complexity of SGD for Gradient-Dominated Functions | 5.75 | | Accept |
1869 | GENIE: Higher-Order Denoising Diffusion Solvers | 7.25 | | Accept |
1870 | Automatic Clipping: Differentially Private Deep Learning Made Easy and Stronger | 4.75 | | Reject |
1871 | First-Order Algorithms for Min-Max Optimization in Geodesic Metric Spaces | 6.20 | | Accept |
1872 | u-HuBERT: Unified Mixed-Modal Speech Pretraining And Zero-Shot Transfer to Unlabeled Modality | 5.50 | | Accept |
1873 | Efficient and Effective Augmentation Strategy for Adversarial Training | 6.00 | | Accept |
1874 | Efficient Sampling on Riemannian Manifolds via Langevin MCMC | 7.25 | | Accept |
1875 | A Direct Approximation of AIXI Using Logical State Abstractions | 5.67 | | Accept |
1876 | Instance-based Learning for Knowledge Base Completion | 5.50 | | Accept |
1877 | ATD: Augmenting CP Tensor Decomposition by Self Supervision | 6.00 | | Accept |
1878 | AniFaceGAN: Animatable 3D-Aware Face Image Generation for Video Avatars | 4.75 | | Accept |
1879 | Depth is More Powerful than Width with Prediction Concatenation in Deep Forest | 6.67 | | Accept |
1880 | On the Word Boundaries of Emergent Languages Based on Harris's Articulation Scheme | 6.33 | | Reject |
1881 | Dance of SNN and ANN: Solving binding problem by combining spike timing and reconstructive attention | 5.75 | | Accept |
1882 | Direct Advantage Estimation | 6.50 | | Accept |
1883 | Expectation-Maximization Contrastive Learning for Compact Video-and-Language Representations | 5.50 | | Accept |
1884 | Adversarial Task Up-sampling for Meta-learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1885 | A Unifying Framework for Online Optimization with Long-Term Constraints | 6.00 | | Accept |
1886 | Masked Prediction: A Parameter Identifiability View | 6.50 | | Accept |
1887 | Tabular data imputation: quality over quantity | 3.33 | | Reject |
1888 | ST-Adapter: Parameter-Efficient Image-to-Video Transfer Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1889 | Exact Solutions of a Deep Linear Network | 6.00 | | Accept |
1890 | Constrained Predictive Coding as a Biologically Plausible Model of the Cortical Hierarchy | 5.67 | | Accept |
1891 | SCL-WC: Cross-Slide Contrastive Learning for Weakly-Supervised Whole-Slide Image Classification | 5.50 | | Accept |
1892 | VRL3: A Data-Driven Framework for Visual Deep Reinforcement Learning | 4.75 | | Accept |
1893 | Renyi Differential Privacy of Propose-Test-Release and Applications to Private and Robust Machine Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1894 | Towards Diverse and Faithful One-shot Adaption of Generative Adversarial Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
1895 | Does Momentum Change the Implicit Regularization on Separable Data? | 6.25 | | Accept |
1896 | Can Push-forward Generative Models Fit Multimodal Distributions? | 5.60 | | Accept |
1897 | DualCoOp: Fast Adaptation to Multi-Label Recognition with Limited Annotations | 5.50 | | Accept |
1898 | When Adversarial Training Meets Vision Transformers: Recipes from Training to Architecture | 6.00 | | Accept |
1899 | Block-wise Separable Convolutions: An Alternative Way to Factorize Standard Convolutions | 4.33 | | Reject |
1900 | Conservative Dual Policy Optimization for Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1901 | Efficient Submodular Optimization under Noise: Local Search is Robust | 6.33 | | Accept |
1902 | Egocentric Video-Language Pretraining | 5.25 | | Accept |
1903 | Generalised Implicit Neural Representations | 6.33 | | Accept |
1904 | Few-shot Image Generation via Adaptation-Aware Kernel Modulation | 6.33 | | Accept |
1905 | Look Around and Refer: 2D Synthetic Semantics Knowledge Distillation for 3D Visual Grounding | 5.50 | | Accept |
1906 | Wavelet Score-Based Generative Modeling | 6.67 | | Accept |
1907 | Self-supervised Heterogeneous Graph Pre-training Based on Structural Clustering | 5.25 | | Accept |
1908 | Improving 3D-aware Image Synthesis with A Geometry-aware Discriminator | 5.25 | | Accept |
1909 | Estimating graphical models for count data with applications to single-cell gene network | 6.67 | | Accept |
1910 | Policy Gradient With Serial Markov Chain Reasoning | 7.00 | | Accept |
1911 | Towards Effective Multi-Modal Interchanges in Zero-Resource Sounding Object Localization | 5.50 | | Accept |
1912 | Out-of-Distribution Detection via Conditional Kernel Independence Model | 5.75 | | Accept |
1913 | Riemannian Score-Based Generative Modelling | 7.50 | | Accept |
1914 | Gradient Descent: The Ultimate Optimizer | 6.67 | | Accept |
1915 | Contextual Squeeze-and-Excitation for Efficient Few-Shot Image Classification | 6.00 | | Accept |
1916 | Perturbation Learning Based Anomaly Detection | 5.67 | | Accept |
1917 | Incorporating Bias-aware Margins into Contrastive Loss for Collaborative Filtering | 5.67 | | Accept |
1918 | Module-Aware Optimization for Auxiliary Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1919 | A Classification of $G$-invariant Shallow Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1920 | Improved Utility Analysis of Private CountSketch | 6.67 | | Accept |
1921 | Hierarchical Graph Transformer with Adaptive Node Sampling | 5.50 | | Accept |
1922 | Self-Supervised Learning with an Information Maximization Criterion | 5.50 | | Accept |
1923 | Transcormer: Transformer for Sentence Scoring with Sliding Language Modeling | 5.00 | | Accept |
1924 | LogiGAN: Learning Logical Reasoning via Adversarial Pre-training | 5.75 | | Accept |
1925 | Deep Combinatorial Aggregation | 5.33 | | Accept |
1926 | Revisiting Realistic Test-Time Training: Sequential Inference and Adaptation by Anchored Clustering | 6.25 | | Accept |
1927 | Museformer: Transformer with Fine- and Coarse-Grained Attention for Music Generation | 5.50 | | Accept |
1928 | Theoretically Provable Spiking Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1929 | Trading Off Resource Budgets For Improved Regret Bounds | 5.50 | | Accept |
1930 | Transformers meet Stochastic Block Models: Attention with Data-Adaptive Sparsity and Cost | 6.00 | | Accept |
1931 | Outsourcing Training without Uploading Data via Efficient Collaborative Open-Source Sampling | 6.20 | | Accept |
1932 | Understanding the Failure of Batch Normalization for Transformers in NLP | 5.67 | | Accept |
1933 | Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning via Mutual Information Regularized Assignment | 7.00 | | Accept |
1934 | Pure Transformers are Powerful Graph Learners | 6.00 | | Accept |
1935 | Differentiable hierarchical and surrogate gradient search for spiking neural networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
1936 | TA-MoE: Topology-Aware Large Scale Mixture-of-Expert Training | 5.33 | | Accept |
1937 | DetCLIP: Dictionary-Enriched Visual-Concept Paralleled Pre-training for Open-world Detection | 6.00 | | Accept |
1938 | On the Identifiability of Nonlinear ICA: Sparsity and Beyond | 7.33 | | Accept |
1939 | Transfer Learning on Heterogeneous Feature Spaces for Treatment Effects Estimation | 6.33 | | Accept |
1940 | BR-SNIS: Bias Reduced Self-Normalized Importance Sampling | 5.50 | | Accept |
1941 | Where to Pay Attention in Sparse Training for Feature Selection? | 6.75 | | Accept |
1942 | A Continuous Time Framework for Discrete Denoising Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
1943 | AD-DROP: Attribution-Driven Dropout for Robust Language Model Fine-Tuning | 5.50 | | Accept |
1944 | Verification and search algorithms for causal DAGs | 5.67 | | Accept |
1945 | Hyperbolic Feature Augmentation via Distribution Estimation and Infinite Sampling on Manifolds | 6.00 | | Accept |
1946 | TokenMixup: Efficient Attention-guided Token-level Data Augmentation for Transformers | 6.25 | | Accept |
1947 | IM-Loss: Information Maximization Loss for Spiking Neural Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
1948 | Operator-Discretized Representation for Temporal Neural Networks | 3.25 | | Reject |
1949 | Could Giant Pre-trained Image Models Extract Universal Representations? | 5.00 | | Accept |
1950 | Searching for Better Spatio-temporal Alignment in Few-Shot Action Recognition | 6.33 | | Accept |
1951 | Relation-Constrained Decoding for Text Generation | 5.50 | | Accept |
1952 | Margin-Based Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning with Class-Level Overfitting Mitigation | 5.67 | | Accept |
1953 | Zeroth-Order Negative Curvature Finding: Escaping Saddle Points without Gradients | 6.50 | | Accept |
1954 | Latency-aware Spatial-wise Dynamic Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
1955 | Learning to Break the Loop: Analyzing and Mitigating Repetitions for Neural Text Generation | 6.33 | | Accept |
1956 | Toward a realistic model of speech processing in the brain with self-supervised learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
1957 | Multi-layer State Evolution Under Random Convolutional Design | 6.75 | | Accept |
1958 | Learning Robust Rule Representations for Abstract Reasoning via Internal Inferences | 6.60 | | Accept |
1959 | CalFAT: Calibrated Federated Adversarial Training with Label Skewness | 5.33 | | Accept |
1960 | Eliciting Thinking Hierarchy without a Prior | 6.00 | | Accept |
1961 | GBA: A Tuning-free Approach to Switch between Synchronous and Asynchronous Training for Recommendation Models | 6.33 | | Accept |
1962 | Online Neural Sequence Detection with Hierarchical Dirichlet Point Process | 5.50 | | Accept |
1963 | Iterative Scene Graph Generation | 4.33 | | Accept |
1964 | Low-rank Optimal Transport: Approximation, Statistics and Debiasing | 7.00 | | Accept |
1965 | Fast Distance Oracles for Any Symmetric Norm | 5.75 | | Accept |
1966 | Towards Hard-pose Virtual Try-on via 3D-aware Global Correspondence Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
1967 | Learning Causally Invariant Representations for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Graphs | 6.00 | | Accept |
1968 | Ultra-marginal Feature Importance | 7.00 | | Reject |
1969 | Non-Linear Coordination Graphs | 7.00 | | Accept |
1970 | ComGAN: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Segmentation via Image Composition | 6.00 | | Accept |
1971 | Homomorphic Matrix Completion | 5.33 | | Accept |
1972 | Cluster Randomized Designs for One-Sided Bipartite Experiments | 6.00 | | Accept |
1973 | Multimodal Contrastive Learning with LIMoE: the Language-Image Mixture of Experts | 7.00 | | Accept |
1974 | Node-oriented Spectral Filtering for Graph Neural Networks | 5.50 | | Reject |
1975 | EGRU: Event-based GRU for activity-sparse inference and learning | 5.67 | | Reject |
1976 | Structure-Preserving 3D Garment Modeling with Neural Sewing Machines | 5.75 | | Accept |
1977 | Improved Bounds on Neural Complexity for Representing Piecewise Linear Functions | 6.33 | | Accept |
1978 | Learning Graph-embedded Key-event Back-tracing for Object Tracking in Event Clouds | 5.00 | | Accept |
1979 | OrdinalCLIP: Learning Rank Prompts for Language-Guided Ordinal Regression | 5.67 | | Accept |
1980 | Unsupervised learning of features and object boundaries from local prediction | 6.00 | | Reject |
1981 | Amortized Projection Optimization for Sliced Wasserstein Generative Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
1982 | Revisiting Sliced Wasserstein on Images: From Vectorization to Convolution | 5.25 | | Accept |
1983 | Towards Learning Universal Hyperparameter Optimizers with Transformers | 6.00 | | Accept |
1984 | Optimal Transport-based Identity Matching for Identity-invariant Facial Expression Recognition | 5.33 | | Accept |
1985 | I2Q: A Fully Decentralized Q-Learning Algorithm | 6.33 | | Accept |
1986 | HierSpeech: Bridging the Gap between Text and Speech by Hierarchical Variational Inference using Self-supervised Representations for Speech Synthesis | 6.33 | | Accept |
1987 | Unifying Voxel-based Representation with Transformer for 3D Object Detection | 5.33 | | Accept |
1988 | Monte Carlo Tree Descent for Black-Box Optimization | 5.25 | | Accept |
1989 | A Mean-Field Game Approach to Cloud Resource Management with Function Approximation | 6.00 | | Accept |
1990 | Translation-equivariant Representation in Recurrent Networks with a Continuous Manifold of Attractors | 7.00 | | Accept |
1991 | 3DILG: Irregular Latent Grids for 3D Generative Modeling | 5.75 | | Accept |
1992 | Coresets for Vertical Federated Learning: Regularized Linear Regression and $K$-Means Clustering | 6.67 | | Accept |
1993 | CHIMLE: Conditional Hierarchical IMLE | 5.25 | | Accept |
1994 | Sharpness-Aware Training for Free | 5.00 | | Accept |
1995 | Distributional Convergence of the Sliced Wasserstein Process | 6.00 | | Accept |
1996 | Stochastic Multiple Target Sampling Gradient Descent | 6.33 | | Accept |
1997 | Multi-Sample Training for Neural Image Compression | 6.33 | | Accept |
1998 | Controllable and Lossless Non-Autoregressive End-to-End Text-to-Speech | 4.67 | | Reject |
1999 | Implicit Regularization or Implicit Conditioning? Exact Risk Trajectories of SGD in High Dimensions | 5.00 | | Accept |
2000 | FedRolex: Model-Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Rolling Sub-Model Extraction | 6.25 | | Accept |
2001 | Differentially Private Covariance Revisited | 7.00 | | Accept |
2002 | LION: Latent Point Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2003 | Learning Efficient Vision Transformers via Fine-Grained Manifold Distillation | 5.75 | | Accept |
2004 | On the Limitations of Stochastic Pre-processing Defenses | 6.33 | | Accept |
2005 | Distributionally Robust Optimization with Data Geometry | 6.75 | | Accept |
2006 | Learning Unified Representations for Multi-Resolution Face Recognition | 4.00 | | Reject |
2007 | Falsification before Extrapolation in Causal Effect Estimation | 5.50 | | Accept |
2008 | Improving Policy Learning via Language Dynamics Distillation | 5.00 | | Accept |
2009 | On Gap-dependent Bounds for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2010 | ResQ: A Residual Q Function-based Approach for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Value Factorization | 6.25 | | Accept |
2011 | Spartan: Differentiable Sparsity via Regularized Transportation | 6.25 | | Accept |
2012 | Hardness of Noise-Free Learning for Two-Hidden-Layer Neural Networks | 7.33 | | Accept |
2013 | BILCO: An Efficient Algorithm for Joint Alignment of Time Series | 6.33 | | Accept |
2014 | Models Out of Line: A Fourier Lens on Distribution Shift Robustness | 6.33 | | Accept |
2015 | Gradient-Free Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization | 6.67 | | Accept |
2016 | Visual Clues: Bridging Vision and Language Foundations for Image Paragraph Captioning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2017 | Size and depth of monotone neural networks: interpolation and approximation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2018 | Test-Time Training with Masked Autoencoders | 6.50 | | Accept |
2019 | Visual Prompting via Image Inpainting | 6.50 | | Accept |
2020 | Global Convergence and Stability of Stochastic Gradient Descent | 5.60 | | Accept |
2021 | Functional Indirection Neural Estimator for Better Out-of-distribution Generalization | 5.00 | | Accept |
2022 | SparCL: Sparse Continual Learning on the Edge | 5.50 | | Accept |
2023 | Memorization Without Overfitting: Analyzing the Training Dynamics of Large Language Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
2024 | High-dimensional limit theorems for SGD: Effective dynamics and critical scaling | 7.33 | | Accept |
2025 | Neur2SP: Neural Two-Stage Stochastic Programming | 6.50 | | Accept |
2026 | Approximate Value Equivalence | 5.67 | | Accept |
2027 | Learning-based Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments Using GNNs and Temporal Encoding | 6.00 | | Accept |
2028 | Decomposing NeRF for Editing via Feature Field Distillation | 6.25 | | Accept |
2029 | Video PreTraining (VPT): Learning to Act by Watching Unlabeled Online Videos | 8.00 | | Accept |
2030 | Rethinking Image Restoration for Object Detection | 5.67 | | Accept |
2031 | On Privacy and Personalization in Cross-Silo Federated Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
2032 | Approaching Quartic Convergence Rates for Quasi-Stochastic Approximation with Application to Gradient-Free Optimization | 6.50 | | Accept |
2033 | Delving into Out-of-Distribution Detection with Vision-Language Representations | 6.00 | | Accept |
2034 | Non-convex online learning via algorithmic equivalence | 5.33 | | Accept |
2035 | VICRegL: Self-Supervised Learning of Local Visual Features | 5.33 | | Accept |
2036 | Bayesian Clustering of Neural Spiking Activity Using a Mixture of Dynamic Poisson Factor Analyzers | 5.67 | | Accept |
2037 | MCVD - Masked Conditional Video Diffusion for Prediction, Generation, and Interpolation | 5.67 | | Accept |
2038 | Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
2039 | Attention-based Neural Cellular Automata | 7.25 | | Accept |
2040 | The price of ignorance: how much does it cost to forget noise structure in low-rank matrix estimation? | 6.00 | | Accept |
2041 | Biological Learning of Irreducible Representations of Commuting Transformations | 6.75 | | Accept |
2042 | The Unreliability of Explanations in Few-shot Prompting for Textual Reasoning | 5.33 | | Accept |
2043 | Inductive Logical Query Answering in Knowledge Graphs | 5.75 | | Accept |
2044 | Regularized Gradient Descent Ascent for Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Games | 5.75 | | Accept |
2045 | Posted Pricing and Dynamic Prior-independent Mechanisms with Value Maximizers | 6.33 | | Accept |
2046 | Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Neural Networks through an Implicit Composite Kernel | 5.75 | | Reject |
2047 | Recruitment Strategies That Take a Chance | 6.50 | | Accept |
2048 | When does return-conditioned supervised learning work for offline reinforcement learning? | 6.25 | | Accept |
2049 | Detection and Localization of Changes in Conditional Distributions | 6.50 | | Accept |
2050 | Inference and Sampling for Archimax Copulas | 7.25 | | Accept |
2051 | Online Deep Equilibrium Learning for Regularization by Denoising | 6.00 | | Accept |
2052 | Optimal algorithms for group distributionally robust optimization and beyond | 5.25 | | Reject |
2053 | Exploring through Random Curiosity with General Value Functions | 5.75 | | Accept |
2054 | Unsupervised Multi-View Object Segmentation Using Radiance Field Propagation | 5.75 | | Accept |
2055 | Text Classification with Born's Rule | 5.75 | | Accept |
2056 | SIREN: Shaping Representations for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Objects | 4.00 | | Accept |
2057 | Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning: Reusing Prior Computation to Accelerate Progress | 7.00 | | Accept |
2058 | A sharp NMF result with applications in network modeling | 5.67 | | Accept |
2059 | Generating multivariate time series with COmmon Source CoordInated GAN (COSCI-GAN) | 5.75 | | Accept |
2060 | Learnable Polyphase Sampling for Shift Invariant and Equivariant Convolutional Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2061 | Policy Optimization with Advantage Regularization for Long-Term Fairness in Decision Systems | 5.50 | | Accept |
2062 | Cluster and Aggregate: Face Recognition with Large Probe Set | 5.75 | | Accept |
2063 | Parameter tuning and model selection in Optimal Transport with semi-dual Brenier formulation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2064 | Handcrafted Backdoors in Deep Neural Networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
2065 | Local Spatiotemporal Representation Learning for Longitudinally-consistent Neuroimage Analysis | 7.00 | | Accept |
2066 | Understanding Deep Neural Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning via $\epsilon$-Greedy Exploration | 6.33 | | Accept |
2067 | Compositional generalization through abstract representations in human and artificial neural networks | 6.75 | | Accept |
2068 | Robust $\phi$-Divergence MDPs | 5.33 | | Accept |
2069 | The price of unfairness in linear bandits with biased feedback | 6.00 | | Accept |
2070 | Intrinsic Sliced Wasserstein Distances for Comparing Collections of Probability Distributions on Manifolds and Graphs | 4.67 | | Reject |
2071 | SInGE: Sparsity via Integrated Gradients Estimation of Neuron Relevance | 5.67 | | Accept |
2072 | Sample-Efficient Learning of Correlated Equilibria in Extensive-Form Games | 6.75 | | Accept |
2073 | In Differential Privacy, There is Truth: on Vote-Histogram Leakage in Ensemble Private Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2074 | Washing The Unwashable : On The (Im)possibility of Fairwashing Detection | 5.50 | | Accept |
2075 | Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Readouts | 6.67 | | Accept |
2076 | Approximate Euclidean lengths and distances beyond Johnson-Lindenstrauss | 6.00 | | Accept |
2077 | Change-point Detection for Sparse and Dense Functional Data in General Dimensions | 6.40 | | Accept |
2078 | Markov Chain Score Ascent: A Unifying Framework of Variational Inference with Markovian Gradients | 6.50 | | Accept |
2079 | D^2NeRF: Self-Supervised Decoupling of Dynamic and Static Objects from a Monocular Video | 6.00 | | Accept |
2080 | A Near-Optimal Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithm for Online Learning with Feedback Graphs | 6.75 | | Accept |
2081 | Improved Imaging by Invex Regularizers with Global Optima Guarantees | 7.33 | | Accept |
2082 | Random Normalization Aggregation for Adversarial Defense | 5.75 | | Accept |
2083 | ToDD: Topological Compound Fingerprinting in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery | 6.67 | | Accept |
2084 | Score-Based Diffusion meets Annealed Importance Sampling | 6.67 | | Accept |
2085 | Rethinking Counterfactual Explanations as Local and Regional Counterfactual Policies | 5.00 | | Reject |
2086 | VTC-LFC: Vision Transformer Compression with Low-Frequency Components | 7.00 | | Accept |
2087 | Dynamic Fair Division with Partial Information | 6.00 | | Accept |
2088 | Set-based Meta-Interpolation for Few-Task Meta-Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
2089 | How To Design Stable Machine Learned Solvers For Scalar Hyperbolic PDEs | 4.00 | | Reject |
2090 | Convergence beyond the over-parameterized regime using Rayleigh quotients | 6.00 | | Accept |
2091 | A Quadrature Rule combining Control Variates and Adaptive Importance Sampling | 7.00 | | Accept |
2092 | TransBoost: Improving the Best ImageNet Performance using Deep Transduction | 6.00 | | Accept |
2093 | Data Distributional Properties Drive Emergent In-Context Learning in Transformers | 7.00 | | Accept |
2094 | Automatic differentiation of nonsmooth iterative algorithms | 7.00 | | Accept |
2095 | Truncated proposals for scalable and hassle-free simulation-based inference | 6.50 | | Accept |
2096 | Extracting computational mechanisms from neural data using low-rank RNNs | 6.00 | | Accept |
2097 | Training Spiking Neural Networks with Local Tandem Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
2098 | Causal Identification under Markov equivalence: Calculus, Algorithm, and Completeness | 8.00 | | Accept |
2099 | Shield Decentralization for Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
2100 | Hardness in Markov Decision Processes: Theory and Practice | 6.25 | | Accept |
2101 | On the Interpretability of Regularisation for Neural Networks Through Model Gradient Similarity | 5.33 | | Accept |
2102 | A Closer Look at Prototype Classifier for Few-shot Image Classification | 5.67 | | Accept |
2103 | ALIFE: Adaptive Logit Regularizer and Feature Replay for Incremental Semantic Segmentation | 6.50 | | Accept |
2104 | When are Local Queries Useful for Robust Learning? | 6.00 | | Accept |
2105 | Contrastive Learning as Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning | 7.33 | | Accept |
2106 | A Neural Corpus Indexer for Document Retrieval | 6.50 | | Accept |
2107 | Invertible Monotone Operators for Normalizing Flows | 7.00 | | Accept |
2108 | Large-Scale Retrieval for Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2109 | Make Sharpness-Aware Minimization Stronger: A Sparsified Perturbation Approach | 5.50 | | Accept |
2110 | Explainability Via Causal Self-Talk | 6.25 | | Accept |
2111 | Randomized Message-Interception Smoothing: Gray-box Certificates for Graph Neural Networks | 6.75 | | Accept |
2112 | UQGAN: A Unified Model for Uncertainty Quantification of Deep Classifiers trained via Conditional GANs | 5.50 | | Accept |
2113 | Oscillatory Tracking of Continuous Attractor Neural Networks Account for Phase Precession and Procession of Hippocampal Place Cells | 6.00 | | Accept |
2114 | ELASTIC: Numerical Reasoning with Adaptive Symbolic Compiler | 6.33 | | Accept |
2115 | Adaptation Accelerating Sampling-based Bayesian Inference in Attractor Neural Networks | 6.50 | | Accept |
2116 | Subspace clustering in high-dimensions: Phase transitions \& Statistical-to-Computational gap | 5.60 | | Accept |
2117 | Diagnosing failures of fairness transfer across distribution shift in real-world medical settings | 6.67 | | Accept |
2118 | Efficient identification of informative features in simulation-based inference | 5.75 | | Accept |
2119 | Sound and Complete Causal Identification with Latent Variables Given Local Background Knowledge | 6.67 | | Accept |
2120 | Deep Active Learning by Leveraging Training Dynamics | 6.25 | | Accept |
2121 | Model Extraction Attacks on Split Federated Learning | 5.50 | | Reject |
2122 | CageNeRF: Cage-based Neural Radiance Field for Generalized 3D Deformation and Animation | 5.33 | | Accept |
2123 | Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks with Reverse Adversarial Perturbation | 5.25 | | Accept |
2124 | Contextual Bandits with Knapsacks for a Conversion Model | 6.33 | | Accept |
2125 | Using natural language and program abstractions to instill human inductive biases in machines | 8.00 | | Accept |
2126 | FairVFL: A Fair Vertical Federated Learning Framework with Contrastive Adversarial Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2127 | Wasserstein Logistic Regression with Mixed Features | 5.80 | | Accept |
2128 | Forecasting Human Trajectory from Scene History | 5.75 | | Accept |
2129 | DOGE-Train: Discrete Optimization on GPU with End-to-end Training | 4.67 | | Reject |
2130 | The Nature of Temporal Difference Errors in Multi-step Distributional Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2131 | Personalized Subgraph Federated Learning | 5.00 | | Reject |
2132 | DivBO: Diversity-aware CASH for Ensemble Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2133 | TREC: Transient Redundancy Elimination-based Convolution | 5.25 | | Accept |
2134 | Bidirectional Learning for Offline Infinite-width Model-based Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
2135 | A Transformer-Based Object Detector with Coarse-Fine Crossing Representations | 6.33 | | Accept |
2136 | Bessel Equivariant Networks for Inversion of Transmission Effects in Multi-Mode Optical Fibres | 6.33 | | Accept |
2137 | VICE: Variational Interpretable Concept Embeddings | 5.50 | | Accept |
2138 | Chefs' Random Tables: Non-Trigonometric Random Features | 6.00 | | Accept |
2139 | SketchBoost: Fast Gradient Boosted Decision Tree for Multioutput Problems | 6.33 | | Accept |
2140 | SizeShiftReg: a Regularization Method for Improving Size-Generalization in Graph Neural Networks | 5.67 | | Accept |
2141 | CogView2: Faster and Better Text-to-Image Generation via Hierarchical Transformers | 5.75 | | Accept |
2142 | Deep invariant networks with differentiable augmentation layers | 4.50 | | Accept |
2143 | FNeVR: Neural Volume Rendering for Face Animation | 5.33 | | Accept |
2144 | HF-NeuS: Improved Surface Reconstruction Using High-Frequency Details | 6.00 | | Accept |
2145 | TCT: Convexifying Federated Learning using Bootstrapped Neural Tangent Kernels | 6.00 | | Accept |
2146 | Scalable Neural Video Representations with Learnable Positional Features | 5.67 | | Accept |
2147 | Metric-Projected Accelerated Riemannian Optimization: Handling Constraints to Bound Geometric Penalties | 5.33 | | Reject |
2148 | Cross-modal Learning for Image-Guided Point Cloud Shape Completion | 5.00 | | Accept |
2149 | Retrieve, Reason, and Refine: Generating Accurate and Faithful Patient Instructions | 6.33 | | Accept |
2150 | Rethinking the compositionality of point clouds through regularization in the hyperbolic space | 5.60 | | Accept |
2151 | Redistribution of Weights and Activations for AdderNet Quantization | 6.00 | | Accept |
2152 | Rethinking Variational Inference for Probabilistic Programs with Stochastic Support | 7.25 | | Accept |
2153 | Online Convex Optimization with Hard Constraints: Towards the Best of Two Worlds and Beyond | 6.25 | | Accept |
2154 | Information-Theoretic GAN Compression with Variational Energy-based Model | 6.00 | | Accept |
2155 | Less-forgetting Multi-lingual Fine-tuning | 5.67 | | Accept |
2156 | Exploring Figure-Ground Assignment Mechanism in Perceptual Organization | 5.00 | | Accept |
2157 | Language Conditioned Spatial Relation Reasoning for 3D Object Grounding | 6.25 | | Accept |
2158 | Weakly supervised causal representation learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2159 | HorNet: Efficient High-Order Spatial Interactions with Recursive Gated Convolutions | 6.00 | | Accept |
2160 | What You See is What You Classify: Black Box Attributions | 6.67 | | Accept |
2161 | Amortized Mixing Coupling Processes for Clustering | 6.00 | | Accept |
2162 | Revisiting Sparse Convolutional Model for Visual Recognition | 5.67 | | Accept |
2163 | Cache-Augmented Inbatch Importance Resampling for Training Recommender Retriever | 6.75 | | Accept |
2164 | Deep Attentive Belief Propagation: Integrating Reasoning and Learning for Solving Constraint Optimization Problems | 5.50 | | Accept |
2165 | Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Wild: A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach and A New Dataset | 4.75 | | Accept |
2166 | Uni-Mol: A Universal 3D Molecular Representation Learning Framework | 5.00 | | Reject |
2167 | Factored DRO: Factored Distributionally Robust Policies for Contextual Bandits | 5.80 | | Accept |
2168 | SecureFedYJ: a safe feature Gaussianization protocol for Federated Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
2169 | Fixed-Distance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo | 6.00 | | Accept |
2170 | An Investigation into Whitening Loss for Self-supervised Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
2171 | Beyond the Best: Distribution Functional Estimation in Infinite-Armed Bandits | 5.75 | | Accept |
2172 | 🏘️ ProcTHOR: Large-Scale Embodied AI Using Procedural Generation | 7.00 | | Accept |
2173 | M$^4$I: Multi-modal Models Membership Inference | 6.33 | | Accept |
2174 | FOF: Learning Fourier Occupancy Field for Monocular Real-time Human Reconstruction | 5.67 | | Accept |
2175 | Non-rigid Point Cloud Registration with Neural Deformation Pyramid | 5.50 | | Accept |
2176 | Green Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Masked Image Modeling | 5.67 | | Accept |
2177 | Hub-Pathway: Transfer Learning from A Hub of Pre-trained Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
2178 | Cost-efficient Gaussian tensor network embeddings for tensor-structured inputs | 5.67 | | Accept |
2179 | Biologically-plausible backpropagation through arbitrary timespans via local neuromodulators | 6.50 | | Accept |
2180 | Wasserstein $K$-means for clustering probability distributions | 5.50 | | Accept |
2181 | Beyond accuracy: generalization properties of bio-plausible temporal credit assignment rules | 6.50 | | Accept |
2182 | Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning with Pessimism-Modulated Dynamics Belief | 7.50 | | Accept |
2183 | Hierarchical classification at multiple operating points | 6.00 | | Accept |
2184 | CLEAR: Generative Counterfactual Explanations on Graphs | 5.67 | | Accept |
2185 | Symmetry Teleportation for Accelerated Optimization | 6.20 | | Accept |
2186 | Fused Orthogonal Alternating Least Squares for Tensor Clustering | 6.67 | | Accept |
2187 | Improving Variational Autoencoders with Density Gap-based Regularization | 6.33 | | Accept |
2188 | Inherently Explainable Reinforcement Learning in Natural Language | 5.00 | | Accept |
2189 | It's DONE: Direct ONE-shot learning with Hebbian weight imprinting | 5.33 | | Reject |
2190 | BagFlip: A Certified Defense Against Data Poisoning | 5.67 | | Accept |
2191 | Geo-Neus: Geometry-Consistent Neural Implicit Surfaces Learning for Multi-view Reconstruction | 5.25 | | Accept |
2192 | Differentially Private Linear Regression via Medians | 4.67 | | Reject |
2193 | Sparse2Dense: Learning to Densify 3D Features to Boost 3D Object Detection | 6.00 | | Accept |
2194 | Deep Multi-Modal Structural Equations For Causal Effect Estimation With Unstructured Proxies | 5.67 | | Accept |
2195 | NOTE: Robust Continual Test-time Adaptation Against Temporal Correlation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2196 | A Deep Learning Dataloader with Shared Data Preparation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2197 | Squeezeformer: An Efficient Transformer for Automatic Speech Recognition | 6.67 | | Accept |
2198 | Neural Basis Models for Interpretability | 5.50 | | Accept |
2199 | Scalable Interpretability via Polynomials | 6.67 | | Accept |
2200 | NS3: Neuro-symbolic Semantic Code Search | 5.50 | | Accept |
2201 | On the consistent estimation of optimal Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve | 6.50 | | Accept |
2202 | Parallel Tempering With a Variational Reference | 5.33 | | Accept |
2203 | Periodic Graph Transformers for Crystal Material Property Prediction | 6.00 | | Accept |
2204 | Adaptive Cholesky Gaussian Processes | 4.33 | | Reject |
2205 | GAUDI: A Neural Architect for Immersive 3D Scene Generation | 5.50 | | Accept |
2206 | 3DB: A Framework for Debugging Computer Vision Models | 5.25 | | Accept |
2207 | Exploration via Elliptical Episodic Bonuses | 6.33 | | Accept |
2208 | Probabilistic Missing Value Imputation for Mixed Categorical and Ordered Data | 5.67 | | Accept |
2209 | Near-Optimal Multi-Agent Learning for Safe Coverage Control | 5.50 | | Accept |
2210 | Learning State-Aware Visual Representations from Audible Interactions | 5.33 | | Accept |
2211 | Geometric Order Learning for Rank Estimation | 6.33 | | Accept |
2212 | Enhanced Bilevel Optimization via Bregman Distance | 6.67 | | Accept |
2213 | Optimal Comparator Adaptive Online Learning with Switching Cost | 6.00 | | Accept |
2214 | Multi-objective Deep Data Generation with Correlated Property Control | 6.33 | | Accept |
2215 | Deep Generative Model for Periodic Graphs | 6.00 | | Accept |
2216 | Deep Generalized Schrödinger Bridge | 6.25 | | Accept |
2217 | Biologically-Plausible Determinant Maximization Neural Networks for Blind Separation of Correlated Sources | 6.75 | | Accept |
2218 | Practical Adversarial Multivalid Conformal Prediction | 7.00 | | Accept |
2219 | Constrained Langevin Algorithms with L-mixing External Random Variables | 4.75 | | Accept |
2220 | Equivariant Networks for Zero-Shot Coordination | 5.33 | | Accept |
2221 | Simple Mechanisms for Welfare Maximization in Rich Advertising Auctions | 6.25 | | Accept |
2222 | One-shot Neural Backdoor Erasing via Adversarial Weight Masking | 5.33 | | Accept |
2223 | ASPiRe: Adaptive Skill Priors for Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2224 | Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Language Pre-training with Fusion in the Backbone | 6.00 | | Accept |
2225 | Non-Gaussian Tensor Programs | 5.75 | | Accept |
2226 | Ask4Help: Learning to Leverage an Expert for Embodied Tasks | 5.20 | | Accept |
2227 | Bayesian Optimization over Discrete and Mixed Spaces via Probabilistic Reparameterization | 6.50 | | Accept |
2228 | When to Update Your Model: Constrained Model-based Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2229 | Distributed Methods with Compressed Communication for Solving Variational Inequalities, with Theoretical Guarantees | 6.20 | | Accept |
2230 | Noise Attention Learning: Enhancing Noise Robustness by Gradient Scaling | 5.33 | | Accept |
2231 | Exponential Family Model-Based Reinforcement Learning via Score Matching | 6.67 | | Accept |
2232 | On the inability of Gaussian process regression to optimally learn compositional functions | 7.00 | | Accept |
2233 | Understanding the Eluder Dimension | 6.33 | | Accept |
2234 | Pessimism for Offline Linear Contextual Bandits using $\ell_p$ Confidence Sets | 6.75 | | Accept |
2235 | Understanding and Extending Subgraph GNNs by Rethinking Their Symmetries | 7.00 | | Accept |
2236 | Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Prototype-based Consistency Regularization | 5.75 | | Accept |
2237 | CoupAlign: Coupling Word-Pixel with Sentence-Mask Alignments for Referring Image Segmentation | 5.50 | | Accept |
2238 | coVariance Neural Networks | 5.67 | | Accept |
2239 | Unsupervised Cross-Task Generalization via Retrieval Augmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2240 | Fast Stochastic Composite Minimization and an Accelerated Frank-Wolfe Algorithm under Parallelization | 5.67 | | Accept |
2241 | Sampling without Replacement Leads to Faster Rates in Finite-Sum Minimax Optimization | 5.75 | | Accept |
2242 | Beyond spectral gap: the role of the topology in decentralized learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
2243 | Are GANs overkill for NLP? | 5.00 | | Accept |
2244 | Relational Proxies: Emergent Relationships as Fine-Grained Discriminators | 6.00 | | Accept |
2245 | Out-of-Distribution Detection with An Adaptive Likelihood Ratio on Informative Hierarchical VAE | 6.75 | | Accept |
2246 | Towards Reliable Simulation-Based Inference with Balanced Neural Ratio Estimation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2247 | Adv-Attribute: Inconspicuous and Transferable Adversarial Attack on Face Recognition | 5.75 | | Accept |
2248 | Gold-standard solutions to the Schrödinger equation using deep learning: How much physics do we need? | 7.00 | | Accept |
2249 | Adversarial Attack on Attackers: Post-Process to Mitigate Black-Box Score-Based Query Attacks | 6.25 | | Accept |
2250 | Outlier Suppression: Pushing the Limit of Low-bit Transformer Language Models | 7.00 | | Accept |
2251 | Fine-Grained Analysis of Stability and Generalization for Modern Meta Learning Algorithms | 6.50 | | Accept |
2252 | Rethinking Lipschitz Neural Networks and Certified Robustness: A Boolean Function Perspective | 7.25 | | Accept |
2253 | Deconfounded Representation Similarity for Comparison of Neural Networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
2254 | Mirror Descent with Relative Smoothness in Measure Spaces, with application to Sinkhorn and EM | 6.75 | | Accept |
2255 | Learning Energy Networks with Generalized Fenchel-Young Losses | 6.00 | | Accept |
2256 | Reaching Nirvana: Maximizing the Margin in Both Euclidean and Angular Spaces for Deep Neural Network Classification | 5.00 | | Reject |
2257 | Universally Expressive Communication in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2258 | Efficient and Modular Implicit Differentiation | 7.00 | | Accept |
2259 | Autoregressive Search Engines: Generating Substrings as Document Identifiers | 6.75 | | Accept |
2260 | Heatmap Distribution Matching for Human Pose Estimation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2261 | SageMix: Saliency-Guided Mixup for Point Clouds | 5.33 | | Accept |
2262 | Efficient and Effective Optimal Transport-Based Biclustering | 5.67 | | Accept |
2263 | Spending Thinking Time Wisely: Accelerating MCTS with Virtual Expansions | 5.00 | | Accept |
2264 | Local Linear Convergence of Gradient Methods for Subspace Optimization via Strict Complementarity | 5.25 | | Accept |
2265 | GraphDE: A Generative Framework for Debiased Learning and Out-of-Distribution Detection on Graphs | 5.20 | | Accept |
2266 | Frank-Wolfe-based Algorithms for Approximating Tyler's M-estimator | 5.50 | | Accept |
2267 | Object-Category Aware Reinforcement Learning | 5.80 | | Accept |
2268 | Efficient Risk-Averse Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2269 | Enhance the Visual Representation via Discrete Adversarial Training | 6.00 | | Accept |
2270 | Concept Activation Regions: A Generalized Framework For Concept-Based Explanations | 7.00 | | Accept |
2271 | ZIN: When and How to Learn Invariance Without Environment Partition? | 7.25 | | Accept |
2272 | EfficientFormer: Vision Transformers at MobileNet Speed | 5.67 | | Accept |
2273 | A Near-Optimal Primal-Dual Method for Off-Policy Learning in CMDP | 6.00 | | Accept |
2274 | Distributional Reward Estimation for Effective Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning | 5.80 | | Accept |
2275 | KSD Aggregated Goodness-of-fit Test | 6.33 | | Accept |
2276 | Efficient Aggregated Kernel Tests using Incomplete $U$-statistics | 6.67 | | Accept |
2277 | OST: Improving Generalization of DeepFake Detection via One-Shot Test-Time Training | 6.00 | | Accept |
2278 | Fuzzy Learning Machine | 6.00 | | Accept |
2279 | Simulation-guided Beam Search for Neural Combinatorial Optimization | 5.75 | | Accept |
2280 | Quo Vadis: Is Trajectory Forecasting the Key Towards Long-Term Multi-Object Tracking? | 6.00 | | Accept |
2281 | Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Self-Modifying Networks | 6.67 | | Accept |
2282 | Robust Models are less Over-Confident | 4.75 | | Accept |
2283 | Generalizing Bayesian Optimization with Decision-theoretic Entropies | 6.00 | | Accept |
2284 | Deep Hierarchical Planning from Pixels | 5.67 | | Accept |
2285 | Multi-Scale Adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising | 7.00 | | Accept |
2286 | Intermediate Prototype Mining Transformer for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2287 | DTG-SSOD: Dense Teacher Guidance for Semi-Supervised Object Detection | 6.00 | | Accept |
2288 | Contact-aware Human Motion Forecasting | 6.00 | | Accept |
2289 | Understanding Programmatic Weak Supervision via Source-aware Influence Function | 6.00 | | Accept |
2290 | Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models | 8.00 | | Accept |
2291 | Dict-TTS: Learning to Pronounce with Prior Dictionary Knowledge for Text-to-Speech | 6.25 | | Accept |
2292 | GhostNetV2: Enhance Cheap Operation with Long-Range Attention | 6.00 | | Accept |
2293 | CASA: Category-agnostic Skeletal Animal Reconstruction | 6.00 | | Accept |
2294 | Fair and Efficient Allocations Without Obvious Manipulations | 6.25 | | Accept |
2295 | SNN-RAT: Robustness-enhanced Spiking Neural Network through Regularized Adversarial Training | 5.33 | | Accept |
2296 | M³ViT: Mixture-of-Experts Vision Transformer for Efficient Multi-task Learning with Model-Accelerator Co-design | 6.00 | | Accept |
2297 | Training Uncertainty-Aware Classifiers with Conformalized Deep Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2298 | Compressible-composable NeRF via Rank-residual Decomposition | 5.25 | | Accept |
2299 | Can Hybrid Geometric Scattering Networks Help Solve the Maximum Clique Problem? | 5.00 | | Accept |
2300 | CEIP: Combining Explicit and Implicit Priors for Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations | 6.00 | | Accept |
2301 | Recipe for a General, Powerful, Scalable Graph Transformer | 6.00 | | Accept |
2302 | Revisiting Heterophily For Graph Neural Networks | 5.20 | | Accept |
2303 | Hamiltonian Latent Operators for content and motion disentanglement in image sequences | 5.33 | | Accept |
2304 | Optimizing Relevance Maps of Vision Transformers Improves Robustness | 6.50 | | Accept |
2305 | Decision-Focused Learning without Decision-Making: Learning Locally Optimized Decision Losses | 5.50 | | Accept |
2306 | Learning General World Models in a Handful of Reward-Free Deployments | 5.50 | | Accept |
2307 | Is a Modular Architecture Enough? | 6.75 | | Accept |
2308 | Differentially Private Model Compression | 5.25 | | Accept |
2309 | REVIVE: Regional Visual Representation Matters in Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering | 5.67 | | Accept |
2310 | Generative Neural Articulated Radiance Fields | 6.67 | | Accept |
2311 | Learning Individualized Treatment Rules with Many Treatments: A Supervised Clustering Approach Using Adaptive Fusion | 6.00 | | Accept |
2312 | Self-Consistent Dynamical Field Theory of Kernel Evolution in Wide Neural Networks | 7.33 | | Accept |
2313 | Parametrically Retargetable Decision-Makers Tend To Seek Power | 6.00 | | Accept |
2314 | Bayesian Persuasion for Algorithmic Recourse | 5.75 | | Accept |
2315 | Graph Neural Networks as Gradient Flows | 5.00 | | Reject |
2316 | Thompson Sampling Efficiently Learns to Control Diffusion Processes | 6.00 | | Accept |
2317 | Is this the Right Neighborhood? Accurate and Query Efficient Model Agnostic Explanations | 5.50 | | Accept |
2318 | A Quantitative Geometric Approach to Neural-Network Smoothness | 6.25 | | Accept |
2319 | SCONE: Surface Coverage Optimization in Unknown Environments by Volumetric Integration | 7.00 | | Accept |
2320 | Integrating Symmetry into Differentiable Planning | 5.67 | | Reject |
2321 | Respecting Transfer Gap in Knowledge Distillation | 4.67 | | Accept |
2322 | Generalized One-shot Domain Adaptation of Generative Adversarial Networks | 5.25 | | Accept |
2323 | Random Sharpness-Aware Minimization | 6.25 | | Accept |
2324 | Expediting Large-Scale Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction without Fine-tuning | 5.00 | | Accept |
2325 | When Privacy Meets Partial Information: A Refined Analysis of Differentially Private Bandits | 6.50 | | Accept |
2326 | What is Where by Looking: Weakly-Supervised Open-World Phrase-Grounding without Text Inputs | 5.25 | | Accept |
2327 | SAPA: Similarity-Aware Point Affiliation for Feature Upsampling | 5.25 | | Accept |
2328 | SAMURAI: Shape And Material from Unconstrained Real-world Arbitrary Image collections | 6.00 | | Accept |
2329 | Generalized Laplacian Eigenmaps | 5.33 | | Accept |
2330 | PatchComplete: Learning Multi-Resolution Patch Priors for 3D Shape Completion on Unseen Categories | 6.00 | | Accept |
2331 | Neural Shape Deformation Priors | 5.00 | | Accept |
2332 | Semi-Parametric Neural Image Synthesis | 5.50 | | Accept |
2333 | Recommender Forest for Efficient Retrieval | 6.67 | | Accept |
2334 | Self-Supervised Image Restoration with Blurry and Noisy Pairs | 5.33 | | Accept |
2335 | A Non-asymptotic Analysis of Non-parametric Temporal-Difference Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2336 | The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Fully-Connected Layers for Low-Data Regimes | 6.33 | | Accept |
2337 | The alignment property of SGD noise and how it helps select flat minima: A stability analysis | 6.67 | | Accept |
2338 | Recommender Transformers with Behavior Pathways | 5.00 | | Reject |
2339 | Mildly Conservative Q-Learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2340 | Contrastive Neural Ratio Estimation | 6.67 | | Accept |
2341 | Muffliato: Peer-to-Peer Privacy Amplification for Decentralized Optimization and Averaging | 7.00 | | Accept |
2342 | UniGAN: Reducing Mode Collapse in GANs using a Uniform Generator | 6.00 | | Accept |
2343 | Split-kl and PAC-Bayes-split-kl Inequalities for Ternary Random Variables | 5.75 | | Accept |
2344 | Unsupervised Object Detection Pretraining with Joint Object Priors Generation and Detector Learning | 4.75 | | Accept |
2345 | Spherical Sliced-Wasserstein | 5.25 | | Reject |
2346 | On Margins and Generalisation for Voting Classifiers | 7.00 | | Accept |
2347 | Transferring Textual Knowledge for Visual Recognition | 6.00 | | Reject |
2348 | Open-Ended Reinforcement Learning with Neural Reward Functions | 5.50 | | Accept |
2349 | LeRaC: Learning Rate Curriculum | 5.50 | | Reject |
2350 | Alignment-guided Temporal Attention for Video Action Recognition | 5.00 | | Accept |
2351 | SlateFree: a Model-Free Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning with Slate Actions | 4.50 | | Reject |
2352 | BEVFusion: A Simple and Robust LiDAR-Camera Fusion Framework | 5.40 | | Accept |
2353 | Active Learning for Multiple Target Models | 6.25 | | Accept |
2354 | Neural Matching Fields: Implicit Representation of Matching Fields for Visual Correspondence | 5.50 | | Accept |
2355 | Beyond Mahalanobis Distance for Textual OOD Detection | 5.25 | | Accept |
2356 | Learning Generalizable Risk-Sensitive Policies to Coordinate in Decentralized Multi-Agent General-Sum Games | 5.00 | | Reject |
2357 | ZeroC: A Neuro-Symbolic Model for Zero-shot Concept Recognition and Acquisition at Inference Time | 5.50 | | Accept |
2358 | Learning to Accelerate Partial Differential Equations via Latent Global Evolution | 6.00 | | Accept |
2359 | Localized Curvature-based Combinatorial Subgraph Sampling for Large-scale Graphs | 3.75 | | Reject |
2360 | Graph Self-supervised Learning with Accurate Discrepancy Learning | 5.00 | | Accept |
2361 | Tikhonov Regularization is Optimal Transport Robust under Martingale Constraints | 6.00 | | Accept |
2362 | Boosting Out-of-distribution Detection with Typical Features | 6.75 | | Accept |
2363 | Symplectic Spectrum Gaussian Processes: Learning Hamiltonians from Noisy and Sparse Data | 5.25 | | Accept |
2364 | Plan To Predict: Learning an Uncertainty-Foreseeing Model For Model-Based Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
2365 | FiLM: Frequency improved Legendre Memory Model for Long-term Time Series Forecasting | 6.33 | | Accept |
2366 | SAPipe: Staleness-Aware Pipeline for Data Parallel DNN Training | 5.67 | | Accept |
2367 | Batch-Size Independent Regret Bounds for Combinatorial Semi-Bandits with Probabilistically Triggered Arms or Independent Arms | 6.67 | | Accept |
2368 | A Unified Diversity Measure for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2369 | GLIPv2: Unifying Localization and Vision-Language Understanding | 6.00 | | Accept |
2370 | Photorealistic Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Deep Language Understanding | 6.67 | | Accept |
2371 | Mutual Information Divergence: A Unified Metric for Multimodal Generative Models | 6.20 | | Accept |
2372 | Neural Surface Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes with Monocular RGB-D Camera | 6.75 | | Accept |
2373 | Variational inference via Wasserstein gradient flows | 7.00 | | Accept |
2374 | Finite-Time Analysis of Adaptive Temporal Difference Learning with Deep Neural Networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
2375 | Multi-Granularity Cross-modal Alignment for Generalized Medical Visual Representation Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
2376 | An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2377 | Geo-SIC: Learning Deformable Geometric Shapes in Deep Image Classifiers | 6.67 | | Accept |
2378 | On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory | 6.50 | | Accept |
2379 | Independence Testing for Bounded Degree Bayesian Networks | 5.67 | | Accept |
2380 | PCRL: Priority Convention Reinforcement Learning for Microscopically Sequencable Multi-agent Problems | 3.00 | | Reject |
2381 | On the Effect of Pre-training for Transformer in Different Modality on Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
2382 | Estimating and Explaining Model Performance When Both Covariates and Labels Shift | 6.00 | | Accept |
2383 | PopArt: Efficient Sparse Regression and Experimental Design for Optimal Sparse Linear Bandits | 6.67 | | Accept |
2384 | Distinguishing Learning Rules with Brain Machine Interfaces | 6.75 | | Accept |
2385 | BiT: Robustly Binarized Multi-distilled Transformer | 6.33 | | Accept |
2386 | Learning Chaotic Dynamics in Dissipative Systems | 6.00 | | Accept |
2387 | Trading off Image Quality for Robustness is not Necessary with Regularized Deterministic Autoencoders | 6.25 | | Accept |
2388 | Mean Estimation in High-Dimensional Binary Markov Gaussian Mixture Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
2389 | Exploration via Planning for Information about the Optimal Trajectory | 6.00 | | Accept |
2390 | Robust Calibration with Multi-domain Temperature Scaling | 6.67 | | Accept |
2391 | Sparse Interaction Additive Networks via Feature Interaction Detection and Sparse Selection | 6.00 | | Accept |
2392 | Fast variable selection makes scalable Gaussian process BSS-ANOVA a speedy and accurate choice for tabular and time series regression | 4.00 | | Reject |
2393 | Efficient and Effective Multi-task Grouping via Meta Learning on Task Combinations | 6.00 | | Accept |
2394 | CAGroup3D: Class-Aware Grouping for 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds | 5.75 | | Accept |
2395 | Adaptive Data Debiasing through Bounded Exploration | 6.67 | | Accept |
2396 | Bridging the Gap Between Vision Transformers and Convolutional Neural Networks on Small Datasets | 5.00 | | Accept |
2397 | Loss Landscape Dependent Self-Adjusting Learning Rates in Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent | 4.50 | | Reject |
2398 | MultiGuard: Provably Robust Multi-label Classification against Adversarial Examples | 6.00 | | Accept |
2399 | Natural gradient enables fast sampling in spiking neural networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
2400 | CEBaB: Estimating the Causal Effects of Real-World Concepts on NLP Model Behavior | 6.25 | | Accept |
2401 | GAR: Generalized Autoregression for Multi-Fidelity Fusion | 6.33 | | Accept |
2402 | RAMBO-RL: Robust Adversarial Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2403 | Large-Scale Differentiable Causal Discovery of Factor Graphs | 6.00 | | Accept |
2404 | Generating Long Videos of Dynamic Scenes | 6.25 | | Accept |
2405 | Adaptively Exploiting d-Separators with Causal Bandits | 7.25 | | Accept |
2406 | MonoSDF: Exploring Monocular Geometric Cues for Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction | 6.00 | | Accept |
2407 | TarGF: Learning Target Gradient Field for Object Rearrangement | 6.33 | | Accept |
2408 | Rethinking Resolution in the Context of Efficient Video Recognition | 5.33 | | Accept |
2409 | Feature-Proxy Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation | 5.67 | | Accept |
2410 | Private Synthetic Data for Multitask Learning and Marginal Queries | 6.00 | | Accept |
2411 | Sauron U-Net: Simple automated redundancy elimination in medical image segmentation via filter pruning | 4.50 | | Reject |
2412 | Implicit Warping for Animation with Image Sets | 7.00 | | Accept |
2413 | AttCAT: Explaining Transformers via Attentive Class Activation Tokens | 5.75 | | Accept |
2414 | Trading off Utility, Informativeness, and Complexity in Emergent Communication | 5.33 | | Accept |
2415 | Online PAC-Bayes Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2416 | Learning Physical Dynamics with Subequivariant Graph Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2417 | Scaling & Shifting Your Features: A New Baseline for Efficient Model Tuning | 7.00 | | Accept |
2418 | MCMAE: Masked Convolution Meets Masked Autoencoders | 6.60 | | Accept |
2419 | Training Spiking Neural Networks with Event-driven Backpropagation | 5.75 | | Accept |
2420 | I2DFormer: Learning Image to Document Attention for Zero-Shot Image Classification | 5.50 | | Accept |
2421 | Temporal Effective Batch Normalization in Spiking Neural Networks | 5.25 | | Accept |
2422 | Masked Generative Adversarial Networks are Data-Efficient Generation Learners | 5.25 | | Accept |
2423 | SAViT: Structure-Aware Vision Transformer Pruning via Collaborative Optimization | 5.00 | | Accept |
2424 | SeqPATE: Differentially Private Text Generation via Knowledge Distillation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2425 | A framework for bilevel optimization that enables stochastic and global variance reduction algorithms | 7.00 | | Accept |
2426 | A Unified Model for Multi-class Anomaly Detection | 5.67 | | Accept |
2427 | Learning from Future: A Novel Self-Training Framework for Semantic Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2428 | Don't Roll the Dice, Ask Twice: The Two-Query Distortion of Matching Problems and Beyond | 5.50 | | Accept |
2429 | Biologically Inspired Dynamic Thresholds for Spiking Neural Networks | 6.25 | | Accept |
2430 | Structural Kernel Search via Bayesian Optimization and Symbolical Optimal Transport | 7.00 | | Accept |
2431 | One Inlier is First: Towards Efficient Position Encoding for Point Cloud Registration | 5.50 | | Accept |
2432 | Debiased Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
2433 | Transformer-based Working Memory for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning with Action Parsing | 6.00 | | Accept |
2434 | Sharing Knowledge for Meta-learning with Feature Descriptions | 5.50 | | Accept |
2435 | MultiScan: Scalable RGBD scanning for 3D environments with articulated objects | 4.33 | | Accept |
2436 | Toward Equation of Motion for Deep Neural Networks: Continuous-time Gradient Descent and Discretization Error Analysis | 6.75 | | Accept |
2437 | DENSE: Data-Free One-Shot Federated Learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
2438 | Large-batch Optimization for Dense Visual Predictions | 5.50 | | Accept |
2439 | Few-Shot Continual Active Learning by a Robot | 5.33 | | Accept |
2440 | Adversarial Training with Complementary Labels: On the Benefit of Gradually Informative Attacks | 6.75 | | Accept |
2441 | Stationary Deep Reinforcement Learning with Quantum K-spin Hamiltonian Equation | 4.75 | | Reject |
2442 | Sym-NCO: Leveraging Symmetricity for Neural Combinatorial Optimization | 6.33 | | Accept |
2443 | List-Decodable Sparse Mean Estimation | 6.33 | | Accept |
2444 | The Pitfalls of Regularization in Off-Policy TD Learning | 6.75 | | Accept |
2445 | Optimal Efficiency-Envy Trade-Off via Optimal Transport | 6.00 | | Accept |
2446 | Physically-Based Face Rendering for NIR-VIS Face Recognition | 5.67 | | Accept |
2447 | Learning With an Evolving Class Ontology | 5.33 | | Accept |
2448 | The Curse of Low Task Diversity: On the Failure of Transfer Learning to Outperform MAML and their Empirical Equivalence | 3.75 | | Reject |
2449 | Stability and Generalization Analysis of Gradient Methods for Shallow Neural Networks | 5.60 | | Accept |
2450 | A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation | 6.25 | | Accept |
2451 | Generative Visual Prompt: Unifying Distributional Control of Pre-Trained Generative Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
2452 | Polyhistor: Parameter-Efficient Multi-Task Adaptation for Dense Vision Tasks | 6.25 | | Accept |
2453 | Model-based Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning via a Constrained Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm | 5.75 | | Accept |
2454 | On the Generalizability and Predictability of Recommender Systems | 6.25 | | Accept |
2455 | Generalized Variational Inference in Function Spaces: Gaussian Measures meet Bayesian Deep Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
2456 | Non-deep Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2457 | Private Estimation with Public Data | 5.67 | | Accept |
2458 | Graph Scattering beyond Wavelet Shackles | 6.67 | | Accept |
2459 | PointTAD: Multi-Label Temporal Action Detection with Learnable Query Points | 6.00 | | Accept |
2460 | New Lower Bounds for Private Estimation and a Generalized Fingerprinting Lemma | 6.33 | | Accept |
2461 | Theory and Approximate Solvers for Branched Optimal Transport with Multiple Sources | 5.50 | | Accept |
2462 | Is $L^2$ Physics Informed Loss Always Suitable for Training Physics Informed Neural Network? | 6.25 | | Accept |
2463 | Learning Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward Restless Multi-Action Bandits via Index Awareness | 6.25 | | Accept |
2464 | Understanding Robust Learning through the Lens of Representation Similarities | 5.80 | | Accept |
2465 | Why Do Artificially Generated Data Help Adversarial Robustness | 6.50 | | Accept |
2466 | A Kernelised Stein Statistic for Assessing Implicit Generative Models | 6.33 | | Accept |
2467 | Learning Consistency-Aware Unsigned Distance Functions Progressively from Raw Point Clouds | 6.50 | | Accept |
2468 | Bilinear Exponential Family of MDPs: Frequentist Regret Bound with Tractable Exploration $\&$ Planning | 6.33 | | Reject |
2469 | Hiding Images in Deep Probabilistic Models | 5.00 | | Accept |
2470 | CUP: Critic-Guided Policy Reuse | 6.00 | | Accept |
2471 | Non-Markovian Reward Modelling from Trajectory Labels via Interpretable Multiple Instance Learning | 5.67 | | Accept |
2472 | Generalization Bounds for Estimating Causal Effects of Continuous Treatments | 5.25 | | Accept |
2473 | Cost-Sensitive Self-Training for Optimizing Non-Decomposable Metrics | 5.00 | | Accept |
2474 | SPD: Synergy Pattern Diversifying Oriented Unsupervised Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2475 | EpiGRAF: Rethinking training of 3D GANs | 5.75 | | Accept |
2476 | Coordinates Are NOT Lonely - Codebook Prior Helps Implicit Neural 3D representations | 5.75 | | Accept |
2477 | Factored Adaptation for Non-Stationary Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
2478 | Bringing Image Scene Structure to Video via Frame-Clip Consistency of Object Tokens | 5.25 | | Accept |
2479 | Increasing Confidence in Adversarial Robustness Evaluations | 6.75 | | Accept |
2480 | TANGO: Text-driven Photorealistic and Robust 3D Stylization via Lighting Decomposition | 5.25 | | Accept |
2481 | AutoMS: Automatic Model Selection for Novelty Detection with Error Rate Control | 5.33 | | Accept |
2482 | Optimal Algorithms for Decentralized Stochastic Variational Inequalities | 5.67 | | Accept |
2483 | Logit Margin Matters: Improving Transferable Targeted Adversarial Attack by Logit Calibration | 4.50 | | Reject |
2484 | Adversarially Perturbed Batch Normalization: A Simple Way to Improve Image Recognition | 4.00 | | Reject |
2485 | Singular Value Fine-tuning: Few-shot Segmentation requires Few-parameters Fine-tuning | 7.00 | | Accept |
2486 | Supported Policy Optimization for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 6.00 | | Accept |
2487 | Trajectory-guided Control Prediction for End-to-end Autonomous Driving: A Simple yet Strong Baseline | 5.00 | | Accept |
2488 | Adaptive Attention Link-based Regularization for Vision Transformers | 5.25 | | Reject |
2489 | Rotation-Equivariant Conditional Spherical Neural Fields for Learning a Natural Illumination Prior | 5.50 | | Accept |
2490 | E-MAPP: Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Parallel Program Guidance | 6.00 | | Accept |
2491 | Vision GNN: An Image is Worth Graph of Nodes | 6.75 | | Accept |
2492 | Semi-supervised Vision Transformers at Scale | 5.50 | | Accept |
2493 | Deep Model Reassembly | 7.33 | | Accept |
2494 | Are You Stealing My Model? Sample Correlation for Fingerprinting Deep Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2495 | Towards Theoretically Inspired Neural Initialization Optimization | 5.75 | | Accept |
2496 | Optimal Gradient Sliding and its Application to Optimal Distributed Optimization Under Similarity | 6.00 | | Accept |
2497 | Decentralized Local Stochastic Extra-Gradient for Variational Inequalities | 5.25 | | Accept |
2498 | P2P: Tuning Pre-trained Image Models for Point Cloud Analysis with Point-to-Pixel Prompting | 5.50 | | Accept |
2499 | Your Transformer May Not be as Powerful as You Expect | 7.20 | | Accept |
2500 | Multi-Instance Causal Representation Learning for Instance Label Prediction and Out-of-Distribution Generalization | 6.00 | | Accept |
2501 | Online Training Through Time for Spiking Neural Networks | 6.33 | | Accept |
2502 | Asymptotic Properties for Bayesian Neural Network in Besov Space | 5.67 | | Accept |
2503 | Planning for Sample Efficient Imitation Learning | 6.33 | | Accept |
2504 | Peripheral Vision Transformer | 6.25 | | Accept |
2505 | ZARTS: On Zero-order Optimization for Neural Architecture Search | 6.67 | | Accept |
2506 | Class-Dependent Label-Noise Learning with Cycle-Consistency Regularization | 6.25 | | Accept |
2507 | InsPro: Propagating Instance Query and Proposal for Online Video Instance Segmentation | 5.75 | | Accept |
2508 | Multi-dataset Training of Transformers for Robust Action Recognition | 5.00 | | Accept |
2509 | LasUIE: Unifying Information Extraction with Latent Adaptive Structure-aware Generative Language Model | 6.67 | | Accept |
2510 | Scalable Infomin Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
2511 | Linear tree shap | 7.00 | | Accept |
2512 | CATER: Intellectual Property Protection on Text Generation APIs via Conditional Watermarks | 7.00 | | Accept |
2513 | GAPX: Generalized Autoregressive Paraphrase-Identification X | 6.50 | | Accept |
2514 | Explaining Preferences with Shapley Values | 6.25 | | Accept |
2515 | C-Mixup: Improving Generalization in Regression | 6.00 | | Accept |
2516 | Infinite-Fidelity Coregionalization for Physical Simulation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2517 | Giga-scale Kernel Matrix-Vector Multiplication on GPU | 6.25 | | Accept |
2518 | Self-Supervised Learning via Maximum Entropy Coding | 6.33 | | Accept |
2519 | Neural Transmitted Radiance Fields | 6.00 | | Accept |
2520 | Sequencer: Deep LSTM for Image Classification | 5.75 | | Accept |
2521 | Delving into Sequential Patches for Deepfake Detection | 5.20 | | Accept |
2522 | Maximum Class Separation as Inductive Bias in One Matrix | 6.75 | | Accept |
2523 | Untargeted Backdoor Watermark: Towards Harmless and Stealthy Dataset Copyright Protection | 6.67 | | Accept |
2524 | ClimbQ: Class Imbalanced Quantization Enabling Robustness on Efficient Inferences | 6.50 | | Accept |
2525 | Error Correction Code Transformer | 6.75 | | Accept |
2526 | DISCO: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions | 5.60 | | Accept |
2527 | Watermarking for Out-of-distribution Detection | 6.00 | | Accept |
2528 | Reinforcement Learning with a Terminator | 7.00 | | Accept |
2529 | Rethinking Generalization in Few-Shot Classification | 6.25 | | Accept |
2530 | Misspecified Phase Retrieval with Generative Priors | 5.60 | | Accept |
2531 | Positively Weighted Kernel Quadrature via Subsampling | 6.25 | | Accept |
2532 | SHINE: SubHypergraph Inductive Neural nEtwork | 5.25 | | Accept |
2533 | LASSIE: Learning Articulated Shapes from Sparse Image Ensemble via 3D Part Discovery | 6.25 | | Accept |
2534 | Bayesian Risk Markov Decision Processes | 5.25 | | Accept |
2535 | Multi-block-Single-probe Variance Reduced Estimator for Coupled Compositional Optimization | 6.50 | | Accept |
2536 | Synergy-of-Experts: Collaborate to Improve Adversarial Robustness | 6.33 | | Accept |
2537 | Decoupling Knowledge from Memorization: Retrieval-augmented Prompt Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2538 | HSDF: Hybrid Sign and Distance Field for Modeling Surfaces with Arbitrary Topologies | 5.00 | | Accept |
2539 | Obj2Seq: Formatting Objects as Sequences with Class Prompt for Visual Tasks | 5.75 | | Accept |
2540 | Riemannian Neural SDE: Learning Stochastic Representations on Manifolds | 6.00 | | Accept |
2541 | Learning Latent Seasonal-Trend Representations for Time Series Forecasting | 6.50 | | Accept |
2542 | QueryPose: Sparse Multi-Person Pose Regression via Spatial-Aware Part-Level Query | 6.00 | | Accept |
2543 | A Mixture Of Surprises for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2544 | Monocular Dynamic View Synthesis: A Reality Check | 5.50 | | Accept |
2545 | Antigen-Specific Antibody Design and Optimization with Diffusion-Based Generative Models for Protein Structures | 6.67 | | Accept |
2546 | DropCov: A Simple yet Effective Method for Improving Deep Architectures | 5.25 | | Accept |
2547 | Approximate Secular Equations for the Cubic Regularization Subproblem | 5.25 | | Accept |
2548 | Spatial Pruned Sparse Convolution for Efficient 3D Object Detection | 5.25 | | Accept |
2549 | BMU-MoCo: Bidirectional Momentum Update for Continual Video-Language Modeling | 5.00 | | Accept |
2550 | GET3D: A Generative Model of High Quality 3D Textured Shapes Learned from Images | 7.00 | | Accept |
2551 | Learning Optical Flow from Continuous Spike Streams | 5.25 | | Accept |
2552 | INRAS: Implicit Neural Representation for Audio Scenes | 6.00 | | Accept |
2553 | Posterior and Computational Uncertainty in Gaussian Processes | 6.50 | | Accept |
2554 | Precise Regret Bounds for Log-loss via a Truncated Bayesian Algorithm | 7.33 | | Accept |
2555 | Robust Testing in High-Dimensional Sparse Models | 5.50 | | Accept |
2556 | VER: Scaling On-Policy RL Leads to the Emergence of Navigation in Embodied Rearrangement | 5.25 | | Accept |
2557 | Identifiability and generalizability from multiple experts in Inverse Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2558 | AnimeSR: Learning Real-World Super-Resolution Models for Animation Videos | 6.00 | | Accept |
2559 | Rethinking Alignment in Video Super-Resolution Transformers | 6.75 | | Accept |
2560 | Censored Quantile Regression Neural Networks for Distribution-Free Survival Analysis | 6.50 | | Accept |
2561 | Effective Backdoor Defense by Exploiting Sensitivity of Poisoned Samples | 6.75 | | Accept |
2562 | Asymptotically Unbiased Instance-wise Regularized Partial AUC Optimization: Theory and Algorithm | 6.75 | | Accept |
2563 | Constants of motion network | 5.67 | | Accept |
2564 | OTKGE: Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Optimal Transport | 6.67 | | Accept |
2565 | Keypoint-Guided Optimal Transport with Applications in Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation | 5.75 | | Accept |
2566 | Weak-shot Semantic Segmentation via Dual Similarity Transfer | 5.33 | | Accept |
2567 | Learning Generalizable Part-based Feature Representation for 3D Point Clouds | 6.00 | | Accept |
2568 | Posterior Refinement Improves Sample Efficiency in Bayesian Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2569 | Training and Inference on Any-Order Autoregressive Models the Right Way | 6.75 | | Accept |
2570 | Versatile Multi-stage Graph Neural Network for Circuit Representation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2571 | S$^3$-NeRF: Neural Reflectance Field from Shading and Shadow under a Single Viewpoint | 5.75 | | Accept |
2572 | High-dimensional Additive Gaussian Processes under Monotonicity Constraints | 5.67 | | Accept |
2573 | Enhanced Latent Space Blind Model for Real Image Denoising via Alternative Optimization | 5.50 | | Accept |
2574 | Generative Evolutionary Strategy For Black-Box Optimizations | 3.25 | | Reject |
2575 | Learning Equivariant Segmentation with Instance-Unique Querying | 5.50 | | Accept |
2576 | Video-based Human-Object Interaction Detection from Tubelet Tokens | 5.33 | | Accept |
2577 | Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Gentle Teaching Assistant | 5.50 | | Accept |
2578 | Faster Stochastic Algorithms for Minimax Optimization under Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz Condition | 5.50 | | Accept |
2579 | Back Razor: Memory-Efficient Transfer Learning by Self-Sparsified Backpropogation | 5.50 | | Accept |
2580 | DreamShard: Generalizable Embedding Table Placement for Recommender Systems | 6.50 | | Accept |
2581 | Learning Viewpoint-Agnostic Visual Representations by Recovering Tokens in 3D Space | 6.40 | | Accept |
2582 | Does Self-supervised Learning Really Improve Reinforcement Learning from Pixels? | 5.00 | | Accept |
2583 | CRAFT: explaining using Concepts from Recursive Activation FacTorization | 5.25 | | Reject |
2584 | Masked Autoencoders that Listen | 6.00 | | Accept |
2585 | MinVIS: A Minimal Video Instance Segmentation Framework without Video-based Training | 6.75 | | Accept |
2586 | Unsupervised Learning of Equivariant Structure from Sequences | 5.33 | | Accept |
2587 | A Conditional Randomization Test for Sparse Logistic Regression in High-Dimension | 6.75 | | Accept |
2588 | Inducing Neural Collapse in Imbalanced Learning: Do We Really Need a Learnable Classifier at the End of Deep Neural Network? | 4.33 | | Accept |
2589 | SegViT: Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers | 4.75 | | Accept |
2590 | Making Sense of Dependence: Efficient Black-box Explanations Using Dependence Measure | 5.50 | | Accept |
2591 | Causally motivated multi-shortcut identification and removal | 6.00 | | Accept |
2592 | Geometry-aware Two-scale PIFu Representation for Human Reconstruction | 5.25 | | Accept |
2593 | A Unified Analysis of Mixed Sample Data Augmentation: A Loss Function Perspective | 6.75 | | Accept |
2594 | Inception Transformer | 7.50 | | Accept |
2595 | Dataset Distillation via Factorization | 6.00 | | Accept |
2596 | Teach Less, Learn More: On the Undistillable Classes in Knowledge Distillation | 5.25 | | Accept |
2597 | VITA: Video Instance Segmentation via Object Token Association | 6.75 | | Accept |
2598 | Hilbert Distillation for Cross-Dimensionality Networks | 7.00 | | Accept |
2599 | Non-stationary Transformers: Exploring the Stationarity in Time Series Forecasting | 5.50 | | Accept |
2600 | VCT: A Video Compression Transformer | 5.50 | | Accept |
2601 | Pragmatically Learning from Pedagogical Demonstrations in Multi-Goal Environments | 6.00 | | Accept |
2602 | HUMANISE: Language-conditioned Human Motion Generation in 3D Scenes | 5.50 | | Accept |
2603 | Fully Convolutional One-Stage 3D Object Detection on LiDAR Range Images | 5.67 | | Accept |
2604 | GMMSeg: Gaussian Mixture based Generative Semantic Segmentation Models | 5.75 | | Accept |
2605 | Counterfactual Fairness with Partially Known Causal Graph | 5.33 | | Accept |
2606 | Learning Distinct and Representative Modes for Image Captioning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2607 | Parameter-Efficient Masking Networks | 6.75 | | Accept |
2608 | Look More but Care Less in Video Recognition | 5.20 | | Accept |
2609 | Optimistic Mirror Descent Either Converges to Nash or to Strong Coarse Correlated Equilibria in Bimatrix Games | 6.33 | | Accept |
2610 | Deterministic Langevin Monte Carlo with Normalizing Flows for Bayesian Inference | 5.67 | | Accept |
2611 | Uncoupled Learning Dynamics with $O(\log T)$ Swap Regret in Multiplayer Games | 8.00 | | Accept |
2612 | SAVi++: Towards End-to-End Object-Centric Learning from Real-World Videos | 5.75 | | Accept |
2613 | AutoLink: Self-supervised Learning of Human Skeletons and Object Outlines by Linking Keypoints | 6.67 | | Accept |
2614 | Video Diffusion Models | 6.75 | | Accept |
2615 | UDC: Unified DNAS for Compressible TinyML Models for Neural Processing Units | 5.75 | | Accept |
2616 | Towards Reasonable Budget Allocation in Untargeted Graph Structure Attacks via Gradient Debias | 5.33 | | Accept |
2617 | Signal Recovery with Non-Expansive Generative Network Priors | 6.00 | | Accept |
2618 | A Spectral Approach to Item Response Theory | 6.75 | | Accept |
2619 | Regret Bounds for Information-Directed Reinforcement Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
2620 | TUSK: Task-Agnostic Unsupervised Keypoints | 5.33 | | Accept |
2621 | Semantic Diffusion Network for Semantic Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2622 | Social-Inverse: Inverse Decision-making of Social Contagion Management with Task Migrations | 5.50 | | Accept |
2623 | Fair and Optimal Decision Trees: A Dynamic Programming Approach | 5.25 | | Accept |
2624 | Instance-Based Uncertainty Estimation for Gradient-Boosted Regression Trees | 5.75 | | Accept |
2625 | Counterfactual harm | 6.50 | | Accept |
2626 | Hand-Object Interaction Image Generation | 5.50 | | Accept |
2627 | Predicting Label Distribution from Multi-label Ranking | 5.75 | | Accept |
2628 | Learning Best Combination for Efficient N:M Sparsity | 5.75 | | Accept |
2629 | ViTPose: Simple Vision Transformer Baselines for Human Pose Estimation | 6.25 | | Accept |
2630 | Easy incremental learning methods to consider for commercial fine-tuning applications | 1.67 | | Reject |
2631 | Saliency-Aware Neural Architecture Search | 6.00 | | Accept |
2632 | NeurOLight: A Physics-Agnostic Neural Operator Enabling Parametric Photonic Device Simulation | 6.67 | | Accept |
2633 | Controllable 3D Face Synthesis with Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields | 5.33 | | Accept |
2634 | On the Robustness of Deep Clustering Models: Adversarial Attacks and Defenses | 5.75 | | Accept |
2635 | Blackbox Attacks via Surrogate Ensemble Search | 5.00 | | Accept |
2636 | Quadproj: a Python package for projecting onto quadratic hypersurfaces | 5.25 | | Reject |
2637 | Inverse Game Theory for Stackelberg Games: the Blessing of Bounded Rationality | 6.00 | | Accept |
2638 | Semi-Discrete Normalizing Flows through Differentiable Tessellation | 7.00 | | Accept |
2639 | Trajectory of Mini-Batch Momentum: Batch Size Saturation and Convergence in High Dimensions | 6.50 | | Accept |
2640 | A Closer Look at Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Source Localization | 7.25 | | Accept |
2641 | A Policy-Guided Imitation Approach for Offline Reinforcement Learning | 7.00 | | Accept |
2642 | Posterior Collapse of a Linear Latent Variable Model | 7.67 | | Accept |
2643 | Active Learning in Bayesian Neural Networks: Balanced Entropy Learning Principle | 4.00 | | Reject |
2644 | Weakly-Supervised Multi-Granularity Map Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation | 7.25 | | Accept |
2645 | Learning Active Camera for Multi-Object Navigation | 6.33 | | Accept |
2646 | Signal Processing for Implicit Neural Representations | 5.75 | | Accept |
2647 | Stochastic Window Transformer for Image Restoration | 5.00 | | Accept |
2648 | An Empirical Study on Disentanglement of Negative-free Contrastive Learning | 5.25 | | Accept |
2649 | What I Cannot Predict, I Do Not Understand: A Human-Centered Evaluation Framework for Explainability Methods | 5.50 | | Accept |
2650 | Theseus: A Library for Differentiable Nonlinear Optimization | 7.25 | | Accept |
2651 | Unsupervised Representation Learning from Pre-trained Diffusion Probabilistic Models | 5.75 | | Accept |
2652 | SPoVT: Semantic-Prototype Variational Transformer for Dense Point Cloud Semantic Completion | 5.75 | | Accept |
2653 | End-to-end Symbolic Regression with Transformers | 6.00 | | Accept |
2654 | Pay attention to your loss : understanding misconceptions about Lipschitz neural networks | 5.25 | | Accept |
2655 | Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion via Alternating Reverse Filtering Network | 5.33 | | Accept |
2656 | Joint Entropy Search for Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization | 6.33 | | Accept |
2657 | Prompt Learning with Optimal Transport for Vision-Language Models | 6.67 | | Reject |
2658 | Mining Unseen Classes via Regional Objectness: A Simple Baseline for Incremental Segmentation | 5.80 | | Accept |
2659 | Multi-modal Grouping Network for Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing | 5.33 | | Accept |
2660 | Unveiling The Mask of Position-Information Pattern Through the Mist of Image Features | 3.67 | | Reject |
2661 | Understanding Benign Overfitting in Gradient-Based Meta Learning | 6.50 | | Accept |
2662 | Representing Spatial Trajectories as Distributions | 6.00 | | Accept |
2663 | Improved Convergence Rate of Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics with Variance Reduction and its Application to Optimization | 6.33 | | Accept |
2664 | Decoupling Features in Hierarchical Propagation for Video Object Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2665 | Harmonizing the object recognition strategies of deep neural networks with humans | 4.00 | | Accept |
2666 | Bi-directional Weakly Supervised Knowledge Distillation for Whole Slide Image Classification | 7.33 | | Accept |
2667 | RankFeat: Rank-1 Feature Removal for Out-of-distribution Detection | 5.00 | | Accept |
2668 | In the Eye of the Beholder: Robust Prediction with Causal User Modeling | 6.00 | | Accept |
2669 | ResT V2: Simpler, Faster and Stronger | 5.67 | | Accept |
2670 | Dataset Inference for Self-Supervised Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
2671 | Remember the Past: Distilling Datasets into Addressable Memories for Neural Networks | 6.33 | | Accept |
2672 | GenSDF: Two-Stage Learning of Generalizable Signed Distance Functions | 5.75 | | Accept |
2673 | Product Ranking for Revenue Maximization with Multiple Purchases | 5.50 | | Accept |
2674 | Explainable Reinforcement Learning via Model Transforms | 4.75 | | Accept |
2675 | One Model to Edit Them All: Free-Form Text-Driven Image Manipulation with Semantic Modulations | 6.33 | | Accept |
2676 | Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression Training with A Faster Gradient Variant | 4.00 | | Reject |
2677 | Towards Practical Control of Singular Values of Convolutional Layers | 6.25 | | Accept |
2678 | Hyperbolic Contrastive Learning for Visual Representations beyond Objects | 5.67 | | Reject |
2679 | Towards Versatile Embodied Navigation | 6.67 | | Accept |
2680 | Resource-Adaptive Federated Learning with All-In-One Neural Composition | 6.00 | | Accept |
2681 | Decision Trees with Short Explainable Rules | 6.00 | | Accept |
2682 | MsSVT: Mixed-scale Sparse Voxel Transformer for 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds | 5.33 | | Accept |
2683 | Generalized Delayed Feedback Model with Post-Click Information in Recommender Systems | 5.33 | | Accept |
2684 | Degradation-Aware Unfolding Half-Shuffle Transformer for Spectral Compressive Imaging | 5.50 | | Accept |
2685 | PerfectDou: Dominating DouDizhu with Perfect Information Distillation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2686 | NCP: Neural Correspondence Prior for Effective Unsupervised Shape Matching | 5.75 | | Accept |
2687 | A2: Efficient Automated Attacker for Boosting Adversarial Training | 6.33 | | Accept |
2688 | Efficient learning of nonlinear prediction models with time-series privileged information | 6.00 | | Accept |
2689 | ElasticMVS: Learning elastic part representation for self-supervised multi-view stereopsis | 5.50 | | Accept |
2690 | Interaction Modeling with Multiplex Attention | 6.25 | | Accept |
2691 | When to Make Exceptions: Exploring Language Models as Accounts of Human Moral Judgment | 6.00 | | Accept |
2692 | Matryoshka Representation Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2693 | Deep Fourier Up-Sampling | 6.00 | | Accept |
2694 | Trajectory Inference via Mean-field Langevin in Path Space | 6.67 | | Accept |
2695 | Divert More Attention to Vision-Language Tracking | 6.33 | | Accept |
2696 | Object Scene Representation Transformer | 5.75 | | Accept |
2697 | Rethinking Individual Global Max in Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2698 | Discrete-Convex-Analysis-Based Framework for Warm-Starting Algorithms with Predictions | 6.33 | | Accept |
2699 | R^2-VOS: Robust Referring Video Object Segmentation via Relational Cycle Consistency | 5.67 | | Reject |
2700 | Exploring Example Influence in Continual Learning | 6.67 | | Accept |
2701 | Motion Transformer with Global Intention Localization and Local Movement Refinement | 6.75 | | Accept |
2702 | Bridging the Gap between Object and Image-level Representations for Open-Vocabulary Detection | 5.25 | | Accept |
2703 | What Makes a "Good" Data Augmentation in Knowledge Distillation - A Statistical Perspective | 6.00 | | Accept |
2704 | Behavior Transformers: Cloning $k$ modes with one stone | 6.75 | | Accept |
2705 | Deliberated Domain Bridging for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2706 | VoxGRAF: Fast 3D-Aware Image Synthesis with Sparse Voxel Grids | 6.00 | | Accept |
2707 | Cross Aggregation Transformer for Image Restoration | 7.00 | | Accept |
2708 | Optimistic Curiosity Exploration and Conservative Exploitation with Linear Reward Shaping | 5.33 | | Accept |
2709 | TotalSelfScan: Learning Full-body Avatars from Self-Portrait Videos of Faces, Hands, and Bodies | 6.67 | | Accept |
2710 | PointNeXt: Revisiting PointNet++ with Improved Training and Scaling Strategies | 5.50 | | Accept |
2711 | Stochastic Adaptive Activation Function | 6.50 | | Accept |
2712 | Improved Fine-Tuning by Better Leveraging Pre-Training Data | 5.25 | | Accept |
2713 | RainNet: A Large-Scale Imagery Dataset and Benchmark for Spatial Precipitation Downscaling | 5.25 | | Accept |
2714 | Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer | 6.25 | | Accept |
2715 | A Coupled Design of Exploiting Record Similarity for Practical Vertical Federated Learning | 5.40 | | Accept |
2716 | Memorization and Optimization in Deep Neural Networks with Minimum Over-parameterization | 5.75 | | Accept |
2717 | Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting with Temporal Polynomial Graph Neural Networks | 5.50 | | Accept |
2718 | Model-Based Imitation Learning for Urban Driving | 6.33 | | Accept |
2719 | Learning Multi-resolution Functional Maps with Spectral Attention for Robust Shape Matching | 6.67 | | Accept |
2720 | Fully Sparse 3D Object Detection | 6.33 | | Accept |
2721 | Q-ViT: Accurate and Fully Quantized Low-bit Vision Transformer | 7.00 | | Accept |
2722 | Stability and Generalization of Kernel Clustering: from Single Kernel to Multiple Kernel | 6.67 | | Accept |
2723 | UMIX: Improving Importance Weighting for Subpopulation Shift via Uncertainty-Aware Mixup | 6.25 | | Accept |
2724 | On the Strong Correlation Between Model Invariance and Generalization | 5.50 | | Accept |
2725 | Unsupervised Multi-Object Segmentation by Predicting Probable Motion Patterns | 6.25 | | Accept |
2726 | Roadblocks for Temporarily Disabling Shortcuts and Learning New Knowledge | 5.25 | | Accept |
2727 | Synthetic Model Combination: An Instance-wise Approach to Unsupervised Ensemble Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2728 | 4D Unsupervised Object Discovery | 5.67 | | Accept |
2729 | Hierarchical Normalization for Robust Monocular Depth Estimation | 5.50 | | Accept |
2730 | Whitening Convergence Rate of Coupling-based Normalizing Flows | 6.75 | | Accept |
2731 | Estimating Noise Transition Matrix with Label Correlations for Noisy Multi-Label Learning | 5.50 | | Accept |
2732 | Advancing Model Pruning via Bi-level Optimization | 5.50 | | Accept |
2733 | Learn what matters: cross-domain imitation learning with task-relevant embeddings | 6.33 | | Accept |
2734 | HumanLiker: A Human-like Object Detector to Model the Manual Labeling Process | 4.67 | | Accept |
2735 | Towards Lightweight Black-Box Attack Against Deep Neural Networks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2736 | OnePose++: Keypoint-Free One-Shot Object Pose Estimation without CAD Models | 5.00 | | Accept |
2737 | DeepInteraction: 3D Object Detection via Modality Interaction | 4.67 | | Accept |
2738 | MoVQ: Modulating Quantized Vectors for High-Fidelity Image Generation | 5.33 | | Accept |
2739 | TransTab: Learning Transferable Tabular Transformers Across Tables | 7.00 | | Accept |
2740 | Towards Efficient 3D Object Detection with Knowledge Distillation | 6.75 | | Accept |
2741 | Tensor Wheel Decomposition and Its Tensor Completion Application | 5.25 | | Accept |
2742 | Optimistic Tree Searches for Combinatorial Black-Box Optimization | 6.00 | | Accept |
2743 | Recurrent Video Restoration Transformer with Guided Deformable Attention | 6.67 | | Accept |
2744 | Prototypical VoteNet for Few-Shot 3D Point Cloud Object Detection | 5.50 | | Accept |
2745 | Decoupling Classifier for Boosting Few-shot Object Detection and Instance Segmentation | 5.25 | | Accept |
2746 | Planckian Jitter: countering the color-crippling effects of color jitter on self-supervised training | 5.67 | | Reject |
2747 | Efficient Knowledge Distillation from Model Checkpoints | 6.25 | | Accept |
2748 | PolarMix: A General Data Augmentation Technique for LiDAR Point Clouds | 5.20 | | Accept |
2749 | Is Out-of-Distribution Detection Learnable? | 8.00 | | Accept |
2750 | Let Images Give You More: Point Cloud Cross-Modal Training for Shape Analysis | 5.75 | | Accept |
2751 | Equiformer: Equivariant Graph Attention Transformer for 3D Atomistic Graphs | 5.00 | | Reject |
2752 | Trap and Replace: Defending Backdoor Attacks by Trapping Them into an Easy-to-Replace Subnetwork | 5.50 | | Accept |
2753 | Masked Autoencoders As Spatiotemporal Learners | 7.33 | | Accept |
2754 | TOIST: Task Oriented Instance Segmentation Transformer with Noun-Pronoun Distillation | 5.67 | | Accept |
2755 | Cross-Image Context for Single Image Inpainting | 5.80 | | Accept |
2756 | Natural Color Fool: Towards Boosting Black-box Unrestricted Attacks | 6.67 | | Accept |
2757 | Adversarial Style Augmentation for Domain Generalized Urban-Scene Segmentation | 5.33 | | Accept |
2758 | HSurf-Net: Normal Estimation for 3D Point Clouds by Learning Hyper Surfaces | 5.75 | | Accept |
2759 | MetaMask: Revisiting Dimensional Confounder for Self-Supervised Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2760 | Meta Optimal Transport | 6.00 | | Reject |
2761 | Heterogeneous Skill Learning for Multi-agent Tasks | 5.33 | | Accept |
2762 | End-to-End Learning to Index and Search in Large Output Spaces | 6.67 | | Accept |
2763 | SNAKE: Shape-aware Neural 3D Keypoint Field | 5.00 | | Accept |
2764 | Self-Supervised Aggregation of Diverse Experts for Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition | 5.67 | | Accept |
2765 | A Novel Matrix-Encoding Method for Privacy-Preserving Neural Networks (Inference) | 2.75 | | Reject |
2766 | Phase Transition from Clean Training to Adversarial Training | 4.25 | | Accept |
2767 | On Enforcing Better Conditioned Meta-Learning for Rapid Few-Shot Adaptation | 6.25 | | Accept |
2768 | Audio-Driven Co-Speech Gesture Video Generation | 6.50 | | Accept |
2769 | Visual Concepts Tokenization | 5.67 | | Accept |
2770 | Orthogonal Transformer: An Efficient Vision Transformer Backbone with Token Orthogonalization | 5.00 | | Accept |
2771 | Finding Differences Between Transformers and ConvNets Using Counterfactual Simulation Testing | 6.00 | | Accept |
2772 | Polynomial Neural Fields for Subband Decomposition and Manipulation | 6.75 | | Accept |
2773 | Anticipating Performativity by Predicting from Predictions | 5.75 | | Accept |
2774 | Learning Invariant Graph Representations for Out-of-Distribution Generalization | 5.25 | | Accept |
2775 | SegNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Attention Design for Semantic Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2776 | Active Labeling: Streaming Stochastic Gradients | 5.75 | | Accept |
2777 | Practical Adversarial Attacks on Spatiotemporal Traffic Forecasting Models | 5.75 | | Accept |
2778 | Fast Vision Transformers with HiLo Attention | 6.50 | | Accept |
2779 | LGDN: Language-Guided Denoising Network for Video-Language Modeling | 6.33 | | Accept |
2780 | PyramidCLIP: Hierarchical Feature Alignment for Vision-language Model Pretraining | 6.20 | | Accept |
2781 | Divide and Contrast: Source-free Domain Adaptation via Adaptive Contrastive Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2782 | Mind the Gap: Understanding the Modality Gap in Multi-modal Contrastive Representation Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2783 | Adapting Self-Supervised Vision Transformers by Probing Attention-Conditioned Masking Consistency | 5.67 | | Accept |
2784 | On Trace of PGD-Like Adversarial Attacks | 5.25 | | Reject |
2785 | Dense Interspecies Face Embedding | 5.50 | | Accept |
2786 | Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning with Semantic Grouping | 6.25 | | Accept |
2787 | Flexible Neural Image Compression via Code Editing | 6.67 | | Accept |
2788 | DAGMA: Learning DAGs via M-matrices and a Log-Determinant Acyclicity Characterization | 6.75 | | Accept |
2789 | The Minority Matters: A Diversity-Promoting Collaborative Metric Learning Algorithm | 7.67 | | Accept |
2790 | DOMINO: Decomposed Mutual Information Optimization for Generalized Context in Meta-Reinforcement Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2791 | OpenAUC: Towards AUC-Oriented Open-Set Recognition | 7.00 | | Accept |
2792 | Exploring the Algorithm-Dependent Generalization of AUPRC Optimization with List Stability | 7.33 | | Accept |
2793 | Point-M2AE: Multi-scale Masked Autoencoders for Hierarchical Point Cloud Pre-training | 5.67 | | Accept |
2794 | OmniVL: One Foundation Model for Image-Language and Video-Language Tasks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2795 | EcoFormer: Energy-Saving Attention with Linear Complexity | 5.00 | | Accept |
2796 | Zero-Shot Video Question Answering via Frozen Bidirectional Language Models | 6.33 | | Accept |
2797 | Align then Fusion: Generalized Large-scale Multi-view Clustering with Anchor Matching Correspondences | 6.33 | | Accept |
2798 | RLIP: Relational Language-Image Pre-training for Human-Object Interaction Detection | 5.50 | | Accept |
2799 | Dynamic Graph Neural Networks Under Spatio-Temporal Distribution Shift | 6.25 | | Accept |
2800 | Mix and Reason: Reasoning over Semantic Topology with Data Mixing for Domain Generalization | 5.67 | | Accept |
2801 | Independence Testing-Based Approach to Causal Discovery under Measurement Error and Linear Non-Gaussian Models | 6.00 | | Accept |
2802 | Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models | 5.00 | | Accept |
2803 | Subsidiary Prototype Alignment for Universal Domain Adaptation | 5.33 | | Accept |
2804 | Generative Status Estimation and Information Decoupling for Image Rain Removal | 5.75 | | Accept |
2805 | Embodied Scene-aware Human Pose Estimation | 5.75 | | Accept |
2806 | "Lossless" Compression of Deep Neural Networks: A High-dimensional Neural Tangent Kernel Approach | 6.00 | | Accept |
2807 | DaDA: Distortion-aware Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation | 6.00 | | Accept |
2808 | Coded Residual Transform for Generalizable Deep Metric Learning | 6.25 | | Accept |
2809 | S-Prompts Learning with Pre-trained Transformers: An Occam’s Razor for Domain Incremental Learning | 5.75 | | Accept |
2810 | Fairness Reprogramming | 5.33 | | Accept |
2811 | DeepTOP: Deep Threshold-Optimal Policy for MDPs and RMABs | 5.75 | | Accept |
2812 | GAMA: Generative Adversarial Multi-Object Scene Attacks | 6.00 | | Accept |
2813 | RecursiveMix: Mixed Learning with History | 5.80 | | Accept |
2814 | Differentiable Analog Quantum Computing for Optimization and Control | 7.00 | | Accept |
2815 | NeuPhysics: Editable Neural Geometry and Physics from Monocular Videos | 5.00 | | Accept |
2816 | SGAM: Building a Virtual 3D World through Simultaneous Generation and Mapping | 5.33 | | Accept |
2817 | Learning Substructure Invariance for Out-of-Distribution Molecular Representations | 6.00 | | Accept |
2818 | Lethal Dose Conjecture on Data Poisoning | 6.50 | | Accept |
2819 | Unsupervised Causal Generative Understanding of Images | 6.25 | | Accept |
2820 | Don't Pour Cereal into Coffee: Differentiable Temporal Logic for Temporal Action Segmentation | 5.67 | | Accept |
2821 | Rank Diminishing in Deep Neural Networks | 5.75 | | Accept |
2822 | A Lower Bound of Hash Codes' Performance | 5.33 | | Accept |
2823 | Fine-Grained Semantically Aligned Vision-Language Pre-Training | 5.50 | | Accept |
2824 | Sample Complexity of Learning Heuristic Functions for Greedy-Best-First and A* Search | 7.33 | | Accept |